Do feels threads exist anymore?

Do feels threads exist anymore?
Haven't been here in years.
Happy,sad...just post feels.
Will dump a few.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm here for you user

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I found out my friend who passed away from cancer was head over heels in love with me from her brother a few days ago. And I just found out another friend is in an emotionally abusive relationship but won't help herself to get out of it. I'm more alone than ever, and will even now be leaving what I have left when I move in a month. My sister is a cunt, and that probably won't change because she's terminally ill, my dad's autistic and often has fits of rage, and my mother is a manipulative bitch, only outdone by her own mother. My biggest accomplishment right now is having a job above minimum wage, still below the poverty line, but hey, someone bought a pillow with my face on it off of Twitch.

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Critical hit.
I'm gonna get a tissue

Sometimes machines are sad

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Jesus Christ that's sad as fuck

but sometimes they are happy!

Attached: Cute Happy Rally Car.gif (350x220, 1.75M)

See sad girl
Want to comfort
Never have,never will.

Somebody sees you sad
Get ignored

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I just wanna hug someone user

Trying to happy post,not good at it.

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what movie is this? looks so familiar

You want feels? I will give you all the feels.

> My dad died 6 months ago at a ripe age of 59 of cancer.
> The life expectancy was 8 months.
> He lived for 2 years.

> He died 4 months before my mom would be eligible for a widow pension (half his pension).
> She spent 30 years with him. Should my dad pass away 4 months later, she would get 1/3 average salary from his retirement fund. She will get exactly 0.- for the next ~30 years or so.
> Fuck socialized retirement.

> My dad had no dog. No friends.
> My dad was an introvert, who liked his peace.
> Put in his 8 hours. Collect wages. Go home. Research a home improvement project. Get it done.
> Cool, a nice new _inssert_custom_furniture_here_
> He will be forgotten before the next decade is over.
> I am sad to admit this, but even by me.
> He was the definition of gray man. He existed. He reproduced. He died.
> He gave me significantly above average IQ with his genes, along with his frailty and introversion.
> I will be like him. I know this. I know I should change this. I do not.

> I was living abroad when he passed away
> He was released from hospital in September last year, and we were told he would not live till Christmas.
> I booked my flight to November. 2 months before Christmas. To make sure I'm there.
> He passed away a week after released. In September.
> I have not seen my father for more than a year before his death.

Do you want more feels?


> You've stolen me from my mother.
> You've kept me in an enclosed house or or on a leash for my entire life.
> You've prevented me from knowing the joys of parenthood.
> I gave you all my love.
> Now you decided I am too much of a financial burden to keep around.
> As I'm falling asleep forever, I still obsessively love you.
> Because that's what my kid has been perverted for by selective breeding for past millennia.
> whimper

A Florida Story.
Good luck finding it,even as a torrent.
Not sur if spoilers work on Yea Forums so...
[spoiler]At the end the little girl on the right gets taken away from her mom,little girls runs away to find girl on the left.
"You're my only friend and I'll never see you again!"
They both run away,the run across the street and then it shows them holding hands walking around Disney world.
I think they didn't make it across the street,I think disney was there interpretation of heaven.[/spoiler]

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> He gave me significantly above average IQ with his genes, along with his frailty and introversion.

Lost. Ur dad sounds like he was a fucking moron. Who get cancer at 59 anyways

Children get cancer,you fag.
Why are you here?

He was an electronics engineer. He got lung cancer.

The say that there are no old welders, because of the fumes.

I guess now I realize there are no old solderers either.

Fuck off, asshole


You wanted feels. You got feels.

I am very sorry for your loss.
However, your dad sounds like he was a really good guy that provided for his family.
We all can't be there for the passing of our loved ones (I know, x3), but you can go forward and make him and your mom proud by doing well at whatever you like. You don't need to follow in his footsteps. Get a dog, make friends, find a wife or gf, have kids and help educate them joyfully and set them free.
You'll do well, user.

Feel my dick in your throat

impreza happy boi!!

Couldn’t do it to you cos your throats clogged with logs

Lonely driver

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I want to die. I'm 23 and haven't accomplished anything. I have no success with women. I can't even leave the house anymore. I don't know what to do. Someone please help.

k bye then.


That makes no sense. KYS

Thank you for the encouragement.

He was a really nice guy. But lacked any kind of charisma or personality. He would be incel in today's society.

He and my mom met at ~29 years old, and pretty much decided to stick together, because they were both left overs at that age.

I'm 30 now. There is a reason I'm on Yea Forums on Saturday.

>be me 21
>lose my job
>meet a girl
>move in with girl
>get addicted to drugs
>girl dumps me
>now she's an ex
>I get sober
>ex has bpd
>ex starts stalking me
>ex stalks any girl I talk to
>I start dating a Russian girl big tits 10/10
>ex starts following her on Snapchat
>Russian girl posts Snapchat from my bathroom bragging about a post sex glow
>ex attempts suicide
>ex calls me from psych ward begging for me to take her back
>ex shows up at my house
>calls me 17 times, I'm not even home
>it starts getting really creepy
>I tell her to leave me alone
>she doesn't
>starts spreading rumors that I abused/raped her
>lose all my friends to this rumor
>ex takes me to court
>I dispute her allegations
>I get acquitted of all charges
>I am awarded a restraining order against her
>I won woo hoo
>life is better or so I think now
>month later my mom gets diagnosed with breast cancer
>a year later Alzheimer's
>within the next 5 years my own mother will not remember my face
>I quit my job to escape pain
>I move to Seattle somewhere I have always wanted to be
>I relapse on drugs
>I leave Seattle
>I'm sober now 2 years
>I feel like dying everyday
>people still think I'm a piece of shit
>I can barely harm a fly
>timid beta who lets women step all over him
>I have no one
>I have no sense of social identity
>what the fuck do I do

You having a job is better than most people. Definetley better than me. I'll pray for you despite if that offers you comfort or not. I honestly hope you succeed user because I know feeling like you failed feels like shit. I hope you can find the thing you're good at. The thing you're destined for and can make you the money you need to take care of your family.

Just wait until your older. Cancer is non-discriminating. Some people do things that increase risk, but it also happens to squeaky clean folks such as my cousin. No vices, in excellent shape, liver goes cancerous and he dies young. Nature isn't always fair.

Anons saying you guzzle Andy’s creamy delicious logs

At age 23 I was double drop-out from college. 3 Years of bachelor studies. No degree.

Now 9 years old, living in one of the most livable western metropolitan cities in the world, earning 90th percentile income.

I won't tell you what my life is like exactly. Imagine what yours could be.

Statistically speaking, about 10% of all people.

ONLY 23.
Lucky fuck.

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As hard as it sounds you need to confront yourself. If your mother is still alive make amends because you'll never feel the same if you abandon her while she's the most vulnerable. Try and meet a girl who loves you and supports you, despite all the shit being flung at you. A good girl can sniff out what is shit and truth. Try and reconcile old friendships. If they fail make new ones. And overall just never foresake you'd humanity and never give up. You mean something to someone and if you don't think so you'll meet a person who thinks this. Head up buddy we got to keep each other in this game. No

Thanks for the advice, needed to hear this

I guess that's a good way to look at it. I have plenty more years to obtain what I want right? I just don't know how to get the motivational to do all of this.

Im 23 and im literally agoraphobic now. it's been at least 3 weeks since ive gone outside, for example. i just feel that there is nothing for me in this world anymore. i can't think of a single place to go, or a single person i wanna spend time with, aside from women who never seem to want to be around me

i feel like a tiny ray of hope when i see other anons around my age talk about it. at least there's someone in the world that feels similar. i don't know why it's like this

Np man. I've been broken before and the best thing I needed was knowing someone cares.

You're already alone. Triage.

Put your foot down. One by one, talk to your "friends" about what happened, and what they think of you. Explain the reality. Have proof at hand.

If that is not enough to convince them, they are no longer your friends. They are contacts to "your old life". They are there for you to call up on. They no longer have any leverage on your life.

One of the key adulthood skills is to learn to let go of people who are bad influence on you. This includes people who want to keep you down by perpetuation useful negative myths about you.

Sanitize your social media and split your friends lists so that you old "friends" do not see what you are doing now. Build a new set of friends. (see general introvert friend making suggestions. i.e. join local groups on

wish more people were like this here. i try to spread a similar message but i get shotdown every time by the
>normie gtfo
and its really annoying when im just trying to help a brother out.

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Same man. Feel exactly the same way about women. I'm glad too know I'm not the only one who feels this way. I want to think me and you can foresake this feeling and flourish. Let's give it a chance, yeah?

user who is 26 now, I barely have any friends I have maybe 3 at most. I go out seldom; this is normal, just be patient with yourself you are ahead of the curve if you are already not enjoying going out. Tbh the older you get the less you wanna do things outside the home and you will find that there are many people who would rather get some Chinese take out and watch Netflix than go to a crowded movie theater where people are coughing or some shitty dumpling restaurant that cost you 50 bucks. Don't lose hope.

I feel you. The negativity will get to some anons. Life is sacred and as one who's felt broken before I know the feeling. You're a rare breed on this board and I'm glad to know you're trying to help people.


I know that game.
odd that my alcoholism cured me of that.
Liquor store was closed so I went to a bar.
Woke up happy as hell because I chatted up a stranger,even played pool.

Are you content with this? If so I kind of see your point.

Motivation is great. But in as an outlook of what you want in your life.

It should serve as motivating principle of why you get up in the morning. To fight the warmth of the bed, and the fear of failure.

But motivation won't get you through a cold day when you've had a bit too much to drink the night before. When you feel like phoning it in at best, and just staying in the bed at worst.

For that, you need to learn daily routines.

Use your motivation to realize. Not convince yourself. Not order yourself. But realize. Realize who you want to be. From there, determine what kind of life you want to live. From there, determine what that life looks like on day-to-day basis.

Having that figured out will make you bulletproof. It is what will make you get up in the morning.

Agree. When you haven't talked to anyone in months socialism while drunk will be a monumental accomplishment, both physical and mental.

some people just come here to feel bad for themselves and just are addicted to the feeling of sadness. its odd but it truly can be addicting and i think here is proof. I think people if they want to get anywhere have to force positivity o themselves and push through it. The end results will most likely be bounty-full

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I kind of get it now. That's a good way to look at it. I'll give this method a try, and thanks for the wisdom user.

We're all broken and that's why we're here forever.

Fuck yeah I'm content with it lol there is so much shit you can do at home, get a girl who wants to sit around in sweatpants watching Dr. Who without makeup on, 2 reasons; A. She'll likely want you to play with her boobs B. She might even suck you off while you play fortnite.

There are so many women who don't wanna do shit outside the house you just gotta pay attention to the dating profile bios.

Look for the girls who say their Friday night is Netflix in bed with a pizza or weed.

You may just be so chill you don't have even realize it, embrace your inner self.

Say self I enjoy not going out
Self I enjoy smoking weed in gym shorts listening to Geto Boys
Self I am the destroyer of pussy and I run shit on GTA5

Lol he meant socialization but said socialism... is funny.

Exactly! Most anons want to accept the fact that their lifes are terrible because they're afraid of change. Only when I embraced the change did I realize what I was lacking in character and spirit.

Have 3% battery. It’s ok for dudes to feel. Just don’t be too over-sensitive. Old fuck here. Random shit triggers memories of innocence, family, whatever. I don’t want to feel it. Not to sound cliche, but times are insane. I unfortunately do “feel” like something will erupt like a pressure cooker. Economic, racial, political. Stay focused, keep it simple. Peace.

Ok I see, there are different woman than the ones I'm used to chasing. Thanks for the insight user

Kek, yeah I'm pretty drunk rn, probably the reason I'm in my feels.

Sure. Even this chick would trade up if she found someone better.

thanks wholesome hitler

But in this case,you would have done a very good deed by teaching her self worth.

Yea don't be afraid to get a girl with a big booty, most girls with big booty's only wanna go out with their girlfriends and don't care if you go. I dated a girl who was black that had the prettiest toes and the fattest ass and she didn't give a damn if we went out, I'd just send her off with 100 bucks and say have fun slapping her ass, her girls would just rage together and I'd sit at home playing call of duty. It worked for awhile, it ended because I caught her talking to some other dude; she was planning on cheating on me so I kicked her out of my life, within the next week I had another girl same shit different day with a booty just as big if not bigger and that lasted awhile too. Just remember you decide what you wanna do and a girl will respect that, men are supposed to chivalrous to an extent, but that doesn't mean you have set fireworks off all the damn time. Find a girl who just wants to be taken out on your anniversary.

Interesting conundrum.

also i know its generic but also building confidence in yourself really helps a lot. I think a lot of people here need that too. id also say that a lot of people here need to be pushed out of their comfort zones to change and evolve as a person. Everyone here can improve on themselves. There is no real limit to a person if you had the time and so desired (and ofc put the work in). This out look got me out of this place when i turned 19. Got my 2 year so far gf. On my way to getting my dream car (evo 8 for anyone wondering) and ive got a decent job at a car-wash atm. But i didnt achieve it without thinking. "man im tired of this bs sitting around moping about waiting for someone to do something for me" so i did it myself. I fought my social anxiety and just worked my ass off and got somewhere in life. Sorry i went on that tangent but people now and days give up so easily it feels like when it really shouldnt be the case.

again sorry about that tangent but i guess i had to go on that minirant.

Good Lord I just got my dog out of his crate at 3am just to hold him. He's all confused. I hope he knows I love him.

Haven't been on Yea Forums in years,forgot that some of you are decent people.

We’re just pretending to be.

We're all neither decent nor fully degenerate, we're people, and we can be a twisted fucking psychopath or the friendliest guy you'll ever meet, depending on how we get to know eachother.
I also shitpost and tell people to kill themselves, but when I visit these threads I do to make people feel better.

You're dead wrong. We're not people. Don't lump is in with those retards

i've already kind of suspected this. the thing is i'm really insecure about the fact that it seems like no girls wanna go out with me. why are women so elusive? i don't like going out with my friends because i just get sad, jealous, or horny. id much rather stay in or go out to eat with a pretty girl then if i can at least have that see the bros every once in a while. why is it so hard?

No, definitely an important response. Confidence and hard work/ perseverance will get you through. Was a loser for the longest time until I realized I have to work toward my goals, no matter how scary the consequences. Was literally shutting bricks the first time I talked to my gf. Hell yeah anons there is hope for you, don't abandon life so hastily.

Liberally Yea Forums in a nutshell

These all make sense :)

this is really weird cause i feel like im talking to a mirror because we are spouting the same message and from what you have said have the same story.

also bullet happy boi

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Because you're a different breed and there's nothing wrong with that. If club girls aren't you're thing try girls studying in the library or Asian girls who have strict familial policies. We're each different and have different standards. Don't feel outcasted because you don't fit into the majority category.

Cool man. You're words of encouragement have given me hope for the future.

it's not hard, women aren't elusive you just have to be assertive and have a good sense of humor, I'm not great looking but I know how to make a girl laugh. Work on building your own self confidence up and the rest will just come naturally.

Quote pop culture when you do something gross like burp.

The mask says "that's a spicy meatball" after eating a piece of dynamite and burping.

If you can reference this and a girl laughs you are in the right company chances are she is cultured and will get it.

If she doesn't chances are she's probably an idiot who doesn't watch film because feminism or watching the news is more important than a good laugh. Don't date the girl that announces her views on a profile, date the girl who is looking for a friend first and in fact change your dating profile to show that you are looking for new friends. It's less pressure for women to be your friend first and then more later, I've done it more than once and those relationships always last longer.

The secret to dating women is to not date them at all, be their friends, and then gradually ease into more it works every time

Hell yeah man, don't really believe in faith but definitely crazy this encounter happened. Wonder if we've ever encountered each other before.

That's actually given me a nice load of confidence. I really feel like women aren't these creatures I've perceived them to be.

Don't mind me,just dog posting.

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are you like a first day newbie or just a massive retard?

Why does this video exist?

I told him to choke on MY cock and he said he couldn't do it to ME because MY throat was clogged with logs. So who's the retard here? And I've been here so long I can remember when Yea Forums was good.

fug that's good

sorry if any anons here don't appreciate fwave

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What fwave?

me abbreviating fashwave because the name puts people off.
the imagery is in this retro-vaporwave style as demonstrated

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'Tis a wonderful canine.

I fucking hate feels threads. They make me insanely uncomfortable. Probably because feels are gay.

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God... I just want to ask how she is or if she needs a napkin. She looks destroyed.

I wish I could hope again. But I know tomorrow will be just as miserable as today, or worse.

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This makes me happy

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Move away and heal (somewhere you won't be surrounded by drugs like Seattle).
Try going somewhere outdoorsy. Live in a cabin by yourself for a bit.

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because someone filmed it

Haven't seen this in years,yet knew not to finish reading it.

find facebook groups of ppl like yourself, it helps a lot when you see that others have same problems, maybe start talk to someone and find purpose again

Your story checks out,have a nice day.

>fell for the egirl trap
>it’s been a year with a manipulative bitch who hurts me on a daily basis but guilts me into staying any time I leave
>can’t hurt a fly so can’t block her on everything
>change to an online highschool bc i didn’t ever have social interaction anyway
>go to the gym constantly and try to better myself
>still can’t feel any better
>only 2 weekends this year have gone by without me holding the rifle at my dad’s house to my head
>lost the ability to open up
what am i doing wrong Yea Forums

>ask who get cancer anyways
>your entire post is cancer

kind of ironic

gather as many side hoes as possible until you find one that works. not only does it make you feel better, but you can swing from relationship to relationship without downtime.

Wow kid you’re edgy as fuck. This whole thread is going to be fighting over who gets to suck your cock.

once a dog stops needing to be breastfed, their mother casts them out and starts being hard on them. in a pack, young dogs usually bond way harder with their brothers & sisters than their mothers. when you take them away from their mother, its only natural for them to find a new bond. if you provide that to a dog, it will last a lifetime.

my dog runs freely without a leash and has never once run away or chased anything because i taught it that it is supposed to be by my side, and that being with me is best for him, which it is.

when one day finally the time comes for my dog to go, i will rather end it together with him, than watch him suffer for months.
i usually tell this to myself, and then end up watching them suffer anyways because im a soft bitch when it comes down to the wire.

i'd want the same for myself. fuck old age, fuck alzheimers. just take me round the back and shoot me.

oh yeah, before i forget it.
go fuck yourself

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Well the turtle neck does her no justice.

But also somewhere the person he loves is being brutally sodomized in a gang rape while he is forced to watch.

I mean I hate be that guy but...

I think you missed the part where he tried to move away to heal mah guy. Life pro tip: wherever you go, there YOU are.

I'm 29 on Yea Forums on Saturday. My partner is in the next room. You are literally making excuses. Would you want your future son to look at you the way you look at your dad?


I have many, many images for these threads

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Shit. I thought we eradicated these pussy threads several years ago. Go fuck yourself.

Sick trips

Rock on Yea Forumsro.

The past four were me, I believe

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Too long. Did not read

>be me
>fucking OP's mom
>calls me OP
>Feels bad, man

her mouth just got destroyed

And it is gr8

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