Help me Yea Forums, Im an autist. Should I call her cute? what do I say? Talking to new people is difficult

Help me Yea Forums, Im an autist. Should I call her cute? what do I say? Talking to new people is difficult.

Attached: Screenshot_20190524-155924_Hinge.jpg (720x1280, 201K)

you already lost

Tell her "oh shit you're lucky! I have gotten far worse opening lines than that"

ok, so. here's the thing. If you want a girl to like you you cannot rely on a fake persona or copying other people's answers. what you need is practice. So, just do your thing.

A few pointers though:
- don't be too anxious
- don't be scared
- don't be needy
- don't be desperate

Basically, women - and people in general - will like you most when you're genuine and when you're confident enough to be yourself.

Send her this picture. Trust me.

Attached: game-of-thrones-night-king.jpg (620x420, 170K)

Not op
>be yourself
What if myself is scared and anxious tho?

Then you need practice so you can figure out what you're actually scared and anxious about. You need to make mistakes and errors and fuck up often enough to learn how to talk to people. You'll grow in the process, come out better at the other end and if you don't give up halfway you will end up way less anxious and way less scared.

It's not that fucking complicated. Stop being a fucking loser and apply yourself.

actually OP
what if im an autistic reclusive hermit with a history of being abused and bullied and just trying to shake free of my terrible past experiences.

Say 'oh damn, some people amirite '

OK, now what?

Now you wait

For what?

Well, then it sounds like you have set yourself a great goal! People learn by trial and error, so try and see what'll happen.

I get that it can be super scary especailly if you have bad experiences. But there's an important difference between getting hurt becaus you tried something that didn't turn out too well vs. getting hurt because someone's being a dick to you.

When you're the one making a mistake, you can learn from it and improve and not make that mistake in the future. You learn and improve.

"Was he cute though?"

The dragons to come. They're coming, I swear. But for now we need more floppy penises


"Speaking as a cute guy, I hate guys who call themselves cute when they are not"

im not cute

She doesn't have to know that.

she has 6 pictures of me

usually on dating platforms, the intial contact is banter. Banter is a way to hide awkwardness and keep each other entertained without the need to know much about the other person.

If she thinks you seem nice, friendly, funny, wahtever, basically if she thinks hey this guy isn't all that bad, maybe she'll open up a bit and tell something she likes or ask something you like.

You can also watch if during the banter phase she releases anything that tells you something she likes.

If you want to make a connection, at some point you'll want to find something that she cares about enough that she enjoys talking about it and enjoys being heard. Maybe she'll hand that to you on a silver platter, most likely she won't. If she doesn't you can just try out a topic and see if it sticks. If it doesn't stick, just move on to another topic. Don't get too bothered or upset or negative if it takes a few tries to find something that works, in fact the ability to simply drop a topic that's boring to her and move on to something else like it's no problem at all shows a certain kind of confidence that can be attractive too.

Basically, connecting with people is really a trial-and-error kind of thing. You can't read their minds so all you really can do is try and see what sticks.

And she's still talking to you. So apparently you're not so ugly that she won't give you a chance. Good on you!

She sees something in those pictures otherwise she would have stopped talking to you. Does she want money? Does she look hungry and cold, like a homeless woman? If not i think you're doing fine.


Ok, coming from experience as an anxious, nervous, unconfident, low self esteem guy I had a situation similar happen the other day. This really attractive girl is checking me out and at first I’m thinking it’s gotta be the person behind me but being that there was a wall directly behind me I figured well fuck she must be looking at me. I ended up approaching her and trust me my brain was in a meltdown mode like someone in monsters inc pulled the code 2319 alarm. Needless to say I’m just expecting to fuck this up. What I did though was just talked to her like anyone else and tried to keep the focus ABOUT HER (this part is key). If you can make them laugh do it. Most girls are just as sick as guys now so that’s a plus. After I spent 30min talking this chick I ended up getting her number. The following day the nudes came and the rest is a story for the great moments in hookup history books. But good luck bro you got this and Yea Forums got your back fam!