Daughter makes me rockhard

Daughter makes me rockhard

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Other urls found in this thread:



that's your daughter?

Keep posting your daughter she’s going to make me cum

How old r u? U r too old to be here!


how old's your girl? getting these off of insta?

> Underage newfag detected



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tell us more

I'm 36. And I've been here all summer.

Yeah user, she is very gorgeous, but dude that's your daughter

I heard her fucking 2 years ago .

Makes me rockhard even since

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I know but still makes me wanna fuck her

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damn that's a tough one. my daughters getting to that age where she's starting to fill out all thick. not surprising since her mom was always a pawg and i'm hispanic. she's like a little tan athletic version of her, she's gonna be trouble lol

Got a picture to share?

Well then tell that to your wife if you've really opened conversation about everything with her, and after that when both of you are "playing" make her to call you daddy

i doubt it though
reverse image search it
it's all over the place

Could be nice

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Got any of her underwear ?

Ugly chogmonster

she's got some hips and thighs on her

Do you live in Europe

not finding anything tho.

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Stupid weeb faggot

how did you do that, asking this stupid question because i found her FB active profile, and no i'll not going to share that info

yea. she posts enough online lol

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Just do the reverse image search. Also how did you find her facebook? Can you share your techniques? Do you use the images?

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More of this Latina slut

Any of her in tight clothes/bikini or something so we can get a look at her body?

Yes i'm using the images, on the first image i found her FB account. No i can't share you my technique online, but i would definitely told you if we knew each other in person (if you're my friend), sorry Yea Forumsro

Who the fuck is Kevin?

if that was my daughter she would get pregnant by me :(

you guys are not shy. here.

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Who stores their shoes under the TV? That's just crazy!

This guy is lying. There's nothing within these image files that would make that possible.
Looks like he managed to scare OP off though. Nice job.

as long as she keeps her room clean i don't give a shit where stuff goes lol.

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Okay if you say so, but then tell me why didn't op answer me on this question if i'm lying???

post tits or GTFO

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>$2 bill


You find yourself attracted to her? Just asking because I don't have kids so don't know what it's like and she's really hot so I'm curious

Do you want me to post proof without a name?

Read through the thread. The girl with the $2 bill isnt the same girl as the one who he wanted to know about being from Europe

Yeah, do it

then why is it being post? this was specifically a thread for OP


Keep dumping your cute little girl. If she has anything in leggings and a tight shirt I'd love to see that

I know you have pics of her skimpy little thongs user show us

attracted depends on your definition. do i want to fuck her no. am i proud and enjoy watching her blossom into a gorgeous curvy young lady? yes. it's nice eye candy and she's a great kid. i also get a kick out of seeing her always ending up running to me regardless of what boy she's fawning over at the time lol

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My intention is not to make you upset, but you asked for it, enjoy

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Anything we can do to convince you to tell us how you did that?

If you want i can even prove to you that what is your IP

Damn bro. I've spent the last 20 minutes trying to figure out how to do it. But nothing. Is your technique like illegal or something? Do you have access to some government program or something? Damn bro if you don't want to tell us that's ok. You scary.

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That was directed to you. Managed to delete a number somehow

nah mate nothing like that, i'm not a fucking freak or stalker. It's just some of the understandings how is internet actually working. I'm not some kind of government agent or something like that, i'm just an ordinary user who knows exactly how is the world wide web working (all you see in here is a legit method)

How does the internet work user

i swear she wears leggings more than actual pants. then again so does most of her friends. the fad now. not exactly complaining trust me. lol this is one of my favorite pictures i've taken of her from when we were hiking in january,

lol if only you knew the shit i find in the laundry or her room. sometimes i think she doesn't realize this shit doesnt wash its self and that I see it. some of these things are skimpier than her moms. crazy.

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Wll its not backtrace amd its not the fb image url in the name what else can it be? Any website in particular or a clue that you can give?

By the click with the mouse button, and typing with your keyboard, all i can write to you is that no one of us is 100% safe no matter what


I know user show us

Nah bro i can't share that info (because you'll all abuse that for obviously reasons) as i wrote before to this user

great body but awful face. would stick a bag over it.

Mm how tempting is it to sniff and play with her little thongs. I'm sure you must love when she has sleepovers. Anymore leggings with better lighting. That ass looks delightful

i'm not digging through my daughter's laundry to post a picture of her panties. not sure if you really know what you're asking because they can get very gross lol

anyway one last pic before i get going. seems i wore out my welcome in this thread

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She is a princess who is beautiful like heaven and hot like hell

I don't know the method that was actually used but I dunno why people are acting like it's impossible. Think about what you all probably tried to do. Now apply that to the fact that you can view millions of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter profiles pictures and certain pictures without actually being a friend/follower. Whether or not they running their own system, paying for a system, or there's a secret free service somewhere; I dunno. But if you can reverse-image search to find everything but Facebook profile pictures which are public; you can probably reverse-image search them too; it's just that google won't do it.

Hmu on Snap if I'm right @ Matrs

Pic unrelated

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>you can view millions of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter profiles pictures
This user get it

So what you're saying is try a bunch of different reverse image searching tools?

can't say i've ever played with her panties or (intentionally) smelled any of them but the sleepovers, you have no idea the stories lol

since you asked heres a sort of leggings pic. had to dig through instagram for it. little girl isn't so little anymore.

tell me about it. sweetest kid. super good in school and can sing. seems quiet but she's a handful trust me. my princess for sure and i treat her like one.

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Post her webm being opened up by her teacher

>princess for sure and i treat her like one.
I would also treat here like that, she seems to me that she isn't some sort of slut, am i right?

* treat her

What kind of stories from those sleepovers can you tell us?

My two sisters (pic related) make me rock hard as well, I’d never do anything with them but I think it’s not wrong to fap to them

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Does she enjoy cuddling up with her daddy. I know I'd get carried away and get a little handsy with her if she did it with me. She's definitely not little in some ways anymore. I bet her little chest is ever growing too. Let's see some more of her user you've got a real cutie on your hands

Sneaky ass pic?

she's not slutty. some of her outfits are a little questionable but i think that might not be fair. if her skinny tiny friends wore it it probably wouldn't be a question.

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Still wanna see some of her skimpy clothes

Of course

mine also

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Very cute. Looks like we have a battle of the daughters going on here tonight!

Would you look at these fags, they're trying to bait user who can provide a proof for their accounts, bald luck for you, that user has already gone, or i'm just that retarded

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Only one thing, does she know how to cook. If so then she would be a perfect wife one day

well nothing like some porno might suggest like her friends fucking me or something but the usual. typically just ridiculous dares that spill over on to social media. the craziest was probably last summer i had a bbq and she brought 4-5 of her friends from school over to swim. i'll spare you the details of them splashing around in the pool but more or less me and the mrs got fairly drunk and passed out early. woke up thirsty as fuck at like 1am and went to the kitchen to get some water turn on the light and i see her friends all topless by the pool and they all run to hide. meanwhile my daughter is staring right at me by the glass door with this doe eyed look in just her panties doing an admirable job arm-braing those DD's of hers. she was babbling on trying to explain but i just kissed her forehead and told her i didn't give a fuck what she or her friends were doing as long as the neighbors don't see and it doesn't wind up on the internet. i just wanted some damn water and I was too drunk to give a shit lol pretty sure they were just streaking

we're pretty close. don't cuddle her as much as when she was little but hugs are a lot softer now. try not to ever feel up on her but you know as curvy as she is there's a lot of incidental contact lol outside of like playful stuff. i'm not afraid to tap her on the butt if it's to tell her to put on pants or something less revealing if my buddies are gonna be around.

not the best but she's young. i cook a lot and have taught her. i love to cook for her. grew up poor so i love seeing my girl nice and stuffed from a big meal.

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Mm so you saw some of her friends topless too. That's cute. Has she experimented with any drinking that you know of? Not sure if you want to go into another slumber party story but I wouldn't mind hearing about accidental nudity that you caught. Do you try to regulate what she posts on social media. She's very cute and I'm sure she could post some very sexy stuff

We’re gonna need everything you have on her

>i just kissed her forehead and told her i didn't give a fuck what she or her friends were doing
This is what every father should be with their daughters. Also i'm sorry if i scared you with the post of her account, you don't need to worry about that 'cause i'm not a fucking freak, and i also do that only to prove the other fags that no one is 100% secure or anonymous on the internet. Just don't ever i mean never exploit her trust to you in abusive ways (you get the idea). And the last note, have a good day, and best regards from Croatia

You're talking to the wrong guy again. Thais not the girl whos account was posted


Can we get a bikini pic or something? She's gotta have one or two of them uploaded, all teenage girls do

My apologies then, i made a mistake

> Absolutely Crazzy chans links


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She deserves a nice dad cock

Looks Belgian to me.

Oh yeah for sure. she doesn't seem to drink a lot but i've let her have a beer or two. she's had a few run ins with booze though. first time she came home late and puked on herself before she passed out. wife wasn't home yet so i had to get her cleaned up. wish i could say i was a perfect dad that didn't stare a bit too long at that chest of hers before i got her into a clean shirt but you know. was not a fun talk with her the next day but she was glad i helped her and gave me a kiss so that was sweet.

other than that i dunno... if you have a kid you see them naked sometimes. just a fact. for specifics i guess usually it's mild stuff like for instance before school she usually showers while we're making breakfast and comes out in just a shirt and eats before she changes. depending on the she might flash a little of her cooch or her butt. lol might be different if she had siblings

i don't really try to regulate what she posts but i will tell her if i think she shouldnt post something. though she prob has an account i can't see also lol

she doesn't actually, but she usually wears one pieces anyway. she's quite a bit curvier than her friends her age so she's a little self conscious. no reason to be but whatever. it's a blessing and a curse because one pieces cover more but i swear every one in her size shows off the entire butt. or maybe that's partially because she's got such a big one. either way.

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my daughter

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tight body, instant diamonds

Fuck yes more

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Nice shit mate.

no daughter but niece

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example of something a while back i straight up told her to her face that her chichis were too big for her to wear this after she posted it lol

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her iphone gor broken so i repaired it and take a backup of her photos

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Nice! Moar?



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cute pic of my girl all dolled up. before i go unless there's more interest.

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with some frind

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How old is she?

Need less clothes and more skin

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wow man bet she's a handful. any horror stories?

Tons of interest

more please

So is she single lol im 21

guss her age?

She shouldn't. She dresses like a cunt in those ripped jeans

no she istnt handful at all..

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I would say 17 and up

alright. this is another one of my favorite pics I've taken, she was doing her makeup and i think she looks cute without her bangs, more youthful and innocent.

i believe so at the moment.but it's hard to tell sometimes with how short and quick things are at her age. you're a littleee older than I would like her to be dating though.lol

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how old is she?

shes 16

post pics of her hot laundry

really? my daughter is a fucking handful and a half

she makes everything what I say

Hook us up do u have kik

i don't want to say exactly but i will say: people think she is much older. and i just bought her a car. no license yet though. :)

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your daughter is beautiful good sir. i just blew a load to her. thank you

shes so fucking sexy

congratulations it must feel great to see her go from a bike to a car very fulfilling

I agree with the other anons

do you have some pics showing her lovely boobs so i could cum?

do you like her?

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Wow seeing her and her friends in bathing suits is one thing but topless? Damn!

wow you're the first boy to do that i'm sure. lol

thank you. obviously i agree. if i were her age again she'd be my ideal girl.

kind of. it's fun teaching her to drive but i fear she'll be more distant after. and more opportunities for trouble. but i trust her. plus it was nice to get all the hugs and kisses i wanted for a few days...and i got to spend the day with her, take her to dinner. etc

i'm sure this picture will be a hit

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omg fuck fuck fuck

now you're making me angry i didn't wait a few minutes

did she get this fucking nice tit from her mum


too many clothes

to be honest i don't remember much... my not so little girl's breasts bouncing around while she tries to hold them right in front of me, that i think is burned in my mind forever though lol

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Your daughter is gorgeous.

That memory doesn’t sound too bad.

The best part about having a good-looking daughter is good looking friends being around. I don't have a daughter yet but I would never touch her. Her friends on the other hand will be fair game.

I grew up with a hot cousin and damn my uncle loved every minute of it lol

right one is granddaughter

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calm down guys, come on

her mother is quite busty but not as much as my daughter. the women on my side are all very busty. i'm guessing her being mixed just made those genes go crazy. that and she is super hormonal to the point she's seen specialists. never made the direct connection but one can assume.

not at all...

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Bro lemme marry your daughter im only 23, I will treat her really good and we can lurk the chan together dad

true. lots of super cute friends. never would touch em but they can tease ya know?
i may be biased but my daughter is definitely the cute one in her group.

maybe when she's older buddy. i like the last part lol

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Stinks that she isn't best in the group... You would definitely feel differently if she was not lol. I am looking forward to being the hot dad that the girls talk about.

debated sharing this or not but one more of my girl before i go. certainly looks all grown up here.

lol that's good stuff. it has its perks. love when my daughtert's friends try to talk or interact with me and my baby girl gets all possessive and clings by me, she does not like that at all. lol

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Ha that is funny.

Just to ask, as the women in your wife's or your family get older... Do they get fat? I ask that because while she is great now. If she has this shape.already, it's going to be hard for her not to get fat. That going to be quite sad. Seen it happen all the time

That’s true. I hope I have a daughter.

they tend to be skinnier or a little thick. my daughter is a bit of an anomaly there.

Wanna discuss her over Discord/Kik?

She’s hot! Would df fuck her

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> Absolutely Crazzy chans links...


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fuck off fbi

reverse image search, most of these sluts have their pictures out in the public whether it's instagram, facebook or twitter...

10/10 babe here m8

Same. Is your wife the beaner or you?

You should teach her how to kiss

she looks too ethnic for my tastes. I can't tell if she's part spic or chink. there could even be some nigger mixed in there


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So the spam now is to have the address in the filename or is than just a bad LARP?