Another Twitch bitch femnazi that

Another Twitch bitch femnazi that
uses her stream to talk shit on males. Her Nazi mods perma ban instantly.

Attached: twitchbitchPNG.png (396x322, 190K)

Other urls found in this thread:


nobody, but her lonely infatuated followers, support her. even then, they're lonely fucks who thrive on searching the ends of the earth for some sort of validation, as we do. ignore her. she has no value. or are you pissed that you can't have her for yourself

Much better than real Nazis and their sympathizers.

ask about the door giveaway



Has Yea Forums really been infested by antifa cucks...
Fucking gouge ur eyes out and fill it with dried cum u useless empty water bottle

Anarchist types were here way before the /pol/ infestation...and it was a lot better.

Most of the world hates you faggots, not just ANTIFA.

You mean beta cucks? Who LARPd as 'anarchists' under the Yea Forums rules?

Who's 'you'?

Oh cupcake did they ban you?
Or are you upset because she didn't answer your DM to fuck?

Jesus Christ nobody fucking cares, go complain to reddit.

shut up dad.

She's not a femnazi, you're just an incel.

bash the fash

Attached: bash-the-fash.jpg (906x537, 160K)

Thanx for the advice, soyboy cuck. kek

Attached: giphy-1.gif (500x362, 76K)

hi destiny

>the Left cares about starving Africans
>wastes food instead of donating to Africa
Based and redpilled

Attached: vilp4w.png (536x622, 362K)

this is the bitche's location

? she lives in LA area

Wow this girl is pretty cool. Followed

dont care
not clicking your twitch to give you views stupid faggot

go shill somewhere else

Anyone who would take the assumption that disliking Nazis and there sympathizers is solely for ANTIFA, you know... propagandized Nazis and their sympathizers. Faggot.