White men on average have the same testosterone and the same penis sizes as Blacks. The media...

White men on average have the same testosterone and the same penis sizes as Blacks. The media, tv shows try to spin a narrative that black men are more masculine, when in reality, White Men are just as masculine.

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Why would the media make whites look weak and uncool while making blacks look strong and swag?
pretty sure all western media is controlled by honkies...

Most movies star white men, who are by default considered to be the most attractive. OP must have some weird obsession with black people.

You're an idiot. Both of those things aren't true

(((honkies))) with an agenda

all western media is controlled by ZOG and jews

worry about yourself, if it's a white dick you want to suck exclusively then go for it .. lifes too short

Yah dumb niggers will never be as good as superior whites whose dicks are on average twice the size of nigglets

Source that there's a considerable disparity in white and black T levels and penis size.

inb4 spammed pics of blacked.com

Jews are like 1% of population.
They have little to no real influence over the media.
Yeah ok a couple of reporters might be Jewish, big fucking deal.

1% in the population

90% in the media



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LOL @ the BBC meme getting to you. Insecure wh*te bois are hilarious.


Pretty much lol

I'm not obsess i don't have tv. I just read the name in credit

>insert brain virus through text
>grab popcorn
>watch the drones fight amongst themselves

nigga what?
the CEOs of multiple big news companies, and many of the writers and other workers are dirty fucking kikes
jewish assholes control hollywood and mass media

what kind of weirdo reads the credits?

yes yes in your make believe world
joos! joos everywhere!
grow up and stop your inane babbling
the jewish people are worthy of respect

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Everything you wrote is just white noise.

If you don't provide evidence you might as well shut up. And you have neither evidence for your first premise nor your own claim.

>the jewish people are worthy of respect

Oy vey! Shalom!

Why don't you go fuck off to some blacked.com thread on /gif/ faggot and leave normal people alone?

Seems he triggered you, must be small penis complex.

Actually while this is true on a global scale, in America black men do have higher levels.

This is because of selective breeding (eugenics) during slavery.

Owning slaves was expensive. Feeding, clothing, and housing them. So when it came time to replace them (maybe they died of heat stroke or beatings?) It was just another cost to account for.

Many slave owners would buy a few men and women on farms and force rhemt to breed. It was realized that larger slaves may require more food, but could work longer and harder.

So, generation after generation slaves were bred larger and larger.


Those traits carry on today. Ever notice how blacks in America are unnaturally tall, but also extremely savage and ignorant? Decades of inbreeding caused this.

Look at European blacks. They are scrawny, mild mannered, average dick sizes, and rather intelligent.

Now America niggers: Tall walls of muscle, massive cocks, dumb as a reward, and so violent that their 13% minority commit 52% of all violent crimes.

Blacks are actually more likely to have lower T and more likely to be gay

>Dumb as a reward

Sorry; Android.

>pretty sure all western media is controlled by honkies


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>3% minority commit 52% of all violent crimes.

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>falling for the BBC meme this hard

Black people are overrepresented in athletic sports because they are too low IQ to have other options
So more Blacks practice running, jumping and playing football and basketball to succeed because they are genetically not good enough to do intellectual pursuits (on average).
Also the fact that the black "culture" doesn't have dads plays into this

Tallest country in the world?

There are loads of athletic white guys, but they don't practice athletics because their attention is divided among Family and Studies
Meanwhile Blacks have more attention on Sports to succeed because it's the only way for them to succeed

lmao niggers mad

Why don't you grow up and learn how to argue without going to insults immediately?

>Media lying to us to push it's own agendas
user you take that back

No it's controlled by wasps