Tfw hungover

>tfw hungover

what do bros? Will weed help?

Attached: 3325.drunk.jpg (325x250, 20K)

moar alcohol

This, seriously.

weed makes u sleepy, u sleep and then it goes better.. help u too relax

Drink water/lemon juice and toke.


this only works if you dont feel like throwing up

In order: weed, water, toast, coffee. Maybe some OJ. If you're craving something greasy, get some bacon, maybe some eggs. Gatorade after that, and you'll be good to go.

Drink water, eat something and be a man

That's an hell of an algorithm. Why not just suggest the quadratic equation?

Suicide fixes all problems.

water, asprin, bed

feel better

It's actually just a decent breakfast plus a wake and bake and extra hydration. Been doing it for years, works every time. You wanted a hangover cure, you got one.

Always smoke weed. Rarely use prairie oysters in desperate situations. But if i really really need to throw up, smoking immediately makes me puke, then i feel great

booze is only cure

Drink an absolute fuckton of water. Throw it up if you have to but keep drinking. Maybe go for a jog or do some sit ups. After your system is flushed out eat a large meal. Multivitamins never hurt either.

very true. make yourself throw up first.

Till u feel like shit again an hour later.

This is how alcohol dependence starts

There is wisdom in this thread, water is key, everything else gravy; or become alcoholic and stop getting hangovers

Smoke some crack and then do a line of coke. Works everytime.

did you legit start an entire thread about a hangover? just stop being a bitch take a giant nasty shit and move on with your day faggot.

>gatorade and a bacon sandwich
You can thank me later.

sounds fucking delisoiosis

Just drinking water, some good food, maybe some weed, work for me. Only time can really get rid of a hangover.

One raw egg mixed into a full glass of OJ... I swear by it that this works better than anything else from a former alcoholic here

Obtain peripheral access and hang a banana bag. Take 4mg of oral zofran.


two NAC pills and water

My usual hangover cure is a Xanax and a black coffee.