It's friday frens!

It's friday frens!

Get drunk or high with me
what you smoking?
what are you drinking?
whats going on in your life?

I'm a 28 year old paranoid schizophrenic in assisted living and I wanna get wasted tonight. I was a drughead from age 12 to 26 but had to stop doing drugs because of my symptoms and medication. But tonight I decided I would down a bottle of gin and see where I go from there, cheers

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Well, this year I turned 27 and felt like shit. The better years of my life are already behind me and my depression got the better off me for the last few years.

But. I'm going to university this year. I'm finally going to make it all alright. The doomer will bloom.
So I'm smoking a ton of weed with my gf, good times.

23 year old graduate student, probably starting the night with some nice cider and scotch before switching to PBR when some friends get online. Out of edibles but have a friend going to massachusetts for the weekend whos getting me some more. Started dating a girl recently and things are going great. Shaping up to be one of my best summers in years if things keep going like they are and my research doesn't go to shit

Things will eventually lighten up, keep your head up high Yea Forumsro, cheers and hf with your gf

sounds good man, hope it will work out for you and the girl

I would love to smoke a fat blunt right now but everytime I smoked weed since being on the meds I started hearing voices and feeling paranoid, wasn't always like this

pretty schizophrenia is the only condition where you really shouldn't be smoking, sucks dude

Gonna grill out, do some dabs and several glasses of wine. Maybe play more mount and blade but nothing too crazy since I have to get up early tomorrow. I'm just kinda enjoying the lul until work picks up again, hvac technician

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yea it really sucks

the doc said I have to take the meds for 5 years before thinking about quitting them, I wonder if thats true tho, fucking pharma industry and all that

!MaN,i'M sO hI oN tHiS sHiT¡

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thought hvac would be busy getting all the AC units running for the summer, or do you wait a month then have to fix all the ones that people realized are broken?


It's true. That's your schizo mind talking.

yeah probably, sigh

Great pick bro!
Try rangpur as well.

Both. I try to get the clean and checks done early so I'm not scrambling to fit them inbetween broken ones. But it's been raining and thunder storming for basically 2 weeks here in Chicago

Have you tried meditation? It helps keeping you in control of your thoughts. I know it must be easy for you to get lost in your mind but who knows, might help

Yeah I'm meditating, it helps a little bit, calms me down and keeps me a little more focused, but thanks for the advice

Drinking Earthquake. Not proud of it, but its cheap and does the job it's supposed to. I'd actually probably be smoking meth if my ex-gf was around. It's too soon for that though. She's been back with the psycho redneck asshole she was woth before me, and who she kept hurtimg me for. She'll stay there for at least another few weeks before she gets tired of being smacked around and not allowed to speak to her own children and parents. Then she'll come running back here and get me on another meth binge with her.

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For mother Russia

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niggers are trying to frame Kek aka Christ is a nigger to steal his clout to use to manipulate people

bump for humanitarian thread

Smoking some Larry OG
Drinking some Hornitos Repasado
And on some tramadol that I'm prescribed

There is no shame in that, cheers

Sounds messed up, her being with that redneck dude, don't let her use you just because she makes bad decisions

nigga what?`


Sounds good, a friend of mine sold me oxy and tramadol in the past, I preferred the oxy tho

Meh! She's got a job. Lately she's the one whose been paying for the dope. That's the only reason I still have anything to fo woth her, or at least that's what I like to tell myself. Truth is I do love her. She was there for at a time when I truly needed somebody. This guy she keeps going back to just has this insane psychological hold on her.

Hurry up and die you waste of oxygen and resources.