Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

Anyone here managed to quit?

Attached: mma is for fucking losers.jpg (668x528, 109K)


never started was the best way to quit

I know this isn't what you want to hear and you're probably gonna call me a faggot...

...But buy a decent vape, helped me and many others quit. Cigarettes are pretty fucking gross to me now

Attached: vape-kits-vaporesso-revenger-x-220w-tc-kit-1.jpg (1200x1200, 101K)

Agree, I've done the same with almost no efffort. You should try OP.

Damn, 75? I can barely manage 25 a day. How do you have the time for 75?

I used to smoke almost that much, I was smoking 2-3 packs a day, mostly Marlboro Red Shorts or Lucky Strikes with a fair amount of rollies thrown in there. I used the 21mg patch and 4mg gum for about a week then I stopped using the patch and switched to the 2mg gum. After another week I was 100% off nicotine. If CBD is obtainable where you live. I'd heavily recommend that as well.

mfw i cant tell if people are taking this thread seriously after seeing it for the 1000th time

They are; summer is here

>says "tfw"
>doesn't post face

so? what does tfw mean?

i haven't smoked regularly in years. my throat got wrecked if i smoked half a pack in a day.

yes, i tried many times before succesfully quit

it means "tfw"

8 quit month AGO

weak willed losers

You have to find a coping mechanism that works for you. This almost always means replacing the addiction with one that is easier to withdrawal from. Try CBD or weed, and if weed, then use dramamine to quit weed.

difficult was it DID YOU FIND?

sounds legit

0w0 what's this

Is this loss

I smoked about three cigarettes almost two years ago now. How the fuck do you people get addicted to it?

>People forgot TFW stands for, That feel When.
>Normies replaces it with That Face When so they can show their disgusting faces.
>Yea Forums sucks today.

Jeez, I almost spilled my beer this morning driving to work while lighting a cigarette.

I’ve heard that a lot of people quit cold turkey after an LSD trip. And I imagine there’s a number of other psychedelics that do the same thing. Tread lightly with that stuff though. It’ll be the most physically and emotionally intense experience of your life and you can never prepare yourself for it. Even me saying that won’t really make sense unless you actually have had that experience. So do your research on what to expect and any harm reduction methods and give it a go when you’re in the right mood. it’s not for everyone though and might bring on more bad than good so like I said tread lightly. Besides that, just buy a vape and then try and quit that with patches or whatever. Like the other guy said, it’s not cool to vape but if you’re not humble enough to use an uncool thing to quit cigarettes, you’re not gonna quit cigarettes.

HARD ZAZA but of much width it be for you're life and the lifes nearby to YOU


yup, bought an e-cigarette back in the day when those big fucking vapes werent a thing yet.
i smoked it less and less without even trying, got rid of it altogether within 2 or 3 months

I only vape THC cartridges. No odor so I can even do it at work.

Both of you can fuck right off for contributing absolutely fucking nothing to the conversation.

There's no pill to quit, there's no therapy to quit, there are only fucking balls, be a man, and stop, end of.

Just don't fucking buy cigarettes bro is not hard, you just think it's hard so you think you can't.
Stop being a faggot and just smoke a pack a day.

I did, been about 6 months now. Just go to the doctor and ask for chantix or wellbutrin. It's honestly harder to keep smoking on that shit. Stay away from friends who go outside to smoke.

>lsd trip
>It’ll be the most physically and emotionally intense experience of your life and you can never prepare yourself for it.
See this is the problem with neets, autists, incels and first world people
They exagerate drugs trips because they read shit on the internet or because some friend told them shit
The first time i tried LSD it drank beer and wine, smoked like 3-4 joints and enjoyed the trip i know it's cool but don't exagerate bruh