Goose hate thread

goose hate thread

Attached: this kills the honk.jpg (474x355, 22K)

Is goose a code name for black people or jews?

I mean actual geese they are annoying little fuckers that crap on everything

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Geese rule, you drool!

Must remove Honk!


yeah man fuck geese


i'ts goose season

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If you’ve got a problem with Canada gooses, you’ve got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate!

what the fuck is a geese?

Not my farm, not my pig

My biggest problem with geese is that they fuckin shit everywhere, and it's always this log of green shit that doesn't easily wash away like other bird shit

also, theyre aggressive as FUCK

I have a lukewarm opinion of geese.

Attached: EachGiftedHumpbackwhale.webm (352x640, 320K)

>also there aggressive as fuck
one attacked my sisters dog and ripped a peace of skin off

what a piece of shit, at least the bird bird didn't suffer, but it didn't deserve death.

i don't really ever understand people who hurt animals purely for pleasure or lulz, it just screams "i have control issues"

I feed my geese friends in the winter so they stay thicc and warm :3


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in fairness you shouldn't own a shitty dog breed then

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Hi YouTube

never understood shotguns tbh. but then again I (sadly) do not have any experience with firearms at all.

fuck you geese are great

its illegal to remove honk with a rifle

Enjoy removing green logs from shoes


yeah I kinda knew that but it still seems retarded. I keep imagining shooting a shitload of pellets at a deer's head when I could cleanly take it out with a small calibre sniper rifle.

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Beat me to it.


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andy sixx is def secretly a goose

Not big deal.