How to keep interest on Tinder conversations?

How to keep interest on Tinder conversations?
I get matches, but most of them start to vanish after a few time. Dont get me wrong, I use to meet them in person and ask for their phone number when I feel its time, but if a girl stops replying.. I know you cant press her with more messages, but if you wait for her more guys will come and you end up buried in the bottom.

Any tips? Advices? What are your methods? Or its just a matter of luck

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No advice works.

People are shallow as shit on apps. Lets see...

If you're advised to be yourself and talk too are a blabber mouth.
If you're advised to be cool and just be short.... you lack depth.
If you respond right away you're desperate.....respond not just at the right time... you're not interested.
If you're honest well... you're honest and they stop once they confirm you're not 6'3. I wouldn't suggest lying about physical characteristics, cuz whats the fucking point?

Take it for what it is, a cesspool of shallow, selfish women, (I'm sure there are plenty golden fish among them but I haven't interacted with any).

Thats right, I always try to keep it average. Yesterday night there was this girl who out with her friends, she asked me what was I looking for in tinder. Told her talk, then meeting, nothing too aggressive or passive, she stopped replying but she is still there. Im going to wait at least until tonight just in case.

But sadly there isnt a rule. There are girls with great conversation, up to 3am for a whole week and then suddenly they stop talking or replying to messages.

Tried lots of bios, pictures and I always get matches -not a lot of them, not Chad- but this is really discouraging. Only ones who seem to keep the interest are fatties, girls with kids, uglies and older women.

What's stopping you from being shallow too? Only go for profiles you truly are interested in, if you're like me its annoying because part of you screams but she seeeeeems nice user you wouldnt want someone to pass you over based on just a look.....well guess the fucking what.....they do. So if you go ahead and go for nice, then be ok with conversations with those that later you label as not really actually interested in. But since its only an experiment in a cesspool of shit you have nothing to lose by picking ONLY those youre truly interested in. Eventually maybe one will match and even more remotely so eventually maybe one of those wont be a total idiot.

She probably wanted to fuck that night.

I've met a lot of girls on Tinder, but I have the same problem as OP, not getting replies from my matches. A lot of them don't use the app often, but you see the ones still changing their photos and such, and you know they ignored you. They probably got attention from other guys.

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Thats what I try to do, in fact Im meeting a girl today who has to drive for 1 hour to get here but wants to meet me.
But for that to happen.. you have to wait, have a lot of luck and cross fingers just in case she decides to keep talking and show interest.

Yes, I bet she was looking for that, but come on.. she is with more girl friends going out with dozens of guys, I told her
>I would prefer to meet ourselves in another and more relaxed moment
She liked that with the heart. So that gave me a "small hint" about what she wanted. Guess Im going to wait just in case.

And yes, they stop talking but receiving literally hundreds of matches every single day.. theres always a better choice, better picture, better guy or they just have better things to do. I wish I had that many options for being able to ignore someone as easy as that.

Adding to this post... I usually can't get matches with girls from the local university. Have to go for girls from community colleges, or working girls. A lot of times the ones I do meet have perceivable issues like being a little overweight, serious mental problems, being mega sluts, etc.

My best date ever from Tinder was an 18 year old girl who worked at Chick-fil-a and lived about 40 minutes away from me. Went to the county fair and kissed that night. She was so beautiful and had humongous tits too, they were so big she couldn't strap the harness on one of the rides, so we had to get off. However, she had the aforementioned mental problems, just acted really weird and eventually stopped messaging me.

I'm actually talking to another girl I met on Tinder, we are supposed to hang out again tonight. Maybe that will go well.

Right that too.... the whole.... you may get murdered feeling just isnt worth it :D big you say? :P

Good luck with the girl tonight, if she doesnt change her mind as most of them do!

Last week I met a 20yo girl, she had problems at home, and didnt have sex for at least 1 year because last guy treated her badly. So she was looking for someone to cuddle, have nice sex, kisses and all that stuff. I decided to try and after we had some drinks she stayed at home, ordered dinner and spent the night with me.
She acted -and probably was- like a virgin, but well, why not?

Bad part is now she is too attached to me, wants to keep meeting but more like a couple. She is cute but not really my type, and doesnt have a lot of conversation either, but I guess its something while I dont have anything else.

Humongous. Pic related

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