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What would the other bird say is the right way?
Then go the other way

its the door on the right. ive seen this before

"they only answer yes or no questions".

>is the capital city of france paris?
go with the one who says yes

theeen how do you ask which door is which? you get only one question butt boy

Seriously, has no-one in this generation ever seen labyrinth?

Ask bird one: would Bird 2 tell me this is the door to hell?

Watch the movie, then figure that shit out

What about the challenge where the birds are not aware of eachother?

yeah, people stupidly think that you have to stay within the parameters of the question to establish truth. therefore. you win all levels with this as an opener.

if paris = yes, is that door heaven? no/yes choose door.

not asking about other bird, challenge 1 win
no hypotheticals, challenge 2 win.



>only one question

"If I was to ask another bird whose answer would be the exact opposite of your if this is the door to hell, what would their answer be?"

do you think that the birds are counting how many times you have asked a question? especially if neither knows of the other's existence.

that's 1 question to bird A, one free one to bird B (based on established truth from bird A)

the birds do not know of the other's existence, so therefore, they do not know that you have asked the other bird a question. that's immediately one question per bird.

just following the parameters of the problem

Okay and challenge two with no hypothetical birds?

my god

is heaven gay?
I win libtard

nigger it doesnt say one per bird. it says one question.

That is distorting the parameters to fit your answer, and not the intention of the riddle

ask bird #1 "am i wearing gloves?" if response is truthful then as bird #2 an inverted question as that bird will only tell lies.

all challenges followed, and won.

Rape both birds in the ass.

How the fuck would the other bird know you already asked the question?

If the challenge mode is neither bird knows of each others existence, wouldn't that imply the regular challenge is that each bird knows of each others existence?

If a challenge is to make something harder, then that could not be a challenge because it would solve the puzzle.

In all honesty, it's a shittily written conundrum, attempting to sound confusing with no substance.

Challenge mode 2 makes no fucking sense. If you make a definitive statement it eradicayes all hypotheticals. My original answer still stands

>"You can only ask one question."

Trust Jesus.


>libs owned epicstyle

Its a challenge but he resolved it via out of the box thinking.

Okay, since you have a well thought out answer and response it works enough for me. You are not attempting to change anything to fit your answer kek

it's just you and the birds, so who is keeping track?!?! the bird that has no idea that you already questioned the other bird that doesn't exist????

lol youre trolling bro. it does not matter whether the imaginary bird knows if you asked a question or not. thats not the riddle

You are keeping track, after all it is the challenge that determines if your soul goes to paradise or eternal damnation. Stay honest

Kick a bird in the balls and ask if it hurts.

>then what's the fucking point?

>I'm to dumb to apply myself properly so I'mma cheat

challenge #1 breaks the problem so that it can be solved easier. and since you can do that, challenge #2 means you have to be direct. 2 questions, 2 answers logic wins.

honesty doesn't permit/deny you access to heaven. if so, no one would be there (see: little white lies)

>What's the fucking point of Captain Kirk cheating the Kobayashi Maru test?

This isn't an unwinnable situation

Why is the porn ad lady mad at the guy in the other aisle? She is naked in public he is just shopping.

"Would door 'x' take us both to heaven?" If it answers yes, go to the other door.

Shout "I am asking the green bird which door leads to heaven" The liar can't answer. Fuck you OP

ah fuck. yes or no. "I am asking the green bird if the left door leads to heaven"

From my point of view: I Move the bird on the left to the left side of the left door. Then I ask the question: is the door to heaven on your right (which is their left) the door to heaven?


You're an idiot.

he's not an idiot... fuck you

The answer's either going to be yes or no. Going to the opposite door does not give you a definite answer. It's still a 50/50 shot.

you just say 'what would the other bird say' and pick the opposite

goddamn jennifer connelly has always been drop dead gorgeous

or for the challenge say 'what would a liar bird say' or something to that effect

hold on... animals don't have souls. they can't go to heaven.


I would assume liers who purposely send people to hell deserve to go to hell themselves and ask "what door do you deserve to go through?" Either bird should indicate heaven.

>no hypotheticals
>if paris

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Neither do /b tards

The only answer is that you disregard both doors and fuck the two birds.

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Ur a dummi

This is easy. Look at the color of the door. Ask bird one "is this a door?" Then ask bird two which door goes to heaven and make your decision based on the knowledge you gained from bird one.

>Is the Judeo-Christian depiction of god actually a thought exercise in what the ultimately evil deity would look like? Consider the following evidence:


Kill both birds and wear their feathers so the subsequent people think the birds were a metaphor. Use their souls to experiment and determine the correct door.

I know right?

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they dont have an after life.


>is the door to heaven on your right

Fuck you I'm not playing. Riddle solved.

It's the same way I beat every escape room. I refuse to participate and they eventually just let you out. Suckers.

i think he's commenting about the previous conditional statement "is paris the capital of france?"

that's not hypothetical, it's direct.

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If you only get to ask one question then I assume you must ask both the question at once, with neither bird aware of the others existence they can't influence them.

But if you ask each if the door is on their right, then the lying bird will answer no and the truthful yes, and vice versa, so you still be picking blindly.

If I have moved one bird to the left side of the left door, and ask both birds 'is the door to heaven on your right' then:

If bird on left says no, i know it is the truth bird, as both doors are on its left. If the other bird says yes, i pick the door on its left side, since it is lying.

Vice versa if bird on left says yes.

What is the ordered pair of answers to "are you a bird" and "is this (specify either door) the door to heaven"?

You are asking one question: what are the ordered pair of answers. You receive one answer, the ordered pair

We are animals, you dunce.

Answer is neither because Heaven or Hell do not exist.

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>take us both to heaven

>birds don't get an afterlife

Yes, he is an idiot... fuck you.

just ask "what door would the other bird tell me to choose if i asked them which door led to heaven?" they will both point to the door that leads to hell and so just dont walk through that door.

With the challenges in place, you can reduce the problem to:

There is a bird, you don't know if he lies. You must figure out which is the right door. You can ask him one question.

Can't be solved unless you ask the bird a paradoxical question.

the answer is easy as shit why yall nitpicking over paris lmfao

other bird isn't aware of the others existence so that question wouldn't work.

am i dead if they say yes i go to that door if no i go to the other door


Challenge 2: Which door do people who are like you go through? Then go through that door.
Avoids the hypothetical of "if you had an afterlife..."

My question is:

In the sentence "You lie, the next word you say will be 'no' and heaven is behind this door", are there exactly one or three true statements?

If the truth teller is in front of the heaven door then Your question doesn't work.

Okay, I fucked up by not asking a yes-or-no question.
>Do people who are like you go through this door?
Asked the truthteller and I'm pointing at heaven? "Yes" and I go through that door.
Asked the truthteller and I'm pointing at hell? "No" and I go through the other door.
Asked the liar and I'm pointing at heaven? "Yes" because a liar would not but he's lying. And I go through that door.
Asked the liar and I'm pointing at hell? "No" and I go through the other door.
In all cases I go through the heaven door.

Disregard birds. Open random door. Go to heaven, because it is God's will.

Oh yes you are right. But the easy way to formulate your solution is:
I ask the bird in front of a door if people like him would go through the opposite door. If he answered yes then I go to the opposite door, if he answered no I go through the door behind him.

How does using "opposite door" simplify anything?

Because if heaven is behind him or hell is behind him by pointing at heaven or hell you could be pointing at the door directly behind him or the opposite door.
For you solution to work you have to always point at the opposite door.


ask one bird what 2+2 is
is they say 4, its the angel
if they say anything else, its the demon
works with any fact other than 2+2 really
(specify that you mean base 10 if you wanna get real fucking picky)

autist irl

Ok, now you know who is the liar, now how the fuck do you know if the liar is in front of hell or heaven, you can only ask one question faggot.

Autism can be cute.

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Dakota Fanning irl

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ask one bird

"would your answer to 'are you a bird' be the same answer to 'is this the door to heaven' ?"

if you are speaking to the lying bird and he says "yes" -> "no" to bird, "yes" to door (choose the other door)

if you are speaking to the lying bird and he says "no" -> "no" to bird, "no" to door (choose that door)

if you are speaking to the truthy bird and he says "yes" -> "yes" to bird, "yes" to door (choose that door)

if you are speaking to the truthy bird and he says "no" -> "yes" to bird, "no" to door (choose the other door)

i haven't gotten any further than just picking at random... fuck.

What is your answer to the question "What door leads to freedom?"?

>What door leads to freedom?
yes... wait. no.

"Take your chance and use this open window"

I ask the bird if it would like to accept Jesus Christ as it's own personal savior, thus guaranteeing it's place in Heaven. Then I would walk away content, knowing that I am already on the only true route to Heaven which is faith that my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ's death on the cross is payment for my sins.

Is it the case that there are two doors in this room and likewise the case that either the right door leads to heaven or that the right door either does or does not lead to heaven but not both the case that the right door leads to heaven and the right door either does or does not lead to heaven?

Mulholland Falls
just sayin'

You get one question. I don’t know about challenge two, but you can get challenge one by asking, “If I were to ask you if the door on the right lead to heaven, would you say yes?”

Challenge Mode 2: Which door do you want me to go through?

The good bird wants you to go to heaven and tells the truth about it.
The evil bird wants you to go to hell but lies about it.

I can't just feel which door is hot and go from there?

>Grab birds by the throat and walk through random door.

If it's hell you're both coming with me.

If it's heaven you're both coming with me.

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Not yes or no faggot

Is this the door you want me to go through?

Now it's a "yes or no" question.

kill one bird and ask the other "is this bird dead"

boom roasted

edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger

Nowhere does it state that the birds are good or bad, nor that they want anything at all.

they dont know of each other

Trick question
This room is heaven

Hold on. I need post-nut clarity before i figure this one out.

An answer: If you aren't a bird that lies, tell me this: Is this the door that leads to heaven?

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Ask a bird, "do you want to get raped if you don't tell me which door is the correct one?"

i havent seen labryinth but that doesnt work. like, okay if the answer is no then its either a lie or the truth and if the answer is yes then its either a lie or the truth?