What do you think about tornadoes?

What do you think about tornadoes?

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terrifying. did you ever see the first episode of Sliders? With the big ice tornado? Nightmares for decades.

stormchasing is extremely stupid but i feel like id still enjoy it

Seeing an actual violent tornado is on par with first time having sex

notice that shithole called the biblebelt gets the most tornadoes???

It’s like a big sky penis fucking the earth

The most pathetic climatology shit, you must be a faggot to die by wind

It’s not wind that kills you, it’s flying debris

has alot aids in it

I think they are spinning vortexes of wind caused by a conflict between a cold and warm front. Smaller ones, known as dust devils, are little cause for concern. Where as the larger ones are capable of great destruction to those within its path. The winds can lift cars, trailers, and rooftops clean off the ground. Simple grass straw can be violently projectiled into thick wooden telephone poles.
In summary, they are interesting.

cant you even evade?


I live in tornado alley so they dont scare me much anymore

I was in the ~100mph wind bands of an EF4 that killed several dozen people.

As in, chasing it? Or your house?

My house

I live in kansas, I grew up around em. I love tornadeos

Did you get injured?

F4 missed us by a block. Even the edges are scary as fuck. One time is plenty.

Nope, somehow my neighborhood escaped unscathed. The EF4 was actually one of three that went right over us that day.

One was rain embedded and radar indicated rotation in the storm when the warning was given.
The other two were the "calm before the storm" types and were radar confirmed.

When was this and where

Saw the movie twister when i was 6 or 8. Scared me for years. Now i love thunderstorms still get a bit uneasy with tornado warnings but i still go out and peak just to see

Those windniggers are fucking frightening



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Anyone that dies from wind is a faggot

do they have the pwoer to pick a person up off the ground and fling them miles away?

if it’s that big you might already be dead from flying debris

They're fucking assholes, that's what I think of them.

Most survivors too. Gods plan

Or even the intense speed

Hate the ones with sharks.

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you must be some kind of a faggot to die to wind

I think I'm glad I don't live in Oklahoma
well, for a number of reasons, actually
but primarily because fuck tornadoes

Tornadoes are midget hurricanes

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So what shithole you from?

Tornadoes are a lot scarier than hurricanes because there's significantly less time to prepare.
With hurricanes, you have days and weeks to gtfo.
With tornadoes, it's a lot more personal and you may have a window as much as 15 minutes before it's on you.

>it's a lot more personal and you may have a window as much as 15 minutes before it's on you
Are they raping you?
