Im bored, X-ray thread

Im bored, X-ray thread
18+ ofc

Attached: 0CEAC760-7957-4CAC-A03A-9B712BE9402E.jpg (640x800, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump, can we get an X-ray on this?

Attached: 807B59C9-0389-45DA-A2F1-E43517EBBF19.jpg (1242x1787, 408K)


i'll try


Attached: Xray1_2.png (1242x1787, 1.63M)

too low res sorry, i tried

Solid man thank you, I have another for you to do if you want

Attached: 149251AA-669C-4A7F-B672-0EDE3664298F.jpg (1242x1182, 319K)

how bout this one?
thanks in advance

Attached: 59022945_142652796794403_6138263546695332606_n.jpg (1080x1349, 194K)

Attached: 535DC425-6765-49EA-A91D-B51F6CA5FB32.jpg (378x1035, 120K)

Is this possible?

Attached: 6824FCD9-C45E-4AEE-8734-930AB10A9783.jpg (828x1472, 107K)

Attached: 3E2A35DF-355F-4269-ADCB-B0D09DFEE9D2.jpg (1539x2048, 285K)

Attached: 623AB0CC-145A-4715-BDD3-A63564C7C7C7.jpg (720x960, 80K)

Attached: DCCB97AE-5034-47C0-BEED-7CD343B144F3.jpg (720x960, 87K)

Attached: CB7F0247-22E6-477B-A945-83345EA70B1B.jpg (960x960, 111K)

Attached: C1B62C6B-BE2C-4A8A-927B-4B91A68C83E6.jpg (1536x2048, 469K)

Attached: tits.png (908x786, 1.58M)

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-02-15-53-03.png (473x475, 462K)

Attached: D3CDFE27-79EE-4EFC-94AB-6D5B31B86D9B.jpg (720x960, 126K)

but i cant do better than that for this one

Attached: ray2.png (1242x1182, 1.22M)

Attached: Screenshot_2017-11-14-22-35-58.png (480x468, 477K)

Attached: 11084183_10203761591792177_8658912555113187024_o.jpg (900x1350, 118K)

Attached: D48D2385-0C67-4800-BBC4-2766202FD198.jpg (540x960, 52K)

No worries appreciate the effort

is that a male?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-02-15-52-520.png (480x471, 464K)

Attached: 57155213_2324709430913984_3447947634390597632_o.jpg (1866x2015, 317K)

Not at all

this one please for the love of god

Attached: tits.jpg (1080x1000, 95K)

Can you do it op?

op hook it up pls

same result bro

she's wearing a bra and too low resolution sorry

nope, too low res

on it

Attached: 1558840563222.png (1080x1349, 1.44M)

Think you could do this one?

Attached: 10i09ja1.jpg (1080x1080, 1.7M)

her nipples look wonky without an x-ray. eew

wow those tits


Attached: CC474299-AA8A-425C-8B35-FE41488BDEF2.jpg (750x1334, 156K)

this is not gonna show shit...

Attached: emma.png (1510x1600, 839K)

Attached: XRay1558840938992.jpg (473x475, 111K)

90% of Yea Forums doesn't actually understand how x-raying works and post pictures of girls in clothes that would never work...

Bra? Nope
Swimsuit? Nope
Leather? Definitely not
Basically, if you can't see a faint outline of the nipple, it won't work.

If you've seen someone "x-ray" one of the above, they've faked it and added in non-existent images


Attached: 1558638695806m.jpg (768x1024, 96K)

Attached: AD5E4E06-2DB2-499C-A1AA-17A3A0CA8695.jpg (1440x1800, 558K)

Is it do-able?

Attached: 0E2BD1E7-9C84-48D3-8CF8-4839BAD1FEC9.png (640x1136, 1.09M)


I mean, its already see through...

Bored=weak mind.



low res but i tried, bad result


next one

Attached: Xray3.png (908x786, 753K)

Attached: BFEB11C4-BCC7-4D01-ABF6-F6D1C75C66A3.jpg (421x749, 117K)

Attached: 6B11D71F-436F-4E77-8202-D65B00CBC194.jpg (746x627, 79K)

You can't do this one?


Attached: 598D3028-1F83-4E7A-8181-9ED77759C3C3.jpg (483x858, 158K)

Can you do this one? I tried once but I'm not sure how to do it properly.

Attached: BA580B6D-62F7-4F55-B4A3-CD946EE12945.jpg (2048x1418, 277K)

oh shit this one please

Attached: IMG_5029.jpg (720x720, 73K)

can u try her vag too plz op?

Attached: 098.jpg (1118x1677, 104K)

bad res

Attached: 1558841206850.png (1080x1000, 890K)

Can you do this? If she wearing bra that fine too.

Attached: 61143097_1576030282531998_5473237676113002496_n.jpg (960x960, 45K)

Is this possible?

Attached: 61306084_2141540496136005_7495418638254473216_o.jpg (720x1096, 191K)


Attached: 13226978_10206775017674311_8192622306059618852_n.jpg (720x720, 53K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190525-235010_Gallery.jpg (1440x2960, 1.44M)

we can barely see the nipple but nothing more

Attached: 1558842305438.png (2048x1418, 1.13M)

Apparently your low res shit pics are beneath OP's ability to do. Why don't you faggots get better gear or at least look for high res when you download your lies. Poor faggots are poor and faggots

Attached: E2FA08BF-BA06-48F6-98EB-1ED1BDF17E1A.jpg (1242x1886, 527K)

Chick on the left got IG?

the color is a little too dark, but there is a vague outline of her nips, lmk if this works op

Attached: st nips.jpg (696x560, 85K)

I'm a beginner it may be my fault


Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-25-21-56-29-1-1.png (1440x1518, 1.75M)

next one

Attached: 1558842390799.png (720x720, 531K)

Attached: 1377167_766672703466739_2032291843495834043_n.jpg (768x960, 37K)


Attached: 24820550-871E-420E-AF1A-07BD677A28E1.png (750x1334, 1.35M)

Attached: 1558841650606[1].jpg (1080x1350, 96K)

Attached: 99ECBC75-F763-4A96-8D53-1CAC67D02BB7.jpg (750x656, 510K)

More of girl on left? She got insta?

Attached: 64F2B980-93AE-4655-9D8D-3A13E6D1D476.jpg (1334x276, 91K)

not op but want to help

Attached: xr1.jpg (750x1334, 291K)

good show
any chance you can give mine a try?

Attached: 1558738011547.jpg (1080x1218, 127K)

Attached: DF454E76-911F-48BA-9146-B7729D6FF7A0.jpg (489x208, 147K)

Attached: 1273789865.png (448x360, 232K)


Please god X-ray this

Attached: FD1D1E0D-06D7-49B4-BFBE-1105B0D97380.jpg (1242x1740, 373K)


Attached: xr2.jpg (1440x1518, 907K)

Jlh plz

Attached: Screenshot_20190519-233813_Video Player.jpg (2960x1440, 897K)


possible OP? you're a hero and a wizard for doing these

Attached: a000caaaaaaaaaeofin.jpg (1080x1270, 219K)

Attached: BfoQ96-n2qD.jpg (683x690, 136K)

Attached: 6BF0441C-8924-4466-B9E9-2E06684DFF98.jpg (1536x2048, 312K)

Are you kidding. Op gets others to send him pic of people, and he gets to see their tits. Wizard, yes. Your hero, sure. Virtuous? No.

Attached: 62E95993-C111-4A4D-8524-DAE32BDFDB62.jpg (1206x1230, 271K)

can you try her vjj plz?

Attached: 55757.jpg (1100x1650, 883K)

Attached: 2018-11-29 04_03_38-Stories • Instagram.png (439x621, 471K)

any updates my guy?

Attached: xr3.jpg (696x560, 165K)

Attached: 20190525_213027.jpg (682x1024, 433K)

Is there a decent xray tutorial someone can link me?

This one should be easy

Attached: E756FF04-BDAF-471A-BE54-7B7333A0A0C5.jpg (750x748, 471K)

Attached: 02CEA771-9F82-4DCC-B39F-3A0420C5319A.jpg (460x460, 50K)

pretty but mehh results

Attached: mehh.png (969x1211, 1.98M)

Attached: 4F4DF18E-9BC6-4664-AAE5-6D4FDE0124EC.jpg (514x1102, 171K)

is this cameltoe xrayable?

Attached: 21576792_176180342929131_8627764857216696320_n.jpg (640x640, 64K)

No retard

Attached: import_1550585096519_107931.jpg (720x1280, 70K)

nice resized thumbnail

Please consider this, I've been wanting to see my mom at least partially naked for years, but haven't gotten the chance. This would help

Attached: 20190525_233948.jpg (460x763, 153K)


Attached: str.png (558x748, 746K)

OP still here?

Attached: nicce.png (1206x1230, 1.11M)

Op pls, is my sister

Attached: 1F19E3A4-B62B-465B-B6BF-FDDFB9BA93EF.jpg (745x929, 454K)


Attached: 1558844103455.jpg (1080x1080, 86K)

Attached: 500C96A1-662D-4556-8D7A-D83A0ED1E2EA.jpg (1242x1011, 389K)

Attached: FF29F447-7561-42F6-A5A8-D812854661B0.jpg (1242x1532, 520K)

Attached: D72D4F62-77B6-4A01-B044-253BA95569F1.jpg (1242x1185, 273K)

Attached: jugs.jpg (329x755, 101K)

the left

Attached: Screenshot_20190526-070133_Gallery.jpg (1080x1054, 440K)


Attached: AMd0bhjdrnf.jpg (1200x1600, 194K)

Nice thread my dude

Attached: tita.jpg (960x960, 84K)

Attached: mmmmm.jpg (1242x1185, 160K)

Thanks m8

Attached: Pinky.jpg (1440x2960, 1.17M)

So does anyone else (not OP) know how to xray? Or could give some pointers?



Attached: iwr7wskawrt21.jpg (2208x1242, 137K)

Would it be worth x-raying ass and puss?

Attached: 1BikiniSkyler.jpg (720x1280, 210K)


Attached: SmartSelect_20190514-123924_Instagram.jpg (1080x1080, 832K)

Attached: disappointing.jpg (1242x1182, 605K)

Attached: nice.jpg (1080x1000, 389K)

Attached: meep.jpg (750x1334, 414K)

Attached: see.jpg (768x1024, 328K)



Please good sir

Been struggling with this one

Attached: DC6C7B0C-0B96-454F-A88B-555D957F9571.jpg (539x960, 42K)

Attached: cutte.png (705x1447, 1.47M)


Attached: 9228579F-5B24-4CA0-BC09-E12BE3E9CA4B.jpg (1509x2048, 401K)

Or this

Attached: CF777089-2410-47BA-97BD-F5C6B55362D7.jpg (750x1334, 129K)

she is 15

Attached: 35543369_1070065749817560_4673758449157275648_n.jpg (1080x1350, 1.65M)

Or this

Attached: BCF5A69A-21FB-410E-B6D9-2903E1B86C50.png (750x1334, 1.29M)

Or this

Attached: 5FABA97C-03B4-4AF0-9C3D-D19B8F8FA412.png (750x1334, 1.36M)

Please please do this one

Attached: 20190311_235851.jpg (1440x2385, 1.36M)

Great thread OP

Attached: sexxy.png (750x1334, 705K)


please I need this


Girl in the black shirt has pierced nips.

Attached: 5119841.jpg (960x960, 107K)

Can I get one for this slut?

Attached: Charm's Tits.jpg (480x536, 88K)

Please and thank you

Attached: 20180818_23130.jpg (1071x1428, 639K)

Please sir

Attached: 60DBCD3A-6855-4DE0-8EBE-29C155FA79FC.jpg (1242x1575, 530K)

Attached: B17B1653-74F6-4687-B17C-8C02FC98DD8F.jpg (1242x1026, 374K)

How about this one?

Attached: Ashley 23.jpg (900x1200, 225K)

Op plz, you will be my hero

Attached: A9FB3661-29B2-4E62-A743-A35611ECBAF3.png (745x929, 1.06M)

Get a better look at her pussy mate. Thanks

Attached: 20181121_054637.jpg (376x966, 233K)

Not as skilled as OP, but I'm here to help!

Attached: 1558850853627.jpg (1440x2385, 1.04M)

Maybe OP will do a better job than I did

Attached: 1558851947878.jpg (900x1200, 629K)

Any chance?~

Please op be a god.

Attached: Screenshot_20190526-023153~2.png (603x1095, 1.16M)

Sorry m8, looks like she's wearing a pretty thicc bra :(

Possible OP?

Attached: Screenshot_20190526-023008~2.png (751x1074, 1.09M)

someone want to x-ray / shop this? I'd be super grateful

Attached: sadfghjj.jpg (1080x1350, 173K)

Dunno if OP is still around or if I'm just adopting you faggots, but here you go

Sorry m8. Can try faking it if you want, but the fabric is too thick

Attached: 1558852554769.jpg (751x1074, 535K)

Please op or someone, give it a shot. Will return favor with nudes of GF. All I’m asking is that you try.

Thanks for the attempt legend, perhaps this?

Attached: Screenshot_20190526-023117~2.png (865x1102, 1.82M)

I'll be honest m8, I did a shit job on this one. Hope you enjoy it anyway though

Attached: 1558852668560.jpg (1080x1350, 679K)

Come on I need to see her holes

Attached: 2ThongSkyler.jpg (1728x3072, 1.14M)

Attached: Yors.jpg (868x1004, 86K)

Attached: 35540570_251979078886215_8943414351830712320_n.jpg (1080x1295, 179K)

Holy shit man, you ABSOLUTELY should have lead with this one. Usually I do a little touching up to make things look a little better for you faggots, but literally all I had to do on this one was fuck with the exposure/saturation. Absolute legend, post more like this if you have it

Me too m8, wish I could help you

Attached: 1558852995446.jpg (865x1102, 1014K)

Attached: IMG_2431.png (640x1136, 1.34M)

This one pls

Attached: 60006990.jpg (901x1127, 190K)

How about this?

Attached: Screenshot_20190526-025221~2.png (922x1058, 1.55M)

Damn man. Guess I'm left to just imagining, ah well enjoy those pictures I guess

Nice post m8

what exactly do you want done to this?

Nah man, I love the pic but A) I'm pretty sure some nip is already visible? and B) I'm absolutely terrible at lacy fabrics like that

Attached: 1558853361114.jpg (1080x1295, 676K)

Well it seems like she's not wearing any panties soo...

Not possible, also no

I can only work with the pixels that are actually there. Sometimes a nipple can be brought out a little more prominently, or I can accentuate some curves, but I'm not gonna be able to get you a picture of her bare ass

I can try highlighting her ass cheeks or something if you want, but idk if it would live up to your imagination

Bathing suits are easier I guess?

Attached: Screenshot_20190526-025748~2.png (618x763, 761K)

holy shit user thank you! wanna try this one?

Attached: photo_2019-05-26_16-56-59.jpg (828x924, 199K)

Attached: 1610.jpg (720x960, 85K)

Attached: 36655702_2088511558137983_7227151149835485184_n.jpg (1080x1350, 217K)

I can fake either of these if you guys really want me to

The bathing suit is too thick, I tried with the other pic of her you posted. Tight dress could be promising!

The lacy fabric is too complicated to make much of, but I'm willing to try

Attached: 9BD7F1B2-0039-409D-B893-D6878817651C.jpg (1024x1365, 174K)

What about this one boss

Attached: 832C9EC3-393B-49F5-A77B-ABB2D42117CB.jpg (506x774, 408K)

Or a tight dress

Attached: Screenshot_20190526-025705~2.png (503x807, 432K)

Attached: 59742149_374916383369236_5921733759650551431_n.jpg (1080x1350, 117K)

if you can fake that would be awesome

Attached: 7FEB7C6C-77A1-4C38-8DC9-A375EE437846.jpg (649x1155, 186K)


Attached: 59667497_663328347413358_31480238572734431_n.jpg (1080x1316, 275K)

Pls bro

Attached: 7A8ADF74-902D-4240-86DA-56674ACA0022.jpg (1242x1230, 359K)

wow ty for re-doing. so much better than whoever did it first


this is disgusting

Attached: 1558854357817.jpg (1080x1316, 922K)

Bro ew

Attached: aa36c8e6-6919-4655-92d3-bdd4924934ba_lTqZoItluB.jpg (540x960, 35K)

what about her?

Attached: vsco_080316.jpg (1077x1619, 170K)

Attached: 1558854255702.jpg (1080x1350, 392K)

youre good at this. can you do this one please?

Can anything be done here?

Attached: Laerd6.jpg (1403x1640, 1.01M)

Attached: 32010206_2057522054515923_1109648407724556288_n.jpg (1080x1350, 111K)

Thats what I said!

What's her IG?

can you finish this one?

Attached: 31270488_809847245881353_4525676390632128512_n (1).jpg (1080x1350, 1.67M)

damn thanks dude

Did someone try to fuck her bellybutton?

Attached: 3DF97654-E7CD-497B-8BF5-AA419BBE5C61.jpg (666x960, 177K)

Damn dude you got skilll. I wanna learn this shit. Will you do this one, then I’ll go away for the night:

is she possible?

Attached: 38206189_172669406874732_3710214757144330240_n.jpg (1080x1336, 1.45M)

Sorry man, tried my best and it turned out horribly haha


Attached: 1558854776139.jpg (1080x1350, 1.13M)

this one pretty please

I appreciate the compliment! I'd like to, but I can already tell that the fabric is too thick and the pattern to complicated to really pull anything from it. Sorry Yea Forumsro, if you have any others I'd love to try for you

Sorry m8, bra's too thick

Attached: 1558842390799.jpg (720x720, 230K)

can you try her please?

Attached: 41648414_1079617722194862_8071501128676346044_n.jpg (1080x1080, 76K)

damn thanks anyway

either of these 2?

amazing thank you

Tried and failed :(

Annoying. All three of these LOOK like they should work. Sorry Yea Forumsros

Is it possible my good sir?

Is her shirt telling the truth?

Attached: 50115175_2328689364084711_2966845969679895636_n.jpg (1080x1080, 70K)

It’s cool man, this might be the same way with the material, but it’s worth a shot! Thanks Yea Forumsro

Attached: 47960F24-3012-4C9B-9F9C-9BFC9281372B.png (750x1334, 1.57M)

Anyone wanna give it a shot? If works i have more with her face too

New thread?

Image limit reached. I finished and can do if y'all wanna make a new thread for me

New Thread

New bread here