Im hesitating, idk how to do this any other way without being stopped, im trying to lay down and hang myself from my closet (bar inside holds my makeshift belt noose) how do i stop fighting /b? I keep getting scared after a couple seconds because my face feels hot and bloated and i start to panic bad
Im hesitating, idk how to do this any other way without being stopped...
Also my body starts to go numb after a couple seconds, causing me to panic?
1. Don't
2. You aren't doing it right
Why would you want to die? There's no outcome. You don't come out of it.
All possibilities for you would be over, all of your potential gone.
Why kill yourself if you have nothing to lose? If you have nothing to lose, then you can do anything.
What do i try then? I wont fall for the meme that it gets better, ive no future with myself, its either this or off a cliff, just tell me how to ignore the fear
Wrong, i get the best outcome, not having to drudge through another year telling myself “maybe today ill be content?”
That fear is your caveman survival instincts kicking in and you can't stop it. The noose needs to constrict your neck veins, if done right you'll fall asleep and die.
Wrong yourself, there is no contentment.
Only the loss of the things that you could have done. It's not like you'll remember and say to yourself "Oh, sweet relief."
Imagine the other side. It can't be wrose than this. Maybe it's heaven or bliss. Maybe life is the nightmare.
You seem like youll actually help me, what do you think if i bound my arms after putting on the noose? Would i still be able to fight out of it somehow? It ties on very well
Don't do it this way. There's a good chance you won't die and you'll suffer brain damage. Do not kys with unsure methods. Find a tall building, get a gun or a helium tank.
Leverage is all you need, fuckass
There is no other side. Your body is isolated and when you stop, you stop.
uh huh im sure bro uh hold on sweet heart ur fedora fallin off
shut the fuck up retard
middleschool is too young to off urself stupid nigger
Impossible to get a gun, im in cali, tall buildings are my 2nd bet but all the people that could be around might stop me, ive looked into the exit bag method but getting a tank of gas to my house would already alert my family, they saw my browser history and it wasnt porn, so they are on watch pretty much
If you really wanted to die you would do it. You're posting for attention pussy.
im in cali too. How about if we are in the same county you have to meet up with me and talk?
ok so your life isn't that bad then
good to know you're just fucking edgy and retarded
Im op, other guy is athiest neck beard, I didnt care for religion but im not a fucking retard about it
livestream or gtfo
nobody cares unless u have a stream up no balls at all
What is driving you to kill yourself? What happened?
You'll struggle as hard as you possibly can, so make sure your arms can't move
answer me op faggot
Im not meeting people for this issue, enough talk, ive seen where it gets people, i want out and i need the final pish right now
sonoma county??
also ill kill you to make it easier
God fucking dammit, i really am shit at all i do, the knot came undone when i tried to fall over and so i tied it again but it wont pull around ny neck tight and imthe knots too tight for me to undo
great picture moron
Im actually stuck now, is this god laughing at me for trying? Dear god I deserve to die at thsi rate
user don't attempt again and give me a chance to talk to you
I dont want it to be bait, im sorry im shit at this, i really do want out, ive just always been shit at everything i attempt
livestream it if ur gonna hero what do u have to lose
You are not fated to die yet my child
Call the suicide hotline. Just trust me on this. Anytime I get the urge, I call them. And it helps more than you can imagine. Just getting a half hour to get your feelings out and talking gets your mind off things. Having someone validate your feelings helps more than you can ever imagine. Please fucking call them user. If I would've ended my life when I finally broke 4 years ago I wouldn't have met the people I've met and had the experiences I've experienced and looking back it would've been a huge mistake. In 4 years you'll look back and think the same
who's going to find you user?
Don't do it... Feelings are temporary, you can get over what you're going through, time will pass and you'll feel better and you'll be glad to be alive
Don't do it Yea Forumsro
Guys I genuinely think he's gone
op wont do it. if he was serious he wouldnt have posted a thread
Don't do it mate. Stick around and there'll be moments in the future where you're happy you didn't do it.
Call one of the mental health hotlines.
Sorry to say i dissapointed, im too much of a pussy and the pain is too rough on my neck, sorry for waisting your time /b
Ill be having a cigarette, contemplating.
stop posting newfag.
no an hero no care
nobody thought u were gonna do it
u r a pussy
No man, I've been there.
When you're in that mentality you're not thinking straight. You want someone, ANYONE, to care. If that means a rando on Yea Forums then so be it because you know you can't talk to your parents, they'll just pass it off that you're a kid and it's hormones. You feel like you're weighing on your friends and your girlfriend, so you can't talk to them because you don't want to bother them again. Your sisters are too young to understand, and your grandparents can't understand. Teachers will just have to report back to your parents. You feel alone. And you need someone to care
I'm not disappointed. I'm glad man. Please get some help with this user, seriously
Yes i am, i really tried though im just so scared of it,and the pain is making my body fidget, i hate the tiny little will to live fighting me, im sorry again /b
It seems like more effort to get over the fear of killing yourself, than it is to sit down and make a list of the 10 smallest problems in your life and solve them.
After those 10 are solved, make another list. And so on
Aww. Wish I had crabs. They're so fucking cute. "OP IS DEAD" little bugs make me smile feel good
Don't an hero, user. Religion is just a cult that didn't drink the koolaid. There is nothing out there after you die. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. There is no afterlife. No heaven. No hell. No reincarnation to try again. Your brain cells simply stop sending signals and what we call our conciousness simply ceases to be. You will be gone. Every hope and dream you wanted to achieve lost as the signals stop firing to and from each neuron. You just don't exist anymore. The only thing you leave behind is a wave of confusion, depression, anger, anxiety, tears, hopelessness and every negative emotion a human can feel in your wake to those who cared about and knew you. An average of 70 years of life is simply not enough, and to cut it short is a tradgedy. Go for a walk, listen to the birds, say hello to a stranger and make a new friend. Good luck user.
If you really want out, and im not endorsing you killing yoursef, but if you really wanna leave OD on opioids. You feel so good death just comes and you don't care. It saddens me to know you might go but if you have to that's the way to go. Try doing something for a year though. Meet new people. Go to new places. When at the bottom all there is is up.