Why are jews so despised???

Why are jews so despised???
I don't get it, as far as I know they are just scapegoats for people. Plesse explain.

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murphy's law

I dont understand

>they are just scapegoats

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Takes an awful lot of collective effort to get kicked out of 109 countries across multiple centuries.

Explain, I wanna know, seriously

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What have they done tho

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they're 2,200% overrepresented in political office in america

Basically they're shapeshifters.
The eternally persecuted that is at home neither here nor there.


Never understood either , like i dont know of any verses that whould say to the jews to do evil shit.

and jews arent a race so we cant say evil is in their genes , judaism is a religion.

it's literally a trend
"murphy's law" means anything that can happen, might, which is really self-explanatory
eventually, most of the world will start hating white people, men, and people with formal education because it can, and because it's cool to do so

Tell them that. One of the core beliefs of the jewish faith is that through your blood covenant either during circumcision or with the blood they take during your conversion, that you are a direct descendant of Abraham, which would make you the same race as he is.

learn history.
what did many countries do in late history?
banned the jews?
why did they do it?

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They own our media and banks, they are trying to exterminate the white race with their kalergi plan.


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Do you always ask people to explain memes to you?

Idiot, the third Reich was obviously a publicity act to make people pity Jews, installed by the Jews themselves. When Hitler realized this, he killed himself, but he already established a world where people that oppose Jews are inherently evil.
The "Nazi" was the perfect villain figure, with neither heart nor soul, a stereotype assigned to anyone that opposes our jew overlords, so that they're forever save from critique.

You're asking me the same question I asked you.



Their core belief is that jews are a superior race , because a flaming bush said that. We all sucks because we are not jews, and so, the world and the nations should be (for their belief) under their control.
Sorry for bad english.

It’s a meme brought to you by the Russian and Chinese governments to divide people in the west. Internal conflict is always good for a county’s enemies.

>Bolshivik Revolution
>Lehman Brothers bank
>Immigration act of 1965
>Jewish media rapist whos name I forgot

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>that grammar

Jews are despised because they're one of the most educated races so they are smarter than everyone else, which leads to them making more money and accumulated more power which they use to help their own rather than all races

that's pretty racist of them

Okay and the communism?

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Arrogance and capitalizing on victimhood. Not to mention they try to take over all finance matters. Also they are over represented because Jews prefer to hire Jews regardless of qualifications

Literal Third Reich Propoganda.

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In 1968 Red Danny Cohen attempted a Marxist take over of the French Government.

Turns out he's a fucking pedophile.

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People hate what they want to be when they are powerless. It's the same thing with commies hating the 1%. Just people who aren't achieving anything in life trying to pretend there are conspiracies and collusion where in reality they just couldn't get a job.

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Oh really?

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it's a meme

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War mongering big nosed inbred race of blood thursty rats.

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You know that Iraq wasn't just a Jewish thing, right? US was protecting it's currency and also needs to keep it's soldiers experienced in case of a big war.

Simplified version:

Lots of shithead capitalists exploiting everybody and everything under the sun (some Jewish)

Lots of idiot racists being told to focus on the wrong thing (i.e. race/religion is the problem, not wealth disparity). They’re told this by those same elites, who in turn stoke Nazi movements because it’s in their interests to keep us fighting each other.

The whole system of hate is handed down by people in power and it works so well that many racists don’t realise they’ve been manipulated.

And no judgement. We’re all being manipulated and it’s hard to spot every time. Just try to realise where ideas are coming from whenever you can

>You know that Iraq wasn't just a Jewish thing


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its because they were the most significant abrahamic religion till the other shitcunts took over (those shitcunts being christianity and islam)
so with muhammad being a baby bitch and holding a grudge against jews and christians being butthurt about jesus sacrificing himself.. its kinda clear to see why this happened.
but fuck jews, a religion doesnt need protection.

Because they are kikes

Except that even the places where Jews were welcomed got pretty tired of them in no time at all, most of which had almost nothing to do with religion. It had little to do with religion, but that they’re basically what the Romani would be if they decided to stop stealing everything.

I can guarantee if there were a load of Muslims in Italy or Buddhists in Persia they would have been kicked out too. Jews just fucked up enough to get conquered hard by everyone.

If you maintain a vibrant, active culture for 4000 years, you’re going to piss people off, and find your group over and over to be strangers in strange lands. National cultures are junior cultures to faiths, which are junior to ethno-linguistic sets. The flow of time and diaspora and reunion creates trauma. People don’t like different, cultural maturity if they’ve lax cultural standards, etc. they’ll manufacture a million “FAKTS” and “HARD TRUTHS/RED PILLS” in unverifiable, self-referential, one-grain-of-truth piles of research, but ultimately people lash out at Jews because they look weak and can be made out to be strong, are a definite “they”, are transnational, and old. Jews are a rally point. One doesn’t have to work on stronger self-definition and improvement if one is actively hating under the guise of righteousness.

Jews do poorly in a Homogoneous society so they try and change into a more fluid, multiracial multicultural one.

"The Code of Jewish Law clearly states that a child of a Jewish mother is Jewish, regardless of the father’s lineage (or whatever else may show up in a DNA test), while the child of a non-Jewish mother is not Jewish.1 Matrilineal descent has been a fundamental principle of Torah since the Jewish people came into existence."

Judaism is a religion based on a race

I was lied, all those years. It all makes sense now.

The jews like to influence other countries and people with the most destructive and degenerate influences that only they can even imagine. Their false beliefs in racial and religious superiority gives them an excuse to do the sickest shit in the world, while pretending to be the victims. They seriously lack compunction and seem like one big pool of schizophrenics and psychopaths. Their obsession with controlling the economic and political power systems has caused countries all over the world, throughout many periods of time, to defend themselves and banish them or kill them outright in retribution. They are the most vile, venal, disgusting peoples on this planet.

Anybody who can't understand why the jews are so hated is simply not a student of history.



it doesn't help that they insert themselves into the positions of people who make the movies and laws and teach in the schools
literally every