>doesn't smoke cigarettes
Are you bullied at school, mentally retarded, or both?
>b-b-but you die
So? was life a competition who lives the longest?
>you get addicted to it!
No you wont, if you aren't underage and able to smoke in moderation.
Who made you buy a pack of cigarettes a day, you fucking peat gavel
Uh but why do it?
>Lung cancer is an horrible way to die
>Same with heroin , but i never seen someone not getting addicted to it
>Aint retarded, i just dont want cancer
>We aint rich, you Yea Forumstard
torilla tavataan homot tänään
smoke some cigs fags
That's the most immature and idiotic post I've ever read.
But why?
You smoke, you die, I laugh.
If u smoke for 50 years there is just 3/100 possiblity to die because of smoke
...but about a 100% chance to live the rest of your life alone, shunned even by coworkers and passed over for all and any promotions.
Sure buddy
are you that insecure about your life?
stop justifying your shitty choices here dumbass
Someone's in denial
>doesn't drink arsenic
Are you bullied at school, mentally retarded, or both?
>b-b-but you die
So? was life a competition who lives the longest?
>It's highly toxic!
No it isnt, if you aren't underage and able to drink in moderation.
Who made you buy a litre of arsenic a day, you fucking bingo dingo flimflam?
This is a fun template! Insert your own absurdities and play!
Pic unrelated
cigarettes are gay. just smoke weed and actually get a good high from the burning plant-matter you inhale.
cigarettes dont make you feel good, they just make you feel like you're slowly killing yourself (literally all my smoker friends are mildly-suicidal)
old and gay
I really don't see any outstanding reason why you would NOT smoke cigarettes
>No you wont, if you aren't underage and able to smoke in moderation.
This is like a 300lb kid saying technically he can eat cake if he does it moderation. Good luck with that. Your tax dollars and unused social security will go to good use.
Because I can think of much better things to do with $8-$20+ a day.
lung cancer when youre 50 and already quit smoking for years...
basically you'll die a painful death when you're actually happy and like life.