What keeps you going user? lately life has felt meaningless and empty for me

what keeps you going user? lately life has felt meaningless and empty for me

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my mom
She couldn't live knowing I an hero'ed

let me guess: you work all day come home and browse some porn, visit forums to check on your posts, make frozen pizza for dinner?

life has no meaning and it currently sucks pretty bad, but at the same time if I kill myself it wont make things better. get a cat user learn to love again

yeah. work fap eat sleep repeat

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she has strong wide shoulders.

i dont like cats, a few months ago i heard scratching at my door, i opened it and a cat ran in. jumped into my sink, broke some dishes, then ran back out. fucking prick

>Work for 10 hours
>Too sore and broken to do anything
>Drink for 5 hours
>Wake up, back to work

That's pretty much all life is. I keep going because I'm robotic at this point and feel a weird commitment to keep going into work even though I hate it, it's killing me and I get nothing from it but money I can never spend because I'm always at work.

Have a good weekend everyone!

My son.

what's her myfreecams username?

>lately life has felt meaningless and empty for me
>work fap eat sleep repeat

need i say anymore?
Dont you have friends to hang out with, people to date, vacation to spend, money to burn?

Man, the girls on there are hotter than Cbate but the UI there is fucking terrible.

Start living on the edge dude.
First off if you havn't tried an anti-depressant or something DO.
I'd blow my head off if I didn't have my meds.
I'd also blow my head off without paragliding.

Go push your limits.

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i have some friends from work but when i gedt home im too tired to hang out. havent had a date since middle school, i dont meet anyone new either. no vacation or money either, i work and school full time. thank god porn is free. every waking moment feel like an act of cruelty though

cats can be assholes like people are man, you gotta find the right one. Like everything in life things are only valuable if you deem them so. life has meaning if you fill it with responsibilities and pride. take care user I wish the best for you.

thanks dude, ive made it this far so ill try to go a bit farther

Get the letters DNR tattooed below your right clavicle and on your left rib cage. Now you're on your own timer. Things will be more exciting and meaningful.

Have you tried doing something new? something you have never done? it gives a great feeling of mastery and accomplishment.

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work and school full time sounds like at one point you will be finished with school and have a better job though?

i got a job recently and it felt nice for a while, but after a few weeks like everything else it started to feel pointless

maybe, assuming i finish school and can actually be hired. even with a better job though, i still think id end up feeling this way after a way

How old are you user? and if it feels meaningless its because you don't care enough. the more responsibility you take over your life the more meaning it will have. Try to make an extra effort at work even it is a little thing.

the fact that you are here means that you are not completely apathetic yet. I believe in you user!

>pic unrelated, new pc and its the only pic I have

Attached: mentally ill.jpg (750x736, 398K)

> "ninaSEX tube" new XxX Pron tube site..


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>only work instead of work and school
>better work with better pay
>more time to find new people

relax user, just think about the future. I would recommend finding a hobby that would lead to you meeting new people like a sport or a club.
>"b-but user I don't do sports and I don't like anything special"
Fucking kys then. Try something new or die an irrelevant death one day.

Lol god damn she is so underwhelming

cute youthful boipussy

>She couldn't live knowing I an hero'ed
Proper use of "an hero".
Good work, user.

>what keeps you going user?
I'm not sure, user. I basically just hang in there. Dogged determination. I am just too goddamn mean to die or something.

Ouch. true though.

Im with you brother

i stared listening to both jocko willink and jordan b petterson, they helped in the search for meaning on my life, and i hope it will do the same for you lads

I actually enjoy life and I've never experienced boredom.

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youtube and video games, I got used to being alone a long time ago, it's to the point that I hate being around people now. Get a vr for porn or a sex doll if you're too lonely.

I just want to see how this all ends

Same user... Nothing to justify the pain of life. Suicide seems nice

Emma's dating a black dude

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kill yourself then retard. I just wake up and do what I feel like. Thats what keeps me going.

What keeps me going.

I just want to be happy. I'm going to be happy.