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Thank god.
Imagine all the best girls with kids by 21 still?
Ohh totally. American women these days are total angels ready to settle down....
Sour grapes
Reminder that men are responsible for how women live their own lives?
Not sure if feminism or patriarchy
So? Fuck them kids.
>Be girl
>Treated like a princess since your birth
>Gets told they deserve everything and more cuz evil men!
>Go looking for a man
>Nope, none are good enough for this princess!
>Better fuck around cuz I deserve it after all that oppression!
>Guys give up and decide to just play games and masturbate
>Hey now wait a minute you man-children I want a baby!
More like raisins after 30
Sounds good. Fucking children is less bullshit especially if they legalized it
feminazis will unironically gobble this up
>it's everybodys fault but mine
Kys kike
>To catch a Predator meme
I'm happier than ever with my boyfriend. Woman can fuck off with their patriarchy.
Let's pretend this headline is completely factual. I won't refute it in the least. That leaves the question as why men are becoming childish.
Some of it is how we were raised. Kinds starting in the 80s were raised with less responsibility by parents who did not want their kids to go through the "hell" of chores, and wanted them not to worry about getting a job to pay for higher education, if they wanted one -- not to mention the change in culture making a higher education believed to be essential to success in life.
Additionally, feminism has been pushing for men to be in touch with their feminine side for almost a century now. That means men who push back are demonized and denigrated in society. Where does that lead?
It leads to men who are more like women. It leads to adults who are more like children. Women will support each other, sure, and say they should be proud of their bodies and of who they are, while 40-somethings still watch fucking cartoons and play video games, resorting to junk food because cooking takes effort. They're as immature as pre-teen kids, forced to work on a daily basis.
And yet, women believe their entire value to men is their vaginas, but men have to honor them for more, and men have to be masculine, high-earners, successful, and house-makers. The women? They think lying on the sofa and letting the men fuck them is all it takes. Most women will never meet the real men who exist, because the real men want women with actual confidence, homemakers and potential mothers, support of the family, and not androgynous hipsters who exist in a state of constant hypocrisy.
The good ones are taken, because they don't let the other good ones get away.
"Why don't you have children?"
"Because of him, he plays video games all the time."
"Why are you still with him then?"
"I love him."
"Do you? Or is it that you're at an age where you don't think you'll ever find anyone else and due to you growing older the chances of you having children decreases and you're allowing yourself to be manipulated by the signals from your loins being send to your brain?"
" men are to blame."
"It's always easier to blame someone else rather than see your own faults."
fucking women cant take responsibility for anything
ah! ah !
women choose it
MGTOW, fag.
Thot OP, why would you want to write a check against that? I'm married and it took me a fuck ton of time for me to find my wife. If she cooks, cleans and isn't a whore hold onto her!
thing is, vidya is boring but still more interesting than most women. I'd prefer a woman with her own interests but it's pretty rare to find one. i'm having a hard time to talk to most women not because i'm shy or a beta but i simply don't know what to talk about with them besides stupid smalltalk.
The dude that owns that is a fucking asshole, and probably wants to go back before a time of workers rights. Made add a picture of Oliver Twist with the text, my childern want to work for minimum wage too.
its all true
I fail to see the intent of the collage. The intent of the journalist was to keep themselves busy, but the collage? Why.
It's not up to the consumer to keep your business alive.
I fuck em and chuck em. I might have children all over the world.
I can not relate to women in any way. Most of them seem obsessed with absolutely vapid shit. It's not worth the boredom just for sex.
Sure, it has nothing to do with the fact that you need to make at least 100k a year nowadays to raise even a half happy family.
sometimes the grapes really are sour
Whiny liberal women being whiny liberals are nothing you'd want to marry. Find a good proletarian woman you can serve the Party with.
Feminism and patriarchy are both capitalist false consciousness, which is why it's getting harder and harder to tell the difference between the two as capitalism continues to degenerate. Embrace socialist equality instead.
Fuck off back to pol you spastic
Liberalism on parade. I agree with the Nazi for once, kill yourself.
The fact of the matter is women haven't been into relationships or doing anything to actually attract men.
Going out to expensive restaurants and venues with their girl friends does jack shit to meet men. Instead of trying to socialize with men, they just try to mimic their Insta-thot idols.
>Huge percentages of women having children out of wedlock
>Studies shown woman going only for 10% of men on dating sites expecting the greatest of the great even if they are average.
>Social media has made men unable to speak with women. Everything can be construed as literal rape.
>Majority of men have become reclusive and fell into video games and hanging out with each other.
>Society and the news media have pushed into our minds that it isn't good to have a family.
>Media pushes more narrative on people being homosexuals and transsexualism.
>Told that the world has to many people, that it is the job to the 1st world to reduce population.
>Everything at our fingertips or delivered straight to your home.
>Soaring rates of obesity.
>Mindsets of independence of women and not having children till their unable to.
>A push to make men more sensitive. "Soy boy" mentality.
>Money has become so important in raising a family while robotics are taking many jobs and will eventually take almost every job.
>Illegals taking billions of tax dollars while citizens are given nothing unless the are considered a "affirmative action" type family.
>There is no pride anymore in being a "man"
Honestly there is so much more we can add to this list.
Our generation has a lot of issues. Reminds me a lot of when Germany was taken over by liberals and dragged the German people into a society of degenerate acts.
All of those are Jewish traps to make you slaves to your job to pay for expensive things you don't need and won't make you happy.
The most degenerate of those liberal acts was rolling over and letting Hitler be their sugar daddy in order to protect their means of production. Weimar Germany had two solid socialist movements ready to take over, the Communists and the Strasserites, but nope, Hitler had to suck liberal cock like Nazis always will.
*capitalist traps
Hitler took large amounts of money to fund his war effort and building the country. Ultimately what destroyed Germany was it's debts not being paid.
>Thinks communism works
>Literally never worked anywhere.
Please read more books and educate yourself. Stop being a liberal retard eating what your faggot ass professors are spoon feeding you. Degenerate faggot.
But they're hardly true Capitalist sectors.
>Housing market
No one is building cheap starter homes. Boomers are keeping prices up so they can hit the jackpot for retirement if someone buy their McMansions.
Over-priced junk food. All of them.
Can't afford housing since boomers won't hire millenials or pay them decently. So millenials just fuck around instead of building relationships
>Big Mac
Fast food is garbage
>Hotel Loyalty programs
Sure let you guys track all of my travel activities and slowly charge me more and more just so I can use "loyalty" points.
CC are a scam designed to make you spend more.
Over-priced transportation where your civil rights are seriously diminished. Also cops can just "civil asset forfeiture" your car. Car insurance is over-price and a rip-off because car repairs NEVER make the car the exact same again.
>Movie business.
Hollywood has been making nothing but Cape-shit trash for the past 10 years.
Wow, yes save up for years to spend it all in one week at some over-priced resort. I'd rather do something fun in my town every weekend instead of blowing it all once ever year or two.
>department stores
They never have the style you want, or they don't have the right size.
Boomers have invested so much in the industries that younger people "should" be using and have drove up the prices. Millennials see that boomers are trying to rip them off (even after not hiring them or paying them enough to start a real life) and they avoid those traps.
Good, we need far less people on this planet
So our generation is the first ever to have men who enjoy beer, pizza, and mindless entertainment on their free time??
So what you're saying is that Hitler sucked liberal Jewish cock because he had no other choice? Thank you for clearing up the contradictions in your shit ideology there.
For someone who's so thoroughly controlled and corrupted by bourgeois liberalism, you have a lot of gall calling communists, the only ones willing to do something about liberal swine, liberals. Go fuck your stepmom like degenerate swine Matthew Heimbach does on the regular.
Also, if communism never worked anywhere, how come we raped your Aryan roasties all the fuck over Berlin when we destroyed your shitreich?
Oh God spare me this no true Scotsman bullshit. I don't deny that the Soviet Union was socialism (why would I? it was awesome), so don't be like "REEEEEE REAL CAPITALISM WAS NEVER TRIED" at me like a libtard.
Would you rather people have kids too young and before they're responsible?
>No one is building cheap starter homes
100% untrue. I work in new construction
What's considered cheap? And in what location?
more than likely the same reason
>Department stores
For a long time I have debated with the way people dress now. I see a lot of people dressing in t-shirts and looking bummy as fuck. I started moving into dressing more professional and kind of want to start dressing like the old days where people wear a suit and actually look professional on their everyday endeavors. It is strange to me how society has become so degenerate and everyone has lost any semblance of pride.
Hitler didn't know anything about structuring finance. To think that finance is an unlimited pool is a shitty socialist/communist way of thinking. Shitheads like you think that everything is free and that we can easily make everyone equal. Physically impossible. There is always a hierarchy. If you think that Hitler was anything but a socialist, you are completely wrong. You fucking communist pieces of shit try to remake history as if communist never did anything wrong. No point in arguing with an idiot like you.
>men having fun are to blame for women not getting a free ride anymore
150k-180k. central florida
Just once I wish my boss would say
>hey, I actually want to give you a reasonable wage for the extra work you did
Fucking this
>it's definitely not jews borrowing more than there is then printing newspapers!
do they not realize the presence of overwhelming propaganda makes it obvious to reverse engineer? lazy ass kikos
>Just once I wish my employee would say that they enjoy working for me more than having their one break a year from the job
Why? Did you ever do that for anywhere you worked where you werent the boss?
>I can't believe how much money you pay me... do you want some back?
Pay them more than they deserve. If you already think you do, I got bad news for you.
>The suggestion box is empty
>We are way ahead of schedule
That only happens if you mismanged them by thinking it would take too long. To be ahead of schedule would require you to be wrong about how long the job takes, or for them to somehow become two people. Work smarter and harder, not faster.
>We decided to work this weekend to get ahead!
Ahead of what? What do they get out of getting ahead? The business improves which is good for you but not good for any of them. You are just asking for slave labor.
>We love this place!
If you never heard an employee say that then its on you, not some selfish populace. Most places I've worked I have said this, as have others.
>Of course I don't mind working late
Again, if you've literally never heard this, then you are doing something wrong.
>profits are up, costs are done
Its your job to implement the measures that make this possible. All they can do is give suggestions nad follow orders.
>I really don't need a raise
Raises barely keep up with inflation.
>can we make fridays ''dress up'' days?
We ask for casual fridays because monday through thursday is already dress up day.
>I'm coming in early tomorrow
Even at places where people hate their jobs they still say this. At my last company people came in early all the time to get a head start on leads.
>I just love your meetings
You have shitty meetings.
Doesn't the military need killers like these or did they kill it too?
>central florida
No, I mean in good places. And in more than one location in the entire country.
Like every city needs decently priced houses withing 20 miles of downtown.
Are those 150k to 180k houses real houses or 2 bedroom shacks?
>interestes: outdoors
Yeah. Fucking. Right.
>I'm shy, expect to carry the convo.
Yeah. Fucking. Right
They're 3-4 bedroom. Mobile homes are even cheaper. Also, wtf is wrong with central Florida? I like it here.
>paragraph of my dreams and goals
yeah that seems cool
>some of my favorite places in the country and why I enjoy them
oh cool
>what I plan to do this year to break out of the funk and have some adventure
that sounds neat
Oh sorry I was just on the phone
Fuck that right to hell bring on the videogames and masturbation
Women don't find gaming, being weak, or being SUPER macho as attractive when it's presented and lived as the only facets of one's personality as opposed to lifestyle choices or hobbies, and increasingly, men are kind of retreating inward and choosing to let one facet of their personality consume them.
>doesn't realize that if you had the privilege to play video games as a male growing up you were a spoiled kid
>people being hired based on physical traits because we aren't discriminatory
>jeopardizing peoples lives so bitches won't cry
or you just got your work done and played videogames
I had a job since 12
Not true. But keep not considering you might suck. Impossible
Retards, Video Games are fucking expensive, if you had access to them growing up, you were spoiled - not in a fuckin' mamby-pamby parent spoiling a child sort of way, but spoiled by means of a strong retreat.
ITT: incels
Not if you get the prev. gen stuff as a new gen. of the system rolls out.
I grew up with a bunch of vidya, just never the newest stuff.
A simple paper route got me all the games I needed and then some.
Never heard of the pirate way of life?
>Melanie Notkin
>Google her
>Some undateable 50 year old Canadian feminist
Imagine my shock
I am in the top end of earning tho. Fuck poor people.
With this logic, women are to blame for teen pregnancy’s and rape....
pick one
this, i had access to like 2000 something games growing up because all of them were pirated floppy disks.
Does anyone happen to have part 2 of this please?
This. My PC in the mid-late 90's could easily emulate N64 titles. I beat OoT with a keyboard essentially for free.
Nevermind, found it.
poor americans ):
The amount of roms i had was amazing, never really owned any nintendo console, stuf was expensive, but i played all the classics on my subpar pc back in the day.
fucking keked. based