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That is so damn comfy.

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oh yes bump, its been so long since i've been in these threads

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I'll keep bumping.

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I want this so badly

My cat

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Do you get to the comfy district very often? Oh what am i saying, of course you dont.


That doesn't look very comfy. That looks like 3 people stuck in a trailer, and sleepyhead there screaming at coffee girl because she can't sleep because she keeps drinking coffee and walking by to piss every 40 minutes.

Sleeping in a room full of PC lights. Not comfy

Nothing comfy about the cities of skyrim

this is actually pretty comfy.

I dunno. pretty dystopian.

I've lived that close to a train/subway. Nothing comfy about screeching/rumbling every 18 minutes.

A cigarette is very comfy. And a cat is fine too.

Definitely comfy. Although I don't like large bay windows. Too much exposure.

A good study area.

That's like a nightmare.

Niggers aren't comfy

Insider? More like Inside her is comfy.

Frogs are comfy with enough duct tape and lube.

I give you my comfy.

Attached: comfy.jpg (4000x2667, 1.38M)

also, comfy music for everyone

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Idk, I just find country style hunting cabins to be peak comfy

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yaaay you got to use a cartoon meme reply. good for you.

Although it differed since your example is the post,post,post,post,post,post then reply. mine was one at a time.

anyways, you're still a cunt.

fighting on a comfy thread, well welcome to Yea Forums

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GTA San Andreus

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Fair eye you have there.....

>computer says no

I always like this thread

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Heh calling an internet user a cunt because he called you out after you went on a rating rant about random shit from people on the webs toilet site. You're such a faggot lol

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>That looks like 3 people stuck in a trailer
It's a night train. It's actually a reasonably quiet affair.

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Offscreen, to the right, Marisa stealing books

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better version

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I like these. I wish I was an old timey adventurer wandering around in old timey times


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Constant fear of falling, constant fear of accidentally pushing your cat off, not comfy

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Honestly, it's a great fantasy but you don't want to bring reality into it. Those places are comfy until it's cold, drafty, leaky, and there's no indoor toilet.

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damn pls tell me there's a fire extinguisher handy

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I think this may be one of my favorite threads so far

It's a Vidya game user
It's the home base in Wolfenstein the new order
Gives off such a relaxed, calm before the storm vibe

Have you been to the cloud district? Of course you haven't

>Wow this faggot has awful opinions
>"Oh a cat and cigarette is comfy"
>PC lights not comfy

kill yourself unironically

Attached: 6OFnuXD.png (866x900, 94K)

You're killing the nice vibes grunt
Leave a comfy pic instead :)

Attached: 1532516394978.jpg (2000x1189, 504K)

I'm agreed

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I only have one comfy pic, but it is sincere.

Attached: IMG_20190423_070741~2.jpg (2120x1347, 771K)

Needs more HDR.

It's Hobbiton in New Zealand. You can go visit.

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>room looks cold
>rigid as fuck Victorian-era chairs
>no heat source visible
Leave, faggot.

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10/10 would bang first girlfriend there and continuously be late on rent

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where dis

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*muffled light-hearted arguments in the distance*

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I love these threads, these images. I get transported to this otherworld that is so familiar yet completely unknown.

I was just looking for good pictures of Amsterdam; that wintery comfyness among the narrow, cobbled street where the buildings lazily hang over you with their tired wonkyness.

Does anyone have something similar? Old English streets also work!

Attached: amsterdam.jpg (800x450, 148K)

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Daytona Beach? I'm down!

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Love them, thanks.

The world I was trying to visualise has more cartoon / drawn inclination, such as these

not Amsterdam ;)

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good vibes!

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nice one, was fun

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My solar charger giving me electricity for free. This is when i bought it.

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your Outback system won't work on your bed

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But it's so comfy there lol.

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My doggo after a bath getting warm.

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To me, this feels anticomfy


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Some comfy, rain-trickling-down-the-window-while you-are-curled-up-with-a-warm-coffee music for you all


Attached: 7GN7H3r.jpg (870x1200, 167K)

Makes me feel like tetanus.


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too rednecky to be comfy

I'm from the south so its good for me man.

yes that one's a real stretch. Here ya go

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no shit...looks like you'd draw blood every time you turn around

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Tell me about it, all those cold wet pictures aren't comfy either.

More of my oc. Love my camper. The frogs are out in full force tonight singing their beautiful froggy song. Love being out in the woods.

There was a coyote right outside my window so i gave him one of my dog treats. He licked my hand. I gave him a bowl of food, he looked into my eyes, not to challenge me but to acknowledge a fellow traveler and let me scratch his ears. The calm here is incredible.

Now I'm I'm bed with my wife watching Boston Legal marathon on my laptop listening to the owl outside in the tree.

Oh and my rv is an old 1997 Fleetwood bounder. Cozy. Not cold and hospital like the newer ones.

Have a comfy night all. May Christ bless you as he's blessed us.

The coyotes are all howling tonight as if to say, this one is under our protection. Bother him and you'll answer to us. I think I made friends with the alpha...

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no sound except the wind blowing against leather and tarps

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I can practically smell the mildew.

nobody cares about your little fag opinions you fag.

Is this a murder scene?

Top thread user.

Fuck you, you nigger trash piece of shit. Choke on a fucking dick and kys.

really?? movie or new season?!

wtf, VR?

Lemme see please

that's gonna be a "not comfy" without a mosquito net

Nice one

there was a cartoon or anime I watched as a kid that had floating pieces of land and I can't remember what it's from. Been searching for years

I'd find this really comfy if it wasn't forty fucking five degrees outside

Good job you two. Both of mama's little boys are acting so mature and tough! You each get a half tendie and 5 good boy points each. Do you want some mayo, my wittle fumpkins?

this was great

>third man music plays


very Marcel Pagnol
doubt there's any French speakers online rn, so let me explain. he wrote novels about Provence, so you have the French mediterranean lifestyle at the turn of the 20th century. very relaxing, warm colors. winter is like spring, and the rest of the year is warm, but not super-hot, summer, except maybe august.

laputa castle in the sky
various parts of the Tenchi cluster fuck series

Watching the rain from the dry indoors is one of my favorite things to do.

>Niggers aren't comfy

the only part of your shitstorm that isn't total garbage.

Someone make a new thread



jew faggot niggers

mad cuz faggot nigger

Nowhere comfy to sit

faggot nigger niggerfaggot

who the fuck lives in giant tin cans this is retarded they'd literally be boiling how is this cozy. these guys are literally living in nonstop swamp ass, how are there so many trees in close proximity and there's so much sunlight everywhere and like 4 tree shadows who drew this.

Looks like i am legend

This nigga beats them you know

stfu stop ruining pictures you absolute autist trash


Burn in hell. I know where u live

New comfy thread

Gang Gang

Hows Canada?

Gang Gang

Also if you're trying to scare people online work a little harder than using a fucking browser extension


yeah come on by boo

no one asked for your shitty opinions, fuck off

not the poster by cry moar

no one asked for his opinions and no one asked you to read them or reply to them

Oh I will Dylan.

I'll set up a lunch date, what time works for you?

Whenever you're not doing freelance work should be good!

If you wanna impress me find my pornhub account

actually i'll give you incentive, 5$ paypal if you can link me my own pornhub acc


Is this photo from anything?

i want a meadow where i can just relax and not worry about the everyday bullshit, can look at the stars at night and sleep all comfy and cozy

Was going to reply with some good photos for that mood but image limit's reached pepehands

Actually impressive, i used burners for that so i can tell you're a neckbeard and not just a lil' script kiddie, i'd give you a reward but i imagine someone doxxing wouldn't be dumb enough to actually link a paypal so the best i can offer you is a digital high five.

oh also if you're the guy who posted the tin cans photo then you're still a nigger

no one asked for you to reply to my reply, fuck off white knight

that is riverwood from skyrim

this is really nice, thank you user
is there a name for this type of image? choices? i'd like more