>doesn't smoke cigarettes
Are you bullied at school, mentally retarded, or both?
>b-b-but you die
So? was life a competition who lives the longest?
>you get addicted to it!
No you wont, if you aren't underage and able to smoke in moderation.
Who made you buy a pack of cigarettes a day, you fucking peat gavel
Hello, big tobacco. I am already under your guise that smoking makes me happier. In fact, i played along for so long that i have even become an alchaholic. Ha ha ha, jokes on me lol i took the bait, now when does the cancer kick in? Im ready.
Haha good shitpost
Have an upboat
I smoke right before I go to sleep
I get nightmares
Thanks for reading
>So? was life a competition who lives the longest?
Some retards who aren't OP probably believe this.
Dying from lung cancer is extremely painful and debilitating.
You become a fucking wreck who can't run up the stairs without coughing and becoming winded even if you don't get cancer.
Only goddamn losers smoke.
i cough bricks
Gonna be honest with you, I don’t have lung cancer and I can barely run up stairs without dying.
Get fit you lazy useless fuck
Vapes are my favorite tobacco product.
Ordered some habana cigars, getting here today hopefully, I enjoy it
>smokes glue paper plastic and chemicals
>thinks its tobacco
>enjoys carbon in lungs
count the amoubt of cigarrete butts on the ground next time you go for a walk (if you can even walk)
you can smell cigarette smokers before you see them (actually not you because you FUBARd your sense of smell and taste)
paying over 10 dollars for 2grams of low grade tobacco...youre sucking on little white dick while CEOs get blown on yachts with your wagecuck slave salary (think about this on your next "smoke break" at work)
Enjoy the lung cancer kid.
Medfag here, Everyone knows cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, but what the media doesn’t show you are all the other extremely common things it does to people well before you get old.
Asthma exacerbation: you ever see an 18 year old need to be paralyzed, put in an induced coma, and had a tube down his windpipe just to so he can breathe?
Peripheral arterial disease: the 40 year old who needs his toes amputated because he’s destroyed his blood vessels
Beurger Disease: the *22 year old* who needs 7 fingers amputated because he’s destroyed his blood vessels
Spontaneous Pneumothorax: the 25 year old who has a lung section suddenly pop, causing his lung to collapse, who now needs emergency chest tube placement (an excruciatingly painful surgery with no time for anesthetic).
Erectile Dysfunction: the 38 year old begging for Viagra, who doesn’t realize he can’t afford it.
Heart attack: the 48 year old man who dies suddenly.
COPD: the 61 year old who is confirmed to a wheelchair with an oxygen tank.
Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: the 60 year old who dies suddenly as he bleeds out into his own abdomen
Alzheimer’s: happens much more often, and at an earlier age, in smokers
Esophageal cancer, Colon Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Stomach cancer, Bladder Cancer, Renal cell carcinoma, oropharyngeal cancer.
Fuck anyone who suggests smoking even as a joke. Smoking, Diabetes, and Obesity cause so many awful and sad medical problems in this country that you don’t see unless you’re in a hospital all day.
Yeah but I dont inhale faggot and its occasional
everyone dies you medfag fag.
I used to smoke, used to fuck rando women I met around the world, ate some bizzare shit, swam with fucking great white sharks and ate life like it was a fucking orange, you prat.
when I die my friends will be sad, but they will also say "fucking hell, i wish i had half the life that bloke had"
life is for the living and no one gets out alive, so drink the wine, eat the steak and fuck the girl. and if you feel like it, take a drag on the old coffin nail every now and again.
so slag off and go change the catheter on your mum.
>dying from lung cancer
means you're too much of a homo to just go breathe off the helium bag like a man, spare your family having to watch you go down slow.
don't be gay. kys if you get some nasty disease.
Yeah but cigarettes taste like faggy shit
Found the daft cunt
Thanks for sharing yo, didn't know about Beuger's disease, incredible
why? because i'm speaking the truth? are you going to live forever? wear a helmet on your motorbike do you? use a condom every time you fuck your wife just to be safe?
fucking hell. kids today. what maximum said in "gladiator" is true: death smiles at everyone. the best a man can do is smile back"
or be a fag like most kids today and try and hide from death by eating only soy and kale and retreating to safe spaces whenever someone is mean to them. jesus.
Yeah, taking care of yourself is gay. Destroy your body like a man and die a painful death at a young age.
tobacco schlomo
"taking care of yourself" actually is kinda gay. you just want a safe life with no danger? so you won't ever experience the thrill of what it actually means to be alive - once you've been close to death, then you realize how important life is.
this isn't a troll, by the way - lots of my mates died doing some of the things we do - and when those of us who are left sit around drinking toasts of scotch to them after eating some good red meat, we appreciate the fact we're still here to talk about "the day we didn't die".
its sad to see the current generation of young men be so afraid and need to be so safe from anything that might cause them any kind of harm.
"Mama always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun
But mama, that's where the fun is" remember that.
>thinks life is about eating meat and having orgasms
your friends are just as pathetic as you and are probably the reason theres so much waste and pollution in the world.
call me when youre dead so i can spit in your casket
>trying this hard
what a fulfilling life you lead
if you don't smoke you don't deserve to live.
Unfortunately for you, youre still british. So no one will give two shits about whatever halfway 'cool' stuff you did