This fucking thread again. Ask a 36 year old kissless virgin anything

This fucking thread again. Ask a 36 year old kissless virgin anything.

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how old are you?
have you ever kissed a girl?
have you ever had sex?

What's your living situation and why don't you get a hooker?

What a waste of dubs...

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How much money do you earn per month?

I lost my virginity at 21

I live on my own in a tiny apartment. And I'm too much of a coward to go to a hooker.

look who's talking

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they can come to you tho

is this now a dubs thread?

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What cheap beer will you be making yourself fatter on today?

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How does being a virgin affect your life?

Guess so

Around 1500 Euro.

All dubs are now facts.

OP will get laid before the end of this year

That's pretty nice

I don't drink regularly and I am not fat.

Op is fat and because oft this bis dick seems to be small.
He is ashamed in Front oft women.

I mean i understand OP in this regard, he most likely is a very gross human.

The 10 Minuten would probably way worse for him then for the hooker

OP has an old gym sock under his bed he keeps as a cum rag that has never been washed

Hijacking OP thread because I want to go to asian massage parlor after work to get some massage and dick massage. But I also want to go back to home to play vidya.
Wat do ?

If getting laid is your biggest life problem,
than you have a good life.

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Do you piss in a bottle on a regular Basis?

Check these please

I'm not fat and my dick is average. The rest is true though.

No. Why would I do that?

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Jack Nicholson is right

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How often do they offer it? Ive been to a few and all they let me do is grab their ass but never offer more

I mean if you're at the right place, you can do it everytime. I think you've been missing the right kind of massage.
Try googling asian massage parlor near you. You can also ask them if they do happy ending they will tell you if they do before... I never do I like the excitement from not knowing if Im gonna get an HJ or not.

Not really, unless he lives in the Ukraine. Then he would be a king

Obviously you go for the dick massage.
In fact after you return from the dick massage throw all your games in the garbage.

I feel like that may throw them off asking out right. I was going to asian massage parlors in the suburbs, u?

why do you care so much whether you're a virgin or not? why does your life revolve around women?

OP here. I live in Germany and barely make more than minimum wage.

Sex is a basic human need.

How much money would you like to earn monthly?

>36 yo
>Kissless virgin
I'm pretty sure it doesn't and op might be trying to change that

>human need
No, it's a want. Lust is a primitive chemical in your brain. You lived to be 30 without having sex, the only reason you could be considered unhealthy is because instead of focusing on bettering yourself you focus on having intercourse. You're at the bottom of the bucket. Who cares if you never had sex? Do you consider yourself successful? Do you consider yourself to be healthy? If so, that's all that matters. But if the only thing on your mind constantly is sex that you will never have, then I may suggest suicide. There are many sites to help you with this, such as, etc.

>Sex is a basic human need.
No it isn't.
Having children and making sure your genetic material survives after your demise is.
Sex is overrated and unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
That's partly why you are a virgin, you put pussy and sex on a pedestal.

>sex is overrated
This. It really doesn't feel as good and life changing as you think it does.

>Pussy on pedestal
You beat me to it

Enough to live comfortably. Maybe travel now and then. More important than money would be a job which would actually be intellectually challenging and enjoyable (and related to my degree).

>Do you consider yourself successful?

No. I am an absolute failure.

>Do you consider yourself to be healthy?

Also no. I'm physically fit but have a chronic illness.

honestly the guys truly having a fun time are doing something with their lives not getting laid

why do you want attention so bad? you have no accomplishments yet made a ama thread, did you mistake this website for plebbit? i can see by the way you type you're from plebbit. maybe you made a thread there and literally no one would even reply to you so you made on here. how does it feel being so pathetic? ever want to kill yourself? why not do it?

>Enough to live comfortably. Maybe travel now and then.
Just give me a number.
>More important than money would be a job which would actually be intellectually challenging and enjoyable (and related to my degree).
Dream job?

>why do you want attention so bad?

I have no friends and no contact to family. This is the only forum to talk about my life.

>Just give me a number.

2-3k would be perfectly fine.

>Dream job?

A stable position in medical research.

>always ignore the things that can help you in every post and never respond to them
top lol

>This is the only forum to talk about my life.
That's depressing.
Why don't you go in a karaoke or a dance class or something?
Maybe a theater team or a reading group?
Or any group?
Or even go to the same bar in your neighborhood every second night so people know you and talk to you.

You just don't try hard enough.

If u got a small dick and never fuck on x or acid then i guess or only fuck whores, nothing beats raw dogging tight pussy

Checks out though, it's a kind of mental illness that OP has. Obviously drugs is not the solution but he should stop being a pussy and just take a chance.

im a 23 year old kissless virgin. am i doomed?

I got you OP.
Watch Coach Red Pill on YouTube and follow his advice.

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>Why don't you go in a karaoke or a dance class or something?

Went to a cooking course and a yoga class recently. I'm also in a rock climbing club. Just being around people doesn't necessarily translates to friendship though.

Pretty much.

nah, just find a younger girl like age 18/19 like I did.
tell her the truth, and you can be as autistic as you want. I was VERY.
she will fuck you

does it bother you?

do you think life will be better once you had sex?

It can though, just put forth some effort.

>Just being around people doesn't necessarily translates to friendship though.
Sex doesn't translate in happiness either.
Yet you self identify as a virgin due to the lack of sex.

Keep going to these places and something good may happen.

>does it bother you?


>do you think life will be better once you had sex?

No. Lack of sex is the symptom and not the cause.

I've never been a super social person but I always been in clubs and had my hobbies. Played soccer for a long time during my teens, did a lot of sports in university etc.

>Keep going to these places and something good may happen.

incels are incel for a reason, things don't just happen for everyone if you're retarded

Kill yourself

>Lack of sex is the symptom and not the cause.

I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you figure out whats troubling you

It's not like OP has any other choice.

>Lack of sex is the symptom and not the cause
What is the cause OP?
Just answer straight without bullshit.

>What is the cause OP?
>Just answer straight without bullshit.

I'm simply a social retard without any social intelligence. No eloquence, no wit, no charisma, no personality. Boring, dull and robotic.

a choice is not believe that which is a meme for incels
going along won't achieve anything unless you work your ass off to be sociable and get your foot in the door
but you risk coming across as a huge sperg

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>I'm simply a social retard without any social intelligence. No eloquence, no wit, no charisma, no personality. Boring, dull and robotic.
These are all symptoms, not a cause.

Then I don't know the cause. I had a good childhood with lots of social contact. I simply didn't mature socially as my peers did.

>you risk coming across as a huge sperg
Still a better alternative than becoming a social recluse.
When your life is shit you have nothing to lose so you can be as much a sperg as you want.

>I simply didn't mature socially as my peers did.
Why do you think this happened?

Mucho autismo.

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>Mucho autismo.
Bullshit memes

In many cases it's better to play it safe if you ever want to turn up there again
I doubt anyone in that scenario really knows what it means to be sociable, you can try your best but no interaction goes as smoothly as it seems for when between anyone else

Don't know which other explanation there could be.


bist du noch da?
warum arbeitest du nicht in dem bereich, den du studiert hast?

Can't get a job. Have been in postdoc hell in the US until last year and I guess I'm simply getting too old for most entry industry positions.

do you have connections? this would greatly help finding a job you desire.

Not in industry. Only in academia.


das reicht. ruf den dozenten an und bitte ihn um hilfe.
zwischen den zeilen klingts du wie ein trauriger looser der aufgegeben hat, oder (und das ist hoffentlich der fall) wie ein gelangweilter der ausreden vorschiebt und nicht tried. ich mein das nicht böse.
wenn du ficken auf deiner to do liste abhacken willst kauf dir ne prostituierte. wenn du jemanden zum lieben möchtest arbeite an dir. du musst zuerst mit dir selbst im reinen sein. zieh aktivitäten durch die dir spaß machen, nicht die cool sind. dabei findest du dann leute die ähnlich ticken wie du dann kannst du die fragen und nicht hier^^. kümmer dich um nen passenden job. mach halt den praktikanten/ trainee, denn da du hast recht, die zeit läuft. ist aber noch lange nicht abgelaufen.
ich konnte das auch auf deutsch nicht so schreiben wie ich es sagen wollte^^. hab nen schönen tag und ich drück dir die daumen.

>das reicht. ruf den dozenten an und bitte ihn um hilfe.

Ich hab die letzten sechs Jahre in den US verbracht. Mein Gruppenleiter hat kein Netzwerk nach Deutschland.

>zieh aktivitäten durch die dir spaß machen, nicht die cool sind.

Hab ich schon immer getan.

>dabei findest du dann leute die ähnlich ticken wie du dann kannst du die fragen und nicht hier^^

Ich hab nie wirklich Kontakt gefunden.

> kümmer dich um nen passenden job. mach halt den praktikanten/ trainee, denn da du hast recht, die zeit läuft. ist aber noch lange nicht abgelaufen.

Ich bewerbe mich mittlerweile auf Stellen für die auch ein Master oder Bachelor reicht und hätte auch kein Problem ein Praktikum zu machen. Aber natürlich werden da lieber Leute eingestellt die frisch von der Uni kommen und 10 Jahre jünger sind.

have any lingerie?

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ich weiß nicht wie ich dir weiter helfen kann. schönen abend noch


20 is too late? Whoever wrote this is an incel.

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Connection is a human need not sex you blind monkey.

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Whatever. I also lack connection.

does fucking a horse count as a virginity lost?

It fucking does bro.

>Imagine thinking sex is the only measurement of self worth

What does your room look like

Pretty spartan. And clean.

26 still a virgin feels great lmao , trust issues i don't care about human i just watch ultimate surrender porn and my hand is quite comfy

alright, good :)

Yeah and personality