Transexual children should start hormonal treatment and sex reassignment surgery before puberty...

Transexual children should start hormonal treatment and sex reassignment surgery before puberty, so they will look like the sex they want to be when they are adults.

They have EVERY right to be who they want to be!

Prove me wrong.

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They don't have the right metal power to chose at that age

>metal power
What kind of metal are we talking about here? Melodic death metal? Copper? Steel?

Child is 14, Wants to be male instead.
Becomes male, Suddenly realises at 16
I dont want to be male. Ok then what

Then we support HER

God, you are the specialist of the special snowflakes

pasta bait... who will fall for it?

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No, and that damned fool Charles Xavier is always opposing them as well.

No argument? Fucking defeated this easily. Next

They're still the same sex, all you're doing is destroying perfectly healthy body functions for the sake of a delusion.

>Prove me wrong.
Transgender regret and increased suicide rate POST-OP. That is all.


You're delusional. The argument is for you to provide facts that you are not.

Born with a penis, you are male.
Born with a vagina you are female.
Sorry your mind is fucked, but biology wasnt wrong when it assigned you a gender.

>Transexual children

Of course, just let it do whatever it wants at fucking 10 years old. At this logic the age of consent should be lowered as well. Put them to vote too. Seems reasonable.

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Children are normally experimenting and or don't actually know what they're getting into. I'm all for people being who they want to be, but children aren't capable of making a decision like that without properly experiencing the world. It's a form of child abuse because once they start surgery and hormones there is no going back at all, there is NO and I mean NO going back. The entire left is abusing children and overall raising them to be spoiled brats that get everything they want

>but biology wasnt wrong when it assigned you no arms or legs.
FTFY you fucking retard..

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One is born this way.


Children don’t have the emotional or mental capacity to make those kinds of decisions about their lives. Prove me wrong.

The amount of "tomboy" and "effeminate" children that eventually grow out of it.... Well this is gonna be a very interesting future. Cursed fucking timeline.


gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

Kill yourself please I beg you discord tranny, kids should let be kids without psycho shits like you interfering with their innocent lives. Please hang yourself, your life is pointless you will never be a girl, you are mentally ill, I have fuckes traps and trannies, and I love it but you are mentally ill and you should be removed willingly or by force if you keep pushing this shit

I'm conflicted with this as the child should get all the support they need and be allowed to live as their gender choice but I'm not sure they need hormones or understand what effect they will have on them, letting them dress and be treated as the gender they think they want to be would probably be enough for most children until they are old enough to make their own decisions.

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>Prove me wrong.
You are the one proposing radical surgery on children. The burden of proof is on you.

Sure, the issue is that such child's brain is not developed yet. Would you like to have some people who feel awful because of having a wrong body or a way bigger group who would be fucked up of their own volition or their parents' dumb idea?

to change the gender of a child who says they want to would be like sending every child who wanted to be an astronaut to the moon, if you have to 18 to fuck and 21 to drink you should have to be at least 18 to confirm that you want a doctor to mutilate your penis.

>Trans people are defects confirmed.

Oof, got eem.

fuck of , no one makes that argument.
im sorry if this whole gender debatte confuses you but not everything is about you.

noooooo 15 makes more sense.* if they want to*.

I love this stuff, it's a riot. Thank you, moonbeams & unicorns Libs!

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why the fuck are white christians so upsessed with other peoples gender?

The key argument is whether they have the legal right to request such a transition at an early age. As minors, they do not; it is up to the parents to decide it, therefore the real question you should be asking is "should parents have the right to initiate a hormonal treatment for children?"

The moment you ask that question, it forces you to examine all of the potential consequences of such a legal decision. Think of the possibilities? What if a parent forces their child to undergo hormonal treatment the child doesn't want? Would that also be allowed, and should that be allowed?

What if a parent wants to use such therapies in the opposite direction? What if a parent wants to use hormones to alter their homosexual child's biology in order to try them straight?

Gender and sexual preference are very analogous identity crisis issues, and such legal definitions could lead to unforeseen consequences if the minor's will is not at the helm.

Just a reminder.

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its not just Christians

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well, she definitivly passes.

Please don't make this another trap thread

oi vey

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True dat

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Go away discord trannies, no one likes you. Must be fun knowing that you ruined your body for the rest of your lives. :)

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ha you cant really see the little girls face but you can still tell she is pissed

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fuck off, this is a kid. why do you always have to make that shit sexual? its not abot that. its simply better for a girl not to see a boy every time she looks in to the mirror. this shit is stressful

They should have agency over their body in all ways. Sex, drugs, self harm. Who are we to decide they shouldn't kill themselves. Also children shouldn't be forced to go to school, it's against their will. Actually we should elect a 9 year trans for president and blindly follow their orders.

when i was a teenager i didnt know jack shit about life or what the fuck i really wanted.

how can you promote drastic, lifechanging irreversible procedures, often combined with surgery and hormonal treatment (i repeat: HORMONAL TREATMENT. this can seriously cause massive psychotraumatic disorders if not dealt with correctly) on the weakest members of society, just because you're trying to ship this absolutely bloated third wave feminism bullshit agenda?

Hey man I'm the one asking him not to, jesus

They haven't gotten equipped with Metal Blades

transition is impossible women have ovaries and different chromosomes

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Big Nose Trump voting Orthodox Jew here so not Christian, but I can iterate for you the problem. It's not gender that we(decent conservative folk, christian, or otherwise) have a problem with, it's the mutilation of genitalia, toxic ideologies, and the attempts to normalize it that we have a problem with.

To push and promote permanently life altering decisions on children who are too young to make such an adult decision and to celebrate it is degenerate evil. There's a saying that goes "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." 2 God-given genders seem to have been working fine since the dawn of time, humanity's (mainly liberal) pitiful attempts to mess with that status quo have only increased suicide rates.

no shit. dont you think they know themself that they will never fully become a woman? constantly reminding them is just crule.

with a suicide rate as high as it is cruelty might just save some lives

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>Orthodox Jew here but I can iterate for you the problem. It's not gender that we(decent conservative folk, christian, or otherwise) have a problem with, it's the mutilation of genitalia, toxic ideologies, and the attempts to normalize it that we have a problem with.
and that's why you were gassed for being so fucking arrogant and retarded you fucking cock sucking hypocritet you brainwash, indoctrinate and segregate your children and think you have the right to criticise others..KYS you fucking child abuser

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im neither jewish nor christian, and consider myself a liberal in many things, but i can also strongly back a few conservative points.

what pisses me off the most is that nowadays, theres only 2 ways to go. either you're a trump loving bigot that secretly loves the nazis, or you're a non-binary genderfluid cuck that wants his daughters to marry into muslim families. theres only black and white, no differentiation.

why cant i support free healthcare, drug legalization and liberal immigration, while at the same time telling trannies to go fuck themselves and earn money like everyone else does instead of bitching about how hard their life is because they have a cock. (how does that work exactly? male privilege apparently dont work always)
also, people that deny obvious mental and physical differences between races are delusional.

its not your geitalia getting "mutelated" and nobody is getting mutilated untill their adults.
unlike forscin removal in some cultures ;)

the puberty blockers are there to buy the kids time to mature and decide later.
if trying to normalize the process to make it a bit easier for the few kids who actually have to go trough this shit is evil, then i dont know whats evil anymore.

noboddy is trying to convince cis kids to change gender

Go back to tumblr with your cis bullshit

Children with sexual dysmorphia have a right to get humane psychological treatment and medication to manage their mental illness.

What they need is accesible health care that includes mental wellbeing.

They need compassion, guidance, patience and love from their parents.

Burgers are collectibly insane if they dont see this.

>here kid, eat some fucking estrogen
>inject some fucking testosterone, you faggot

dont worry, we will just call them "puberty blockers" so the parents dont worry too much

so if they kill themselfs because they are treated like shit by a big chunk of the population you should treat them even worse to scare others into not change gender at all and kill them selfs as cis people?

Kids are dumb and some of these processes are irriversable, additionally parents who prevent their children from getting these things could be eventually seen as "abusing their children" theres a more fitting legal term but I can't remember it, also if the parents are not punished for preventing it, this could lead to higher suicide rates due to kids being upset they can not change themselves in time to be more "real" and thus see their life as forfeit. I started by meming, but honestly off the top of my head, 2 and 3 are some serious consequences to consider.

this is the only correct answer.

They should go through it earlier so they kill themselves BEFORE adulthood. Genius!

u trans?

Yes many lifes could be saved that way including some black ones

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so if they not shure about their gender they should just let puperty kick in and descover they are trans when they have a beard, deep voice and the wrong bone structure?

>with a suicide rate as high as it is cruelty might just save some lives
and what's your visionary reason for approx 40,000 amerifag men anoning each year when trans people are a very small monority?

>Go back to tumblr
learn another meme you fucking retard

meh, I had tranny fantasies as a 8 year old. Now I'm just a guy whose not had the best life. Feels like I'd have handled being ball-less and hormon'd, not sure I'd have handled getting a hole.

good idea. treat everyone like shit and save all lives

simple no one does ANYTHING until they are 18

thanks dude i knew you would understand

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are you seriously having second thoughts when considering we should just let nature play itself out instead of hampering with it again and again, which has proven to be massively lackluster when ever we tried to "improve"?

every fucking person on the world has to go through puberty and maybe even realize who they really are in the process, but these tranny shits have become so fucking special we are seriously considering to just medicate the fuck out of them so that eventually we just hope they will somewhen be happy?

Someone's a little pissy today. I teach my children to be decent, hardworking, contributing members of society who righteously stands up for decent virtue and morals. You can teach your children the degenerate "trans" bullshit you so badly want to protect. Don't blame me when your dumbass kid joins the 41% suicide rate.

Also, your anger and hatred over a simple opinion betrays your true nature. You claim to hate "segregation" yet you hate me and my entire people for being "Jewish." How am I the hypocrite again? I practice what I preach, unlike you.

It's "mutilated" not "mutelated." it's also "until" not "untill"

Puberty is a natural function, using puberty blockers to block a perfectly natural process of your child's development carries serious, often permanent adverse risks, including impaired bone mineralization(weaker bones), impaired brain development, etc.

and ignore the self hatred and depression and self harming that may young people live with..such a fucking visionary.

The amount of stupid parents out there, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with one seeing a daughter playing with GI Joe or some shit and being like "she must want a dick"

yes it would be much better than indulging their mental illness and telling them its all fine and normal

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>yes it would be much better than indulging their mental illness and telling them its all fine and normal
don't ever fucking breed..

Proof: Throughout the history of the world CHILDREN needed guidance from their PARENTS on how to be more like an ADULT. This is passing down GENERATIONS of KNOWLEDGE of HOW TO ACT in order to SURVIVE and PROSPER. CHILDREN should NOT BE ALLOWED to choose their GENDER as GENDER is based upon BIOLOGICAL SEX and is apparent through studying GENETICS and BIOLOGY, GENDER IS NOT A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT IT IS A BIOLOGICAL CONSTRUCT.

Children need to be guided on how to live and act like functional adults.

If a child grows up and decides they want to try and be the opposite sex/gender then let them make that choice as an EXPERIENCED AND INFORMED ADULT!

With that being said: I like traps and support trans-rights. Trans rights are Transhuman rights, the right of a human to change their form and function, but that right is granted at the AGE OF CONSENT.

The kids are being used in an invisible war meant to undermine our human foundations. Foundations can change through knowledge and experience but to do it in such a way makes one question the motivations and agendas of the powers that be.

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Eugenics would solve it: make people be born cis

cheater..leave the girls alone faggot..

too late kid 2 sons

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You do relise the kid got taught this and that's why "she" "wanted" to be that way....

Which inherently leads to THIS because the children have little control in their lives, they could have any problems as we all do and I'm proud of these tripz..... :' )

Children who are clearly doubting should be put on puberty blockers so their brain can develop to the point they can make their own proper decisions themselves before we take any drastic action.

Before that, their decisions have to be put under scrutiny from psychologists.

Yeah but with children it really COULD be a phase. Puberty blockers could cause some serious adverse effects for such a situation.

Actually, they don't have side effects

As long as you don't get Indian knockoffs or something

So grow tf up. I wasn’t born who I wanted to be and I got over it.

At least We can.

I agree with these, it would be funny as fuck to see them become adults, realize they were retarded as kids and that they fucked their body up forever, and kill themselves. So it be a lesson to all these other trannies

The brain is not fully developed until the age of 25. Anyone without a fully developed brain is incapable making logical decisions. There, now shut your fucking mouth you child abusing pedophile.