I need to make $400 by the end of the night. i’m 25/m, 200lb, live in a nowhere town...

i need to make $400 by the end of the night. i’m 25/m, 200lb, live in a nowhere town, don’t have the gas to leave town, and i don’t know what to do. advice?

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Suck them dicks

Sucking cock is a good way of earning money if you have no shame

sell a kidney

how do I get in touch with people who want their dick sucked? What’s a good price?

not possible
you can take a cash advance but youll end up having to pay back at least $1000
my advice is to file for bankruptcy
if this 400 is a dirty debt then go to the police

I’ll give you 400 dollars if you tie down an attractive family member and lick their feet then send it to me

try getting a credit somwhere

Why do you need $400 at such short notice user?

Unemployed. My girlfriend doesn’t know that though. I just need money to cover my ass in case she wants me to buy something.

Credit score is in the low 400s, no chance here. And it’s 6:30 pm EST here so no banks are open

you should pull on your penis til you ejaculate

say "stfu you are an adult women take care for your shit once by yourself"

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I’m serious bitch give me contact info

break your card and say her you lost it

If you aren't honest with your GF about such important things your relationship is superficial at best and you can't honestly expect to build a worthwhile foundation on top of lies. You shouldn't be buying her stuff if you can't even open up to her. Do you really not need the money for any other reason? Just to give to her? That's fucking pussy whipped. She's cucking you out of your money.



Sell shit

This is all a thing that spiraled out of my control. She isn’t some money leech, I’m the one in the wrong here. Basically I lost my job in December, but I told her I got another one. I can’t find another one though, because of a felony on my record. She’s under the impression that I have a job and money, so we should be able to go to the movies and I pay for a date and whatnot. I only planned on keeping this up until I find a job. I just haven’t yet.


Ah. You lied. And you're fucked mate. GG NO RE

This is fucking retarded.

sounds like your relationship is based off a lie. Good luck with that. When she leaves you send her my way, I got plenty of money to blow for some ass.

unless she a whale.

get support , there a are certain groups helping former criminals to reintroduce into society.
and dont visit one group, visit like all gorups you can reach with your car

Well, shitty situation. If she's important for you, open up to her. I suppose you're no cavemen so your woman probably works too and can support you while you're looking for a job. If she's not important enough for you, don't waste her time.

Your situation is adverse and I feel for you, especially the felony part. Your solution here is to start your own business. What you do is go on Alibaba and find something like knockoff apple airpods. They sell for 2.50$ a unit and take like a month to ship from China. Obviously it would be retarded to buy all this product and try to sell it to people you know, you want to avoid all risk. I don't know how familiar you are with the Polish people, but they and a lot of other Eastern Europeans have a deep distrust for China. They will refuse to purchase directly from Alibaba, thinking that their credit card information will be stolen. You can open up a Facebook ad or similar ad targeting polish groups or people, advertising " apple air pod style earbuds, Bluetooth, $4". You'll have to set up some sort of payment processing, the cheapest (free) way to do this would be a personal PayPal account that they send the funds to. Then you go on Alibaba order it from that account using those funds ship it to their address, tell them that I will take six weeks and send them the tracking number. Your startup cost for this is extremely minimal, really it's just the cost for a Facebook ad. I understand you probably aren't able to do this at the moment, but the next time you have money saved up this is what you should pursue.

this. The post nut clarity will make you realize how stupid this is.

Rob someone

polish american, can confirm we hate the chinese

This is why lying is a no, and if you feel the need to lie, theres an issue you need to admit. Being with someone is about loving them always, not just when things are ideal. You fucked yourself by lying, you *may* still have a chance if you open up to her, truthfully and wholesomely. Playing these games further will just lead tou further down the hole of fuckery. You will lose at some point

bumping, never lie, its not worth it

wow, wat a dire need.

That's not a need, user. People on here who are about to be evicted and need a rent payment for their safety and livelihood. THAT'S a need. A medical payment to afford insulin. That's a need.

For PS4 Pro of course.

Stab a guy with a different guy and sell the video on darknet.

>PS4 Pro
Is it worth it? I'm thinking about getting a PS4 for hte sole purpose of playing FF7: Remake on launch day. Currently don't own any consoles.

>That's not a need, user. People on here who are about to be evicted and need a rent payment for their safety and livelihood. THAT'S a need
hey that's me

PS4 is definitely worth it. Been available long enough to be affordable and it has a shitload of really good games, both AAA and Indy.

I can pick up a PS4 for 150, with a 500GB HDD. Is the 1TB really worth the extra couple hundred?

Go to a agency that hires illegal imagrent pass your self as a undocumented person give a fake name and work with a lot of my fellow Mexicans lol XD but seriously if you need money do it I have a friend that dose that cuz he has a extremely bad record in all of the jobs he had along with being categorized as insane cuz he did acide one time thinking it was crack lol how he confused it well that's another story

that depends on how many games you're planning to play on it. Every game is a "license disc only", so they whole thing is copied to your HDD when you get or DL a new game. It fills up pretty quick. If you only want a few specific games and some retro content from the PS Store, 500 is plenty. If you're going to keep up with multiple AAA game purchases at release going forwards, invest in the TB.

Useless nigger detected

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What a lucky girl

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Cheers user - I'll stick with the 500GB then. Only a handful of games I'm interested in, and PS4 game prices are a ripoff tbh

Yep -- enjoy your soon-to-be PS4!