Ask a guy who routinely farts anything
Ask a guy who routinely farts anything
everyone farts retard females too
OP never said otherwise you faggot
Wait, are you asking us to ask you anything? Or claiming you can fart anything?
Ask me anything, though I have pooped out a whole walnut before
What do you think about the spice girls going on tour without posh spice?
oh my lord jesus that looks like such a satisfying shit to shit out
I was always more partial towards baby spice. Would love to split her rectum like moses split the red sea
put fire on that thing
Funny thing is, this was my little 5'1" petite girlfriends shit.
She was constipated, and with a little bit of anal sex, she gave birth to this little monster.
Even Godzilla would be proud to have shit out this.
quit larping as me, dingleberry rex. I am the one true OP
Holy shit, a chick shitted this out?
>this thread is op talking to himself
>the point is to distract u
>don't reply to shitty threads
wow, last two responses were double dubs
check check check check
did you not see
Dont be embarrassed when you realized that chicks take a shit too.
bruh, this is my fudgy monkey. it was not birthed by an imaginary gf user made up.
Andy would be proud of that log...
Id be proud too if my girlfriend took a shit like that.
how long did it take for that femanon to squeeze that out out her cinnamon ring? Did she immediately call you in to look at it?
Dang that chick needs some fiber.
first time i ever heard of a chick not eating salad.
She must be a huge fatty. so sorry OP
Wut. user... Plox.... How many dicks did you get in your faghole
Maybe to shit out, can't imagine it's satisfying to flush though.
poop knife, my friend
I am still accepting your questions, friends
I liek pooping too
How much do you liek pooping?