I'm scared right now. Do you believe hope changes cancer outcomes?

I'm scared right now. Do you believe hope changes cancer outcomes?

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Medically speaking. In rare cases it can in the same sort of way a placebo effect works. But it's not likely

I believe cancer changes the hope outcomes.

i wonder if plecebo can reduce counter risk before ever getting it

you thought you were clever until someone you love yadda yadda yadda

No hope doesn't change anything at all. Was hoping my Dad was going to get 6 months of life and he died last week 3 months after being diagnosed.

>three months
get fucked, wageslave plastic consumer

Fuck you, I hope you can still hug your dad faggot

Lol, pretty unlucky

No but meditation does.


3 months? My 80 yo grandma lasted over a year with stage 4 melanoma.

Lol what a fgt, i wouldn't wish that upon anyone. Kys pleb

Having a positive attitude couldn't hurt. Having a negative one can. Do the math.

It’s reality. Cancer is a fucker. No way to sugarcoat it.

Yes positive thought promotes better circulation and increased immune response. But also water fasting, ketogenic diet, dandelion root tea, cannabis oil, and salvestrol will help ifnot cure.

Just ingest copious amounts of THC and think "I can NEVER get cancer" and you won't. I'm a doctor, you can trust me.

Yeah was extremely unlucky, was diagnosed with bile duct cancer that spread to the liver and formed a tumor the size of a softball. Tried two months of Chemo but the results showed the cancer was still spreading / growing.

was only 40 as well so feelsbad

>spread to the liver
ah that explains it. fuck cancer.

Actually you need the full spectrum that Cannabis offers not just THC. You need to consume the oil, not smoke it. Vaping the oil is a great way to control does also, as long as you get the right heat as different compounds vaporize at different temperatures. Auto Tangarine is a great strain as it has a 2% CBD concentration.

lol you must be an underage punk

No. But it can't hurt.

I'm sorry. Good luck.

shock theerapy kills cancers.

Hope is bullshit.

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Yes. Humour.