Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

Anyone here managed to quit?

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Get a mouth fedora. Use that to curb your nic addiction. Get patches to move away from the fedora. Stop the patches. About 2 weeks of shittiness that weed/dabs helped with.

1 year nicotine free. Feels much better mate

I can't imagine how much you reek. That's like, the restaurant booth smells like smokes for half an hour after you get up levels.
Can you even taste or smell anything at this point?
Good luck, man. You might want to look into some ADHD type shit or something. When you drop smokes, if you're just using them to have constant little mental spikes, you're going to end up swelling up on food or doing some other weird shit to get your kicks.
I've done cancer though. Can't recommend it. Good on you for trying to get out.

looool mouth fedora first time i've heard that one

This is the third time you've posted this thread (that I've seen)....get a vape. The Juul is great. If you don't like that, try another one. Nicotine addiction withdrawals suck noodles for the first bit of time. It gets easier as time goes on, PROMISE.

dont worry, keep smoking, you'll quit when the cancer or emphysema kills you

I did thankfully. It's been a month since i've had one. Only thing i miss is how cool it makes me feel. I'm probably not as cool as i think i look when i smoke.

I quit by using the old douche flute aka JUUL. 6 months without a cigarette now and I barely puff my JUUL, maybe 3 times a day (unless it's my day off and I'm high as a kite) but I was also only a pack a day guy at my peak.

i've smoked for 2000 years, and cough like crazy in the mornings, but me still fuck me and i don't let them stay over so whatever

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Im actually at 3 months or something now, i stopped keeping track.
Smoked heavy for 18 years and just finally quit. Chewed the nicotine gum for a week or so and stopped that too. You have to quit nicotine all together and just dont look back. Fuck vaping and all that bullshit

I'm literally juuling as I'm typing this.

I tried everything when quitting smoking and failed many times. When I was finally successfully, I didn't use anything. I started running almost everyday which helped with cravings and stopped me from gaining a ton of weight from eating so nonstop

Yeah I just ran out about two weeks ago and haven't bought any since. Been smoking for at least 7 years. First five days sucked but now it's fine, used to burn a pack a day. Follow advice because you smoke a retarded amount of cigarettes daily

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Once you've been off it for so long its a walk in the park. I have no desire to smoke anymore

Hey is 1 cig a week is bad?
Or my habits just starting?

this thread is filled with pussys. try quiting a real drug

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There is no quitting that, ive tried

max I used to smoke was 12-20 a day. I quit cause I realised that I buy someone a lunch a day for killing my lungs. That realisation in my mind was strong enough to stop.


That's absolutely nothing. Half a pack a day is bad. I don't smoke cigs but I juul like half a pod a day.

something like 75? SOMETHING LIKE 75???

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