If you roll trips I will shove this half eaten cheeseburger up my ass

If you roll trips I will shove this half eaten cheeseburger up my ass

>inb4 OP is a faggot
>inb4 OP wont deliver
>inb4 assburgers
>inb4 thats not a cheeseburger its a McDouble


Attached: mac.jpg (800x600, 65K)

Reverse image search: 0 results!!!


Attached: 1465033894801.jpg (1160x978, 680K)

fuck it, roll

its fake roll b8


>this thread again

trips and OP dies a slow painful death from ass cancer

Reroll for this

hell yeah


Check em
Op must deliver

Aww shit. I see trips. Deliver.

im luvin' it

You upset me OP

Attached: OPLies.png (652x572, 77K)

Put the cheeseburger up your bum sweetie

Im not delivering that... Cunt.

Roll properly or no assburgers.


Attached: monkeys.jpg (250x200, 16K)

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Im rolling

But im sickened but curious


Attached: suggestion_kys.jpg (460x276, 13K)

and now we wait for no reason

Well here ya go you poofter

He didnt say roll

No delivering

Roll properly


Attached: 1462757255683.jpg (468x535, 56K)


>implying you'll deliver for legit rolls

This is stale copypasta




roll xx


sure thing buddy


Roll :)


roll oof



inb4 quads don't count



How will you get it up there OP?

That was me, just testing. Don’t count sorry not a real roll.

Attached: F667644F-E238-4EA5-85FF-DDC83C423182.png (540x720, 688K)


Not only have we achieved trips but in fact quads. OP must deliver or become fag

here goes a roll

I mean it was me but okay, whatever you say x

sure thing, m8

Attached: Capture.png (408x68, 3K)

Show your ass and the burger next to it so we know it's legit

Attached: dont-make-me-say-it.jpg (416x431, 42K)

op is a nigger


not OP roll


inb4 another excuse


God damn, a genius amongst us. Pay up OP

cheeseburger looks more like pasta

The reply can only say "Roll", not doing that. sorry

Attached: index.jpg (277x182, 6K)



Your a faggot OP




Attached: cMIf6km.jpg (235x251, 6K)

inb4 'Roll' has to be capitalized

Roll has to be capitalized

Attached: C176ED9F-156A-4BED-B1D4-3AECF4394FCE.png (1300x1300, 209K)

I respect the blatant faggotry of this op. Keep it up, you beautiful prince.

Eat a sausage instead, OP.

Attached: eat it.jpg (1280x720, 111K)


trips get

>Moar cabbage in his diet

Attached: lmph157.gif (500x368, 998K)


Why are you such a faggot, OP?

Attached: 143.png (1436x1503, 1.32M)


>61 results

Attached: 9e5.jpg (500x373, 26K)


It's mind blowing

Fuck off if your not gonna roll

Attached: 85578024-143A-465A-AB9A-95840C943675.jpg (1024x640, 73K)



Can't wait to hear what OP comes up with this time.

Sorry that was me again just pretend rolling to get us back on track, doesnt count

Inb4 too many rolls try again later.

I did it you guys.

Why roll if you aren't gonna deliver anyway?

OP will deny. not all caps

Ass cancer confirmed

Congrats. Dickhead



Didnt say Roll
I wanna deliver it’s just that you simpletons cant roll properly



I see you like this website too

Attached: a91b7f2a-b990-425b-8628-b508b27bf60f.png (720x1280, 899K)

>I wanna deliver

You didn't deliver all these other times.

Attached: AfC79o9.png (600x358, 41K)

Inb4 OP can't OP properly.

inb4 another excuse

inb4 "Roll needs to be capitalized and properly punctuated"

Inb4 cant have two dubs with trips.

nice knowing ya, OP

You all got trolled, that makes you all faggots.

Cant have dub trips it looks too much like a script not a true trip
Sorry about the inconvenience

>running away shouting 'TROLLED FAGGOTS' once realizing that everyone already knows
nice knowin ya


Sorry guys my mom caught me Yea Forums'in a faggot Im grounded from Yea Forums now sorry for inconvienients


Sorry three is the number of genders I believe in and its too much of a coincidence to be legit. Invalid salad faggot.

That wasnt me

Attached: 7BEAAA2D-731F-45CE-8D19-21466EB5BDD6.jpg (800x900, 105K)


Hmm, which one is the real OP.

I'm having trouble typing properly because i'm busy sucking dick

See this would have been a legit roll if the fake faggot OP hadnt jumped in first
Sorry guise

Attached: C52BA371-E4E5-44BA-A579-ED0AD0137775.jpg (680x580, 65K)

I like the invalid salad one :V

Oh fugg

Not me

Whoops other way around.

Don't listen to this guy he's not the real OP, I am.

I'm OP too.


Maybe the real OP was the friends we made along the way

We are all OP on this blessed day


then who was burger

Somebody save this goddamn wonderful thread.

The burger was a ruse. Deep down, you all knew this.


Hang on we’re discussing who’s OP

Inb4 this poor bastard still rolling makes me wanna shove a burger up my ass.

Roll , may your asshole rot out

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-24-19-27-43.png (1440x2880, 1.66M)


Too many trips ITT, smells like scriptfags. Doesn't count.

>with image
Roll doesnt count. My son is a sad faggot treat him nice.
~OP's mom

State your terms OP, what do you want from us?

What an adventure this has been. I want to thank all of the OP's that showed up and stuck around this whole time. We couldn't have done it without you and your generous contributions. Thank you.


Attached: worgen feets 2.png (900x1200, 1019K)

that's now how this website works you fucking clown

Missed opportunity to use "salad faggot".

I love being fucked with dicks and having male cum flow into my gooey center

the fun thing is that this could very well be the true OP pretending to be a fake OP

I'm an invalid salad faggot.

all i wanted was to see someone put a burger in their ass. :(


Fake, only jellyfish and armadillos have gooey centers.

OP will...

Me too friend, #metoo

mods delete this shit LARP thread please OP a mega fag





demonic trips wasted on a troll thread


i hear someone with a hamburger in is ass...

Satan cheating the system. Doesn't count.

Jellybean up my ass

Do trip-dubs count?

This absolutely counts and I am a retard.

cinnamon ROLL

Say something like you were on reddit

LARP makes rolls invalid salad. Sorry the the inconvenient.



roller blade

Would have counted this had you just said 'Roll'. Better luck next time.

What the fuck my son cant even afford a burger... ~OP's mom


i hope OP gets aids

Flanders-speak is a key indicator for script-fagging. Roll is invalid.

Satan isn’t allowed to play

I'll deliver when we get all the trips.

Didnt say roll
Roll properly you troglodytes



The three zeroes reminds me of my gaping ass, mouth and vagina. This triggers me and is thusly invalid.

Tfw OP is more triggered about his gaping holes than the act of filling one of them.

Roll! If op replies then he's a bottom faggot

...with a burger


ITT: people pretending to be OP when real OP left thread ages ago

That gets 777 outta the way.

What kind of asshole offers but doesn't deliver?





Inb4 OP delivers drawn image of assburgers.


Attached: 504C100C-3E25-47C8-B0FD-5874CDBCA406.jpg (616x814, 181K)

you morons never learn.roll properly

I wanted this thread to be good. :(



Why are people still rolling? What is WRONG WITH YOU?




This OP is fucking based holy

quads still dont count. roll properly you dingleberry

Quads doesn't count.

KEK, OP rolled trips

>faggot loser
quads don't count

You dont know the half of it, read the whole thread

Doesn't count, morons


>period after Roll

Almost had it.

OP trips dont count. weve been over this you basic bitch

Inb5 the burger isnt real.

OP is way too much of a based faggot with this pasta, he's terribly mistreating the low iq anons. going to bump his thread with Anne now

Attached: Anne Waifu.jpg (750x951, 192K)

Attached: Annicus.jpg (660x498, 52K)

Attached: Annie with an I.jpg (590x525, 41K)

Attached: Kitty.jpg (225x219, 9K)

Attached: Anne Looking Out.jpg (1000x750, 78K)

I am genuinely in love with Anne Frank. She was a beautiful, witty, and graceful young woman whose light was snuffed out far too early. I frequently fantasize about being Peter van Pels hiding with her. Oh god, just imagine deflowering that sweet girl on a lazy Amsterdam afternoon, lying and learn what each other's bodies were for. Now imagine nine months later, she's got a massive bulging stomach from carrying your child inside of her and it seems like she’s gonna pop any moment now. Her popped belly button makes it look like she's got a giant third boob where her stomach once was. She waddles around and can barely move half of the time. She's developed an insatiable craving for your dick and you've likewise developed a taste for her pussy. You’re both cooped up in an attic all day have nothing better to do besides fuck like an unsustainable third world population. You lie down on your back, she strips off her comically too small clothes and kneels on top of you. She grabs a hold of your rock hard cock, inserts it deep inside of her, and begins to ride you like a stallion. You feel the pressure from her incredible weight and huge round belly bearing down on you but the indescribable pleasure of her tight pussy throbbing on you cock negates any discomfort. You sink into her beautiful soul, into that secret place where no one dares to go. After 30 minutes, you're both moaning with ever greater intensity, you know it won't be long now. Suddenly, you feel your cock shaking like a V-2 rocket and the orgasm reaches it's climax as your cum literally explodes like an 88mm AT round inside her Sherman tank, blowing the turret right off. You and her both join as one, souls screaming from the sheer ecstasy. As the elation wears off, she lies next to you. Too exhausted to do anything else, you simply hold her in your embrace. In that moment, there is no family squabbles, no Nazis, no war. Just you and her, watching the sky turn pink with the setting sun.

Attached: Annus Frankus.jpg (402x402, 68K)

Suddenly, you awaken from your slumber to the sound of a bloodcurdling scream. You open your eyes to darkness, it takes a split second for your vision to readjust. You feel lonely and cold. Another shriek knocks you back into reality. Anne sitting next to you, clutching her belly, face contorted from pain. A foul smelling fluid lies pooled on the floor around her mid-section. Your hot dirty fuckfest has brought on labor. she cries your name, begging for help, begging for you. The noise. She’s louder than a line of Louisiana Tigers giving the Rebel Yell right now. You raise your finger to your lips to tell her to be quiet. But the agony is too much for her to bear. You’ve got to do something or else it will awaken the entire neighborhood and with it, the Nazis. Suddenly you remember the bulge in your pants. You’ve got morning wood. It’s not the best gag, but it will have to do. You stand up, squat like a slav, using her belly as an impromptu stool, grab your still cum-crusted cock, and shove it right inside her mouth. At first, she tries to scream even louder in surprise, but your circumcised 100% Kosher dong blocks her windpipe, reducing her screams to a barely audible gurgle. Suffering from unbearable pain, she bites down on her your meat with each contraction. Now you’e in pain too. With each contraction, she bites down harder, it feels like she’s gonna tear your cock right off. Eventually, the pain subsides for her and she doesn’t bite down as much. Now it seems almost as if she’s starting to enjoy it. You can feel your child kick on your testicles. Clearly it’s excited too. Suddenly, your cock starts to shake like a V-2 again, you pull it out of her mouth just in time. You bust your steaming hot and sticky load, blanketing her like an incendiary carpetbombing of Dresden. Semen stains her mountaintops (all three of them), along with her hair and most of her face. She quietly giggles from the ironic amusement of it all. You giggle too

Attached: Beach jew.png (633x675, 469K)

You look at the newborn now lying on the floor and see that it is a boy. You have a son. Perfect, perfect in every way. He begins to stir and you realize he’s about to cry. After all that’s happened, you don’t to given away to the Germans from the wails of a newborn. You gently lift him up and place him on Anne’s semen stained mountaintops. The baby quickly finds the breast is soon sucking happily. Semen, blood, amniotic fluid, breastmilk all mix and fill the air with a strange scent that while repulsive, is also extremely arousing. You can’t resist the urge anymore. Your mouth land on top of Anne’s opposite breast, sucking first your own cum, but then her tasty milk. You look into her eyes, she’s somewhat annoyed, but too exhaust to really care. A gust of wind coming from a hole in the wall blows through, cooling both of your sweat-drenched bodies, but also disturbing the little one. You’re afraid he’ll start shivering. You look around the dusty attic for something to keep the baby warm. You settle on Anne’s fur winter jacket, having sat unused for the past two years. You know Anne will definitely not be happy that you ruined her favorite coat, but it’s for the best. She hasn’t been able to fit in it for the past nine months anyway. You carefully wrap your little one in the coat and hand him to an exhausted Anne, she continues to quietly feed him. You notice the dead silence for the first time, not even the other occupants of the Annex, mere feet away in the next room, were roused. You feel a sense of relief. You’re safe, for the moment at least. Eventually you curl up next to her quietly and begin to doze off. Your secret sleeps in winter clothes. Tomorrow, you can find a way to explain the night’s events to your parents and hope they don’t kill each other. You can somehow find a way to get your little bundle of joy to safety. But tonight, you just rest, your first night as a family.

Attached: Annelies.jpg (474x615, 28K)

Attached: Anne Is Moving!.gif (500x318, 979K)

Anne doesnt count. try harder idiots

Attached: 1555971339420.jpg (800x1014, 71K)

bump limit soon

Attached: Pregnant Anne.jpg (474x770, 39K)

Attached: 1555971577521.jpg (1680x1778, 236K)

Thanks Yea Forumsro at least someone understands me
Fuckit roll if trips im gonna really go find a burger and shove it up my ass

Anne does count*

Attached: School Anne.jpg (1009x1156, 587K)

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Attached: Waifu Jew.jpg (720x844, 71K)

Attached: 1555977874107.jpg (731x470, 26K)

Is this a mutual effort?

Attached: Ellie Kendrick.jpg (386x777, 83K)

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Attached: Why won't she love me....jpg (1400x787, 248K)

Attached: 1555967779340.jpg (711x1124, 82K)

The only waifu that matters

Attached: A1AD5DCD-A548-406A-A6C0-E75AA1E494A1.jpg (540x960, 60K)

Attached: Silly Jew.jpg (1200x1600, 585K)

Attached: 1555977727580.png (849x1200, 1.37M)

Roll for happiness

Attached: 1555970077503.jpg (600x1000, 99K)


Too long. Did not read. You're a little too self-important, summerfag.

Attached: 1555970143080.jpg (850x1200, 574K)

WOW really?
Maybe I should roll more hahahahahahahahahahah,hahahahahah,ahahahahahaha,hahahahahahah,hahahahahahhahahh. roll roll roollllllll

Attached: Anne But In Several Different Positions.jpg (1600x2180, 518K)


Attached: 1555980447261.jpg (4000x4000, 1.05M)

Attached: 1555980768066.jpg (1200x1000, 159K)

Stop bumping my thread with kikes

Attached: E10F3033-28C2-46F9-AC5C-62B80C9028B0.jpg (386x1024, 83K)


Attached: 1555980103954.jpg (4000x4000, 1006K)

Projection, nice try though, faggoid

Attached: Anne as a GF.png (803x566, 68K)


Attached: Anne Reed.jpg (468x655, 69K)

Attached: Statue Anne.jpg (250x427, 36K)

Attached: Little Anne.jpg (494x537, 446K)

Newfag here, whats a kike?

Attached: Link Anne.png (1920x1080, 199K)

Attached: Annne with 3 n's.jpg (654x491, 36K)

Attached: 1294340560493.jpg (481x459, 28K)

Attached: Anne But Zoomed Out.jpg (481x271, 14K)


Attached: Fancy Anne.jpg (640x660, 38K)

Attached: Not Anne.png (499x266, 176K)

Theres a bump limit?


Attached: Beach Anne.jpg (364x530, 60K)

Go to bed

Attached: Baby Anne.jpg (236x365, 16K)

Attached: anne-frank-9300892-1-402.jpg (300x300, 8K)



Requesting spiderman

S/fur as requested

Attached: image.png (1000x707, 699K)





It's a cheeseburger.

Attached: CaliforniaCheeseburger.jpg (600x450, 39K)


Do it faggot.

Ok that was enough faggotry
Now lets get back to rolling

Attached: D1FE3EA3-EAD1-44B4-8C9C-FBFABAE6BEAF.jpg (558x558, 49K)

Roll nigga



Why can't this klansman follow his own rules? I bet he doesn't even have an ass. Typical lib.


Im not a lib
Your the typical lib thinking everyone else’s a lib

Is OP projecting?

Good job on promises to the public and not delivering, lib.

your actions are lib-worthy, horsefuck.

Fuck you cunts call me anything but a lib
Unless your in Australia then lib means good

Attached: 16BFC156-A675-42B6-BD67-97109A8F75E6.jpg (640x368, 23K)

lib lib lib lib lib lib OP = lib lib lib OP IS A LIB LIB LIB LIB

Attached: 100% Texan.jpg (1600x1071, 376K)

What luck, there's a french fry in my beard.

Attached: EggrollsInMyPants.jpg (500x333, 37K)

Go to bed

>"I promice to delivar"
>doesn't delervar

Attached: download.jpg (275x183, 6K)


Attached: 100% Texan (2).jpg (1600x1071, 416K)

Where's my free healthcare and Obamaphones you promised?


Attached: 1504840158374.png (500x635, 172K)


hey op, watch this

Stupid right-winger, boomer, lib.

Attached: 1536984639699.jpg (1500x1475, 131K)

power output decline of 15%.

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Attached: 521_1000.jpg (725x1000, 76K)

Nice distraction, commie.
