For those of you wallowing the despairs of no gf I have a little glimmer of hope...

For those of you wallowing the despairs of no gf I have a little glimmer of hope. If you want free reign talking to bimbos just create a chad profile on tinder and women will flock to you like the harlets they are. I have a near 80% match rate with every swipe I take no matter where I go. I went through 50 swipes in 3 different areas and all the same results of thirtsy thots.

Attached: screenshot chad.png (1440x2560, 1.87M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's the BS Bio

Attached: screenshotbio.png (1440x2560, 249K)


Attached: screenshot results.png (1440x2560, 737K)

Yes, that is a good way for me to obtain more victims.

She still hasn't replied.....

Attached: Screenshot_20190524-134815.png (1440x2560, 379K)

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Attached: pepelaughz.jpg (800x450, 40K)

see if you can get nudes with this...

Pick a name out of the hat and give me a message and it's getting sent. it would be stupid easy to get nudes from these thots and it would be like shooting fish in a barrel

This kinda hurts me I earned my 29 matches on tinder but no thirsty thots like these

Women like tall muscular men that command them. I get an okay amount of matches on Tinder without too many issues, but I'm not Chad.

Link to the previous thread? I lost it

Savannah....see if you can get tits

on it will post replies


fuck yeah....

maybe try a couple at once?

slowly but surely

Attached: womenarefuckingworkbeyondbelief.png (540x960, 157K)

get dem titties, satan

keep em coming, this is a good bread

your wish is my command

Attached: hannah.png (540x960, 64K)

compliments in first message sound beta af, keep it short and vaguely interested,

Post chad pics i want to create an Account to in czech


Attached: update.png (540x960, 180K)

> can't find images on the internet
Next level useless

one moment I got u

Stole the idea from this forums years ago

fuck man i think she'll do it....

These are making me laugh, cheers bud

Is this Chad himself?

Attached: pepepumped.jpg (393x550, 32K)

Numbers don't lie and women don't care if it's fake, they want the ideal and will lie to themselves to make it real

Thank fucking God I got laid and don't ever come close to thinking about resorting to this stupid shit.

i guarantee you they cannot

the best looking guy ive ever known, who could easily have worked as pro fitness model, was awkward as fuck with girls

it didnt matter because he was a male 10, they would bang him anyways and literally help make the situation less awkward because they wanted his D

Nice trips

my gf is super attractive and honestly this just seems fun

if i could mess around and get college girls in the area to send nudes i would be thrilled

mfw I got laid yesterday and am just killing time between classes

Attached: smug grin.jpg (785x415, 32K)

It's hard to get nudes with a chad personality if you were never a chad to begin with.

Honestly,I hope you're serious. at least you're not a crazy incel,but someone being an asshole on Yea Forums.

Oh so like this you charismatic character

Attached: isthiswhatyoumeant.png (540x960, 183K)

MSG them "Keep this secret from your boyfriend, ok?"

Lets see how many cheaters are there.

this is the creativity I came looking for

newsflash: theres no such thing as a chad personality

when a guy who is super good looking does something awkward with a girl, it is "cute", "fun", etc

when an ugly guy does it, it's "creepy", etc

you think a Chad personality exists only because most Chads are relaxed and slightly entitled, since they've lived their entire lives as Chads

but oftentimes they behave just like everyone else- but you see their actions, even if they are strange or shy, through the Chad filter, so they become "mysterious" or "aloof"

That is retarded but I laughed my ass off
you're a fucking social retard but at least you're funny lol


You're the biggest loser here bro, just shut up and let the man keep making us laugh.

This is why no one should use tinder... you are a good looking dude, you should be able to get hotter girls than that.

I went to college a little older than most and there was this really attractive guy that was the most awkward goofball ever. Nothing he did was funny and he had the social interaction skills of a rock. The guy would make the dumbest face when he didn't understand a basic question a girl would ask and then the girls would still smile and giggle.

It was crazy, but I had already known that girls either want you because you're very attractive or they realize they can't get the attractive guy so they settle.

>Hiding most of his room
>Has high end camera equipment but uses his phone
>owns a tripod but couldn't figure out how to use it
>just a single boxing glove
>latex in front of a tv on a messy, small closet

No wonder he's on thinder

Alright Yea Forumsros I gotta sign off for an hour. Have fun psychoanalyzing me surrounded by the smell of rotting cheetos


girls are really, really superficial. they just can't share the top .1% chads, so they settle for less.

but make no mistake, they are all fantasizing about Chad all the time. even if his sense of humor sucks and he barely knows english.

if Chad is physically aggressive, and the type of guy who might take advantage of them, that makes him even more attractive to them.

You people are drooling fucktards.

Attached: 1557667005758.jpg (300x300, 25K)

Fucking hell haha

>they want the ideal and will lie to themselves to make it real
TRIPS of truth right here

listen i cant get more of this shit
why would anyone besides chads be with stupid shallow girls that know only about gossips and makeups and clothes?
yeah their are cute or even beautiful but they sux as persons 90% of the time
i thank chads that i can detect these girls and easily avoid them
they are not what you would eventually want to keep as your real lifetime partner anyway

girls settle?

Wrong, men settle.

female value is downhill, male is uphill.

Yeah true but we kind of do the same thing.

We crave the bombshells and settle because we know we can't get them. The difference is that we understand rejection so we don't even try. Girls on the other hand are able to get fucked by someone way more attractive than them, they just get pumped and dumped and they are ok with being used because at least he was hot.

That's the biggest difference and also why some guys think women can't be faithful when that's not the case. Imagine if the hottest girl you've ever seen came up to you and asked you to fuck her raw but you were already in a relationship with someone. You'd be more likely to cheat too. All men would, but we don't get those opportunities really. That's why they cheat so much.

I think we just have a very unhealthy relationship with sex because birth control is a thing so sex isn't serious anymore.

They cheat so much because they are raised to be laying honor less animals that are never punished when they do wrong shit, infact they are rewarded for their cunt think by weak men , weak familys , weak system.

And thats why IQ is dropping along with marriages, sex and everything else, its all degenerating because they are NEVER punished as they should be.

>Imagine if the hottest girl you've ever seen came up to you and asked you to fuck her raw but you were already in a relationship with someone. You'd be more likely to cheat too. All men would, but we don't get those opportunities really. That's why they cheat so much.
this is a good thought experiment and one that i've used on /pol/ whenever the tards over their are on about 'our women' lack virtue!
they are regularly presented with situations that most guys will never see.

This user knows
Never compliment on looks until you meet up in person or until she compliments your looks first. Or if she's older and seems ultra-insecure about being/getting/looking old
Of course I'm average so Chad might be able to get away with this sort of stuff more often than I can

Just go MGTOW

far from it, you just have to act like one.

you are right compliment work in your favor only in person. via chat/text is best to say things that will imply a compliment or your interest, simply insinuating that you would like to fuck her is a compliment. basically say things that will make her FEEL complimented instead of telling them straight up... they eat that shit up but you have to get creative... its the same thing in your bio- you don;t want to say you are funny, make a profile that is funny or say something witty...

Right, and there is no real accountability for them doing what they want. If they want to cheat then what is the worst thing that could happen? They become single again and get a new boyfriend 24 hours later?

I like to look at those women the same as I look at people who live paycheck to paycheck because they can't save (not because they earn very little). It's just a personality trait favoring self-gratification and impulsiveness. Not everyone acts that way but you have to accept that some do and find the ones that don't. That's what dating is for and why it sucks so hard. If you're an average guy then you find someone to date every 3 to 6 months or so. If you're, god forbid, below average then you find someone to date every year or longer. If you keep pulling the whore straw every time then you can see how it would be easy to become so jaded towards women and that why if you ever look at the guys in the MGTOW begins to make sense because they haven't found the girl yet with moral standards and this strange little thing called empathy. The grabbed on latched onto the one hoebag that would settle with them. Anyways, this rant could just go on forever lol. We're fucked. We're all fucked. You're fucked. I'm fucked. People are fucked in general and wait until male birth control comes out and people will be fucking everyones wives and I bet marriage won't even exist in 50 years from now. It'll be an antiquated thing that only old people do for tax purposes.

LOL, eaven if there was a singles TAX, it would still be cheaper than having a female under the same roof.

who cares about money... I would love to provide the money if i would get a loyal female to take care of the house and obey me. Females and most of their ideas and decisions are fucking retarded

Get a dog if you want obedience.

ppl need money to live last time i checked, america is full of shit and homeless, money would help them back in the day, nowadays they are gone for good imho

>That's why they cheat so much.
Cause men are faithful angels lmao

is that Vanilla Ice?

There is a singles "tax". Everything is designed around a 2 person household especially housing.

You have to live a class below your earnings if you're single or don't have roommates.

Lol thanks for the laughs continue gods work my man

Also, I'm not disagreeing with you. Before my gf moved in I had about a thousand to spare at the end of every month that I would invest. Once she moved in I was riding borderline paycheck to paycheck. I've calmed her down a lot but now that I go an offer yesterday for 3 times my current salary she's already wanting to move to a bigger house (current is 2400sqft 4 bedroom house on a half acre with a pool and hot tub) and buy new cars.

I told her that we are moving where she can afford half the bills lol.

A class below? Yep if you live with a female you will be below in no time after the hell of it ends. And feel that nice tax called a divorce.

Am sorry you live in a renter mentality and not owner.

You know owned thing get passed on from parents, right?

Its called getting rich through time.

and hence why i'm advocating that they need to obey.... maybe YOU should get a dog

You deadass leave some thots number uncensored

Attached: 979593A0-6779-4EC9-83C8-61E4C8D48DF2.jpg (640x631, 65K)

hold on, 760 area code. bro im down the street

you own shit, you still pay rent to the gov and all the maintenance costs...

Yes it never stops, anyways ais she doing her work? aka providing kids? Coz thats the use of space or will she just fill it with trinkets and trash insted of lil humans?

And you think its better to pay a middleman(s) extras for what? renting has all that included and extra...

Yes, she wants kids. I do too, but that's kind of why I got a 4 bedroom house. To get that same house where she wants to go would be at least twice what I paid for mine.

That was a hard lesson for me. The first time it cost me 80 dollars to have someone mow I was like ah shit. Then a hole blew in my roof and then I learned I had to take care of the pool but it was too late so I had to pump it out, then the hot tub pump went out and then the a/c started blowing warm air because it had a leak in it but home warranty took care of that one but I had to wait 3 months for that 750 reimbursement. WEW

It isn't even that hard. This girl is sort of a fatty but idgaf I am horny.

Attached: Screenshot_20190524-135026_Tinder.jpg (1080x1646, 391K)

>download and install tind3r
>I have to log in with Facebook

Why the fucking hell do you people move in with people you can't trust?

defiantly if it saves be the hustle of micro managing all the shit+liability plus it doesn't fucking tie me up in one place.... even for your metal health is better to rent because you don't get stressed out over all the shit. you pay your flat fee which is the same every month and don;t give a fuck.... you pay your landlord to do all that work and worry about it. owning a house is for fucking scrubs that care about few dollars a month, and these days rent pricing is so competitive that it might be actually cheaper on avrg than owning that house because the landlords think of the future return from house prices increasing....

What is the problem?

I don't use that shit.

both my quotes :D

You have lotsa land around the home? for garden n kids n fun...

Wish you healthy kiddos and a lasting relationship/marriage.

And a great life (hopefully shit will turn back and i wont be so black pilled)

This is enough Yea Forums for me for a few months, cya

you can't even trust yourself user

I think you can use your number also.

that's his number,lol

because youre a retard who has no idea how to talk to bitches

and wtf are you gonna do of you do get someone to agree to meet and she finds out youre a 14 year old incel?

You really think this is gonna get you anything but a bitch pissed off at you?

I wouldn't move in with a money sucker for fucking sure!

Ups my bad i forgot you are american prolly.

house to me, means castle to you,
and woodbox to me means house to you.

My bad, sorry!

>Catfishing her
This will surely go over well!

Like I give a fuck

Bump for interest

Itt: Autism

Things can turn for the better and fast.

If you saw my life 2 years ago and now then you'd be a believer. I was renting a ghetto apartment and earning 10.15 an hour and I was an alcoholic vet with ptsd. I had also been single for a decade.

Shit changes and it changes fast. Just have to set goals and get out there and go for them. That's the hard part.

Stay safe, take care, love ya.

If you apes seriously think you're going to get far playing the subtle game by holdin compliments and the ace in your sleeve till you meet up I've got some sad new for y'all. You're never going to get to step 2 where you meet them

Attached: complimentsworkyousocialretards.png (540x960, 90K)

No I didn't use the Chad picture that is from my actual Tinder account. I am saying you don't even have to be a mega Chad to fuck some slut. That is what I meant by it isn't even that hard.

Moron doesn’t even know how to spell boba

Alright then,my man. I hope the sex is good.


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I try and give the roasties a hint that it's fake.

>mfw when you can in my country

Attached: 385.jpg (317x267, 22K)

See No compliment and this girl is comin over later to fuck

Attached: 20190524_140955.jpg (1080x1821, 339K)

Pass me the zip file.

user, you are actually pretty decent at talking to women. You must be a 1-2 because even a 4 with good money could get bitches with your conversation smarts.

It's not hard to lure a whale with krill in one hand

fuck man, made me smile
this is a decent thread for once you faggot

School is way too much for a girl to be in the picture too.

Me too last time one came over she gave me a blow job but she was on her period so we didn't fuck. I would like to get my fuck on it has been awhile.

That's why Chad Thundercawk is on Facebook

Ehh not exactly a land whale but who cares man as long as I am getting my dick sucked and fucking her I don't really care if she is thin..pussy is pussy

I am not the OP I am using a real profile.

Attached: 20190524_141622.jpg (1071x1326, 499K)

Outstanding move sir. Godspeed

hm, still a good thread nonetheless
and you're still a faggot, with a slight sense of humor

She's fairly good looking,I'd tap that.

kek, lives in a EU brick shed with no land and calls it a castle

OP is a legit incel. What's the point of speaking to women if it's not going anywhere and under a false identity

Attached: 11ADEA9F-026D-4244-8D1D-DBD6EC4513B5.png (986x797, 869K)

I'll try to get a video or pics when/if I hit it from the back tonight then next time I see this thread I'll post em.


Attached: thatswhy.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Just get an escort or find a niche on fetlife,com

I got laid yesterday I think I'm good

damn,how do you plan on doing that? do you just find people that let you record them?

Go to the club and bring blow. You'll get laid every time

based Saurfang

No...have my phone sitting on the bedside table. Then bend her over the bed and reach over and grab it. It isn't that hard you just gotta have a plan.

guess ur not OP

Holy crap, and women don't see how hypocritical they are. Chad can literally say anything and get her giggling. what the actual fuck.


Tried of sending you fucks sacks of grain. Can't y'all grow your own damn food? Or at least buy it? PoorEUfag

They do, fucking idiot

Attached: download (1).jpg (257x196, 6K)

Your point? I think this would piss off most "normal" men

they what?

Let's see your profile pic Chad version 2

they know they're hypocritical, women are just as shallow as men with their sexual preference if not even more so.

Don't think I'm gonna post my face on here I've done it one time before and someone recognized me almost immediately.

Yeah I know, I just hate seeing it happen as often as it does.

Women have life in tutorial mode madude

1. Practice
2. Nudes

If you're Good looking you don't need practice in the first place.

Attached: ff894ce9db8346dfac27c16d4063515102344242131791ae32f927c022f92ddc.jpg (327x466, 22K)

I wonder which hair product he used

Spoken like a chad

Probably nair

kek, is that Elon Musk's face?

Attached: shoop.jpg (1000x562, 60K)

Chat with that Keanna chick next

Her phone number is right there literally go for it

I lol'd

So did she that is how I wrangled her in

Attached: Screenshot_20190524-155637_Tinder.jpg (1080x1692, 401K)

haha i gave up a long time ago when i realized i have to compete with guys like OP even if you are in a relationship already, they will fuck your girl, and she will keep it a secret forever, she will bring it to her grave

But you gonna miss the day she cucks you to take care of his kid as your own. :D


Same thing with women though. If an ugly girl does something awkward it's weird but if a hot girl does it it's quirky/ charming. Men and women are both shallow.

Is that why women flock to men ages 60+? Nah, they dont do that. Pull your head out of your ass.

*khm* money, low sex drive, need to say more?

Yea granted every hot girl only responds to Chad but the system sometimes works. I told a cute asian I could fix her car. She came over and long story short we ended up dating for nearly 2 years. You can't get dealt a winning hand if you don't have the balls to ante up.

i dont have the mentality to date women i know have swallowed other mens cum, if they arent a virgin its a 100% turn off
im only here for the tinder trolls, you dont have to convince me dating is possible or w/e i dont care at all

Oh please, like you want an ugly person either. Men and women are both shallow.

Amazing number of blue pilled cucks on Yea Forums, am shocked.

That really isn't common. Also how is low sex drive a good thing? Women get horny too.

Life isn't meant to be lived alone there is no better feeling than finding a cute member of the opposite sex you get along with. The fact that she has had cum in her mouth is irrelevant when you are looking in each others eyes smiling and laughing. No one can tell you shit when you are in love it is immunity to depressing nature of the world.

woman 30, man 60.

woman fucks the poolboy.

problem solved.

stop giving me cuck advice i dont care

try heroine, its same but stronger.

>only dates virgins
Eventually you'll have no choice but to date second hand women. When girls reach like 25 they've already been ran through 900 times. No young thing is gonna wanna date some older awkward incel like yourself. You'll be stuck with worn out thrift store shit

im aware of this, and again, i dont care
u just want me to be a slave to society because u cant live without society protecting your weak ass

That doesn't even make any sense. Getting your dick wet is being a slave to society? Im weak because i dont repel women like you?


theres just three type of ppl

slaves, happy slaves and gods

u dont even understand the basic concept of the social contract, ur just a degenerate that only cares about vagina

>I don't care
Is that why you spend your free time trolling Stacy? Because you don't care? Sounds like you are real butthurt and are in total denial. Calling me a cuck for having sex and relationships is about the most nonsensical dumbass shit I've ever heard. But seeing as you are way too far gone from rational thinking I'll just drop it and wish you luck with kidnapping yourself a virgin.

Wrong, im a drug dealer. i care about money first before anything

No because if he's fucking ugly, she won't listen to what he says

Attached: 1557368948788.jpg (720x720, 49K)

>ur just a degenerate
>Wrong, im a drug dealer

Attached: EFG.jpg (600x600, 18K)

you just admitted you care only about pussy. coz thats whats money is used for.

biology 101

cuck provider :D

You need to respect them more.. I'll give you all one secret, but be carefull with it, it's powerfull.
You need to respect girls and be confident if you want to have intercourse with them. Inner beauty is what's important

If u cared about money you would study hard not deal drugs you dumb fuck lmao

Its paying my college tuition a semester at a time homie. Dont knock it, i wont have a student loan

Haha look at this faggot

Haha look at this faggot

lol enjoy your felony bitch

Well you have fun washing dishes while you're in school. Or living off of the money the government lent you. I'll sell cocaine and E pills to college kids and have no loan

This larping faggot watched scarface and now thinks he is pablo escobar

Kek, I belive it's called "cat fishing" good thread

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Women are cold heartless bitches with high standards

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With an education

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I am a lawyer specializing in the law of economic sanctions at a AM 50 law firm. I made 435K last year in salary and an additional 85K in bonuses. I also have sex regularly with several very beautiful women that I have on rotation. Have fun selling narcotics, sounds like you have a promising future.

No stop, dont tell the good lil slaves the truth!


Haha look at this faggot

A girl just sent me this. What did she mean by this?

Attached: 2878.jpg (610x592, 45K)

have fun being it the same prisson cell as him, since you will be "he raped me!" sooner or later. :D

Fuck you femanon. Men are waking up to your shit manipulation. You bitches are no different than praying mantis

Attached: 1558229490826.jpg (1024x847, 80K)

Sorry, I am having trouble understanding your use of the King’s English. Would you mind revising your post for readability and then reposting? Thank you, habeebi.

Oh absolutely.

Attached: 1558205388319.jpg (666x613, 107K)

>fake people
So meta.

Someone finally got my genius



lol thats the joke, thread shows they arent.

Believe what you will. However, the truth is my Mercedes Benz CLA 250 Service B notification is on and I have the dealership driving to my 685K home, so I have to exit this thread.

i remember when i was 14 and lying to sound cool

damn you not rich nuff so you have to drive around like a normie?

That’s cute m8. Keep dreaming & maybe one day you’ll be a real chad.

Attached: EB30499D-19A2-4F5C-BDDF-10263AF74BA9.jpg (1242x1784, 284K)

Cool, thatd be cool if it were actually true. What is true though is im half way to getting a degree in electrical engineering

Attached: getaload.jpg (600x600, 52K)


>Living in the American South

Attached: in north korean.jpg (275x183, 13K)


Jesus, just imagine being Chad for like a week

How does every guy like that not have tons of STDs when women are just throwing themselves at you?

Lots of girls really don't like giving bj's though, can you blame them? Shoving a sweaty bacteria covered meat log down your throat doesn't sound very appetizing.

ever heard of water?

They are fleeting

Because Chad's already had plenty of sex in high school with the hottest tightest youngest wettest pussy there is. They already experienced the height of sex with non std having women. Now these thirsty whores are all over them and it isn't very attractive. If they are drunk they might fuck for fun but Chad's are people too and they want something meaningful just like regular dudes. Sex is fun but not as fun as the virgin incels on here think it is. It is much better to have sex with someone you care about.

>this so fucking hot
>yea baby suck my cock
>but first
>let me go wash it off in the sink
>ohh ya baby that is so HOT
>wash that dick for me
Lmao when you got her in the mood you don't just pause to go wash your dick

So you are saying, with your hand?

so I'd imagine that works at first but what happens when you actually want to meet them?

Proof or your full of shit

you are a virgin right?

Her head game is golden, duhh

I have 115 matches in about 2 weeks but most of them are fatties and the attractive ones don't respond or just give one word responses. If they give like a 1-2 word response I just delete the stuck up cunt and move on. One bitch pissed me the fuck off by giving a thumbs up as a response. I had to bitch her out, like just say fucking nothing if you are just gonna give a fucking thumbs up. She went out of her way to rub it in my face that she thinks she is too good for me god damn bitch.

No, actually I'm gonna have sex in about 3 hours also so your autistic name calling instead of actually thinking of something to say is meaningless


and now you can use water, congratz! you made my point

Can you fake your location on Tinder?
Also is it in anyway traceable back to you? If someone finds out its a fake profile can they find you in anyway?

Fuck you femanon. These are beta whiteknights from reddit who have yet to wake up but they will eventually. You'll see. And you'll have yours coming

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Yea I am going to wash the shit out of my dick before I go pick her up. But you don't have a sparkling clean dick every time you want a blowjob from your gf. Also I've dated a girl who sucked dick at sucking dick which makes it entirely unenjoyable in the first place.

holy SHIT how many of them have you actually met up with?

Attached: 69E47C3C-F3CE-4053-B09E-B83BD6731158.png (582x808, 309K)

it wasnt the BJ that "triggered me" it was teh bacteria part, since mouth is full of it and so is skin and pussy...

have a good one!

>mfw this thread

Attached: autism.png (207x153, 59K)

Yeah you make a very good point there. In fact I argued with my friends gf for like 30 minutes straight using the same points you are.

I’m not even a “Chad” by any means. I’m just under 6 foot with shoes on, and my anxiety inhibits a lot of female interactions. I just try not to give a fuck and pretend that I’m confident and it works most of the time. Having nearly 2k matches doesn’t even give me an ego boost, I still feel like a loser tbh.

even as an owner you passively pay a lot of shit to couples and families if you are single. Taxes benefit couples and especially families waaaaaaaaaaaaay more than single people. Society is retarded, I cheat on taxes etc as much as I possibly can because its a losing game for me as a single male with a good income.

theres no point arguing ppls tastes, she just dosnt like doing BJ, end of story. no need for bacteria fantasy excuses.

literally absolutely cringe and pathetic

yea you get taxed more the more you have/make. theres lotsa things that give you/save you money that isnt taxable and is legal.

as for them taking taxes ("taxation is theft") and spreading it a lil, i have no problem, in the end i have more than i need.

long term is a win-win in my pov

Fuckin christ dude it was a joke. My original point was "some girls just really don't like giving bj's". Legitimately the very first thing I said to you. God damn retarded ass Yea Forums niggers idk why I even bother.

Well that is just sad.

i pissed you of eh? :D

Imagine being this bitter and delusional. Most women really aren't that horny/ slutty .

Bless you

Why does it feel like its moving.

It is you mong

so since you are american here i suppose.

"6 in 10 Americans don't have $500 in savings"

is that story real?

Not as pissed as your ancestors are

today OP was not a faggot

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chill out man, its just chatting bs to waste a lil time

Just cuz I say a bunch of swear words on the internet doesn't mean I'm actually sitting here raging in real life

I kind of believe it, I feel like a lot of people I know are living pay check to pay check and I'm in a middle class suburb, bordering upper middle class tbh.

Yes he was and is

makes me worried and am not even american. :/


They are