Bisexuality can't exist because men and women are too different

Bisexuality can't exist because men and women are too different.
Bisexuals are either closet gays or desperate straights.

Attached: bisexual_0.png (704x396, 62K)

tell that to the pussy wrapped around my dick and the cock halfway down my esophagus, faggot

Your argument is retarded.

Fucking dusted

Bisexual behavior does not demonstrate bisexual attraction.

or their patterning wasn't as brutal as the hetero or homo - all are born bi sex, patterning determines how sexuality is developed and expressed.

What kind of low-iq argument is that

tell that to the boner I get from tits or-but-preferably-and boners

>patterning determines how sexuality is developed and expressed.
Nigga what the fuck are you even saying?

sorry for your retardation

No, you're retarded. You are born with a fucked up brain (gay) or a normal brain (straight). There is no third option.

Yeah but ass is gender neutral

I like ice cream, I like steak.

I like action movies, I like tedious science documentaries.

you're right, everytime I have a huge dick in my ass I find myself wishing that I wasn't also simultaneously face-deep in some perfect cunt

Think about it like this.

I'm bisexual not because of the body of my partner, but because I am aroused by the feeling of sex. It doesn't matter who it's with, I just get turned on by the feeling.
Basically I can fuck almost anything with 2 legs.

Actually men and women are quit the same.
Remove society influences and you basically got 2 people with the same goals and wants.
Gender puts on a good mask.

>a rod and a hole are the same
Whatever you say, pal

You sound like a person who has never even experienced sex

Interestingly enough my bisexuality is the opposite. I'm attracted to very masculine stereotypes and very feminine stereotypes. In between doesn't do much for me.

>Basically I can fuck almost anything with 2 legs.
So a desperate straight?

you think we're born with sexual preferences ? we're not.
all play a role.

Nice psych 101 vocab. I would have liked an actual explaination though.
So do you think conversion therapy for gays should work then?

no, that would need depatterning, and that was a complete disaster when tried on MKUltra subjects in Canada.