Goth bread

Goth bread

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Sage thread

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Sometime i go about my life forgetting the fact i need a goth GF. Sometime, i come across picture that make me recall the fact i need a goth GF.

This is that kind of pic. Thx user.

I feel ya, we all want the mythical big tiddy goth gf

Jesus. Who?


Who is this goddess

Goth doesn't exist anymore.
They're just SJWs trying to stand out.

@luma.skye on insta

Please don't ruin my fantasies

Dude. Reality is often disappointing. And painful.

But, not all of those sweet black angel are SJW. They still exist. They are just the rarest kind of girl. Its like spotting a shiny.

Love girls whose mascara has run

Is that the amount of guys she's fucked?

oh my

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My GF and wife in a couple of months

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You're welcome

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Aside from the crazy eyes. I'd bang the mess out of this chick.

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Get on my level boys.

I have a thing for broken girls.

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why do these scars look so lickable...?


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damn... perfect tiddies... need moar


Buuuuuuuump! Need moar!

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Cybergoth attack

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Got any nudes of her?

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Saaaaaaame, don't even know why

I'm a goth and i'm pretty sure i'm not an SJW



More big tiddy goth girls

It's because you know they will be dirtier in bed, when you're on a date with a lady and she says "I have a very healthy relationship with my father" on the outside you're like "that's nice" but on the inside you're going "damn". but then she say "my stepfather on the other hand" and you go "Back in the game"

why is there ectoplasm coming out of her right nostril? did she huff a ghost?

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> mythical

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Wasn't that a dude?

goth just went further underground, to await the death of the hot topic wannabes.

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Is that a hard boiled egg?


what part of you wants that to be a dude?

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it's soap. you've probably never heard of it.

hot topic hasn't catered to goths in years

Where did I say that I wanted it to be a dude?

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> Absolutely Crazzy chans links...

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fucking kek

scene chicks were/are hotter prove me wrong

dubs of truth

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Is there more of her I don't remember

No idea, sorry.
It's the only one I have.

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more please!