There is no such thing as a "gay person." You are a person who chooses to engage in sodomy and live as gay or bisexual. Don't deny your agency in making the wrong decision.
There is no such thing as a "gay person." You are a person who chooses to engage in sodomy and live as gay or bisexual...
But it's okay for your master, Vladimir Putin to be gay?
ooOooOoOooO watch out! it's the big homo! be careful, i'll suck your dick. you scared? huh? huh????
What does morality have to do with it?
I don't fear you, I pity you.
>"being gay is a mental disorder"
>hating gays is ableist now
can i suck your dick? you seem very alpha
I wouldnt say it's not okay, because they're not hurting anyone, but I would say it's not natural and not correct. But nature evolves thre more you change something.
>they're not hurting anyone
Having mentally ill histrionic faggots running around engaging in bizzare and dangerous sex acts hurts society as a whole. In addition to the fact that they seek converts.
Subjective. A majority of us fags are relatively respectful of sexuality anyways, so even if gay sex is considered abnormal we at least keep it within our faggy little circle of gay.
Plus we're slowing the inevitable future of overpopulation.
I think OP has issues with his own sexuality. *snickers*
You were given the gift of life and you choose to waste you body with sodomy. Why?
See OP its ok to be gay. Nobody cares what people do in the bedroom. What however is not OK is to be a raging faggot who runs around the place shoving it in everyone's face that they like to fuck someone of the same sex.
Not anymore.
Sodomy spreads disease and is a waste of your potential as a human being.
>respectful of sexuality
I don't consider it wasteful. Not just with the sexual aspects of homosexuality, but I've found relationships with men have been much better than with women. I've never really felt attracted to women either, it was mostly a thing from since I was young
On the topic of fucking, I just think dudes are hot. And also cute. Both? Idk, but it feels good and is good use of my time so I can't consider shit like that wasteful.
Yeah, you do have those weirdos who fetishize fucking a straight dude. Shit's wack.
Relax old man
'Straight guy' is one of the most popular categories on the gay section of pornhub. Don't pretend it's some small minority.
>relationships with men
Is that what fags are calling their endless hookups and fuck parties now?
Nope. Fags probably do this about as much as straight people do, I just personally like having someone I can trust in emotionally.
penis mage
>Anonymous 05/26/19(Sun)22:25:17 No.800676836▶
yeah i love peni[spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler]poiler[spoiler][/spoiler]p[spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler]
youre literally retarded
I get that. Being gay seems like about the worst way you could go about it though.
Again, I just don't like or have any physical or emotional attraction to girls. It's better than lying to myself.
Please stop denying your agency.
This is how op spends his sunday afternoon kek
Don't believe I am? I just like dudes lol.
I'd also choose to beat the living shit out of you
The only people who hold beliefs like this are closet cases haha. Gays hardly just turn around one day and decide to start fucking chicks. In your defence I'm dubious about bi dudes. All women are 100% bi no question about it, look at how hot they are. This is coming from an ignorant swine btw so don't take anything I said as well researched opinions.
You are making a choice.
Tobirama is ____
>Gays hardly just turn around one day and decide to start fucking chicks.
Some can, for others it will be more difficult but people can change.
Yeah I suppose you're right. You can be a fag all your life and find God. You fucking retard.
If you're gay, you're gay. Liking a flute up your arse is a pretty big commitment.
I support trans genocide
I want to shag tobi
People change all the time. Tastes evolve. Especially with complicated factors like internet pornography involved is it really so hard to believe that someone's sexuality could change over time?
dude I tried being straight for 10 years, wish I was. I don't like pussy, there's nothing anyone can do to change that it's just brain chemistry man
Try harder.
>wrong decision
That implies there is a right decision. Which implies that right and wrong are not subjective measurements that ultimately don't matter.
look I know your just trying to get attention, but it's not possible. Get over it. Like the other user said, people who post shit like this are sometimes in the closet. Maybe you just need a qt trap girlfriend user :)
So you're saying you choose to be straight, despite the fact that you crave cock.
Then i'm sorry, but you should be killed.
You hit all the big 3 dishonest fag tactics in 1 post, congratulations.
1. Deny your agency.
2. Accuse me of being a closeted gay.
3. Bring trannies into it for no reason.
Don't say things like that. Gays can be redeemed
>intentionally twisting my words
It’s not gay to fuck qt tgirls
Because OP wants to regulate it according to his fantasy book's proclamations on it. He wants to legislate morality. Problem is:
>that's literally Orwell's Thought Police
>that's impossible
Most Christfags are like this. The biggest adherents are the "gays are bad" and "abortion is wrong" crowd.
My brother was once part of the second group. He knocked up some bitch (who was single & already had a kid, which is two strikes right there) & insisted that "muh gawd sez aborshun's rong". Funny, I seem to recall that very same god supposedly said that fornicating, which was necessary for her to get knocked up in the first place, is ALSO wrong.
So what I asked him is, why is it that when you get the "urge to merge," what "gawd" says can be easily ignored, but when very real consequences result from that ignoring "gawd's" word, you all of a sudden cling to that shit like it's what's keeping you pulling oxygen?
I cornered him, got him to admit he was a hypocrite, then cornered him again to get to the root of why he was against abortion. Turns out, he actually wanted to regulate everyone else's sex lives, and opposing abortion was an easy way to go about doing it. Shame people for fucking. Not a new philosophy; Christfags have been doing that for millennia with the whole "god is gonna get you" schtick, but thanks to the 60's, birth control & the enlightenment that came with anti-conservatism, "god" was exposed for the sham that it is.
My brother had never confronted it within himself & likely never would have had I not grilled him.
This is Judaism, the post.
Dumb Nazis running around being scared of change.
Not really. You're saying it's a choice. So if you believe that, then you HAVE to have an actual memory of choosing to be straight. Which means you HAVE to have a memory of craving cock.
And all this argument, all this bullshit, is because you're just one more cliche fag in denial.
Kinda sad there bud. Hope you find peace and accept you are bi someday.
Bro What Bizzare and dangerous sex acts are we gay getting to? seriously want to know because i want in
>everyone with a different point of view is a member of a German political party from 100 years ago
If you had a choice between a fresh and juicy burger and a two week old burger you found in a dumpster, what would your choice be?
just like how straight guys have endless hookups and fuck parties too
Dumpster faggot nigger
I'm not sorry for not memorizing your particular strain of brain-dead reaction; you're all Nazis to me. Go bungee jumping with rope around your neck.
Is it gay to date a qt TS girl
Nah man I'm not buying that. Porn can definitely turn some people into perverts alright but it can't make you change your sexuality. I don't know shit in fairness I just find it really fucking hard to believe that someone can change something like sexuality unless they've always been in the closet and hid it for social reasons. If you have personal experiences or know of gay people who turned genuinely straight then fair enough, can't really dispute that but I'm still gonna remain skeptical
ok, then can YOU make the choice to be gay?
This gay is a choice thing is funny. People who make these threads don't realize that they're admitting to being gay at one point and "chose" to change to be straight.
So angry, I just want to help people. What happened that made you so hateful that you want others to die?
I never chose to be gay, in fact i wish i was straight. it would make my life a lot easier
The Pulse nightclub thing was not enough. If Islam does one thing right, it's ridding the world of these vermin.
I'm a straight guy who sometimes wishes he was Gay cause it would be easier. Neither of us probably knows what we're fucking on about.
You aren't helping anyone with that kind of violent rhetorix
Do I have to explain how choices work?
You don't help people by spouting hate, unless that hate is directed at the rich.
Demonizing gay people historically just pushes them into the arms of reaction, where they prop up things like the Catholic Church in order to hide and survive. You're helping rich people oppress us all, fool.
>unless that hate is directed at the rich.
Reminder this isn’t gay
Why do you see gay as a thing people are rather than what it is, an action?
By the way, sexual deviancy is a bourgeois indulgence.
Trust me it would not be easier to be straight, it may seem like everyone is in support of gay people but they are not. Many countries ban being gay and others put you to death for being gay. all most all religions condemn being gay. Many people are forced out of their families for being gay. lastly you have to deal with shit like this post claiming that I'm in denial because i don't like tits.
>like everyone is in support of gay people
That wasn't why. It's because then I wouldn't have to deal with women. Being straight wouldn't make things any easier for you either because then You'd have to deal with them.
"Sexual deviancy" is what bourgeois moralists call humans doing natural things. Outside of harmful sexual acts like pedophilia or rape, what consenting adults do for fun is not society's business, and your attempt to make it so is just an attempt to divide the working class along yet more lines in order to conquer it like the bougie enabler you are.
Reminder: all Nazis are the lapdogs of the liberals they pretend to hate, this anti-gay Nazi OP here is enabling these liberal kiddiefuckers with every hatepost he makes.
As gay men we still have to deal with them. Trying to invade and make our community about them (feminism), wanting token gay friends, a gay "bestie" that acts as a boyfriend without sex, bachelorette parties at gay bars and not getting the attention they expected.
Yeah but you can always just blow them off. If they don't like you, so what? Straight guys have to deal with all that same garbage, invading our communities, wanting boyfriends without the sex, all that shit. But if we are to get what we want he gotta dive into that sea of bullshit. I can't imagine its the same for gay guys.