Are weeb games mainstream now?

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Brotherhood > 2003

Yes, 2003 had a stronger start, but it absolutely shit itself in the last quarter, and Shambala might be the worst conclusion to a series ever.

the ones with photorealistic graphics, yes.
games like tales of vesperia, hell fucking no.

yeah man he took that from a game and not a show

When will ironic weebs fuck off from my hobby?

Why did this word lose all meaning out of nowhere? What the fuck happened? Normalfags?

They always were, Final Fantasy VII is as weeb as it gets and it's one of the most popular games of all time.

When anime stops being mainstream

I thought it was pretty good for a forced Anime Original ending.

FMA has always been mainstream shit

what does weeb even mean at this point

Japanese or vaguely anime resembling

>its another episode of a dude pretending to watch anime to amuse his retarded social media children followers
>haha how u do fellows kids? i luv me that A-NI-MAY thing like like lol

Why would the word weeb have any power in a clown world?

It means to hold japanese culture above your own, not "you like japan thing lmao weeb"

As western media gets worse the quality of weeb products shines through.

Remind me of that xbox presentation where they blasted the weeb opening of vesperia for the remake, made me feel awkward in front of my monitor.


I love showing normalfags weebs my cunny images collection.

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you'd think there would be tons more doujins of this anime, but nope

>pretending to watch anime to amuse his retarded social media children followers
doesn't it make him lose followers

Not anymore
Now it means "related to anime xD"

literally nothing wrong with being an ironic weeb, it's much better than being some twitch zoomer spamming pepehands or whatever trending

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>being an ironic weeb, it's much better than being some twitch zoomer
Literally the same people

Its social media just post epic memes.

Tesla cars are in flames and so is its stock price but as least Elon has time to be epic on twitter.

>doing things ironically

>twitch zoomers don't spam animemes emotes

They're literally the same you braindead zoomer.

so it's okay to love sushi

No you don't cause if you did you'd be reported to the police by now.

>ironic weeb
>twitch zoomer
One in the same, my friend

on one hand I dislike anime's surging popularity but on the other hand I like seeing /jp/ incels sperg that twitter thots will reblog lain .gifs.
but on the other other hand I like animation and I want to see high budget movies like Akira and Steamboy come back. so in the end I win and the loli losers get purged.

is FMA actually good? its on my backlog

FMA is normie shit.

>oh yeah bro im such an anime fan now lol weebs powers!!!
>btw i have watched a total of 3 dubbed anime on netflix but i have 32423432 waifus lol
>comiket? the fuck is that?
>wtf why is this sexualizing children? UGH
>haha i said nani xD

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dumb weeb

I want that funny on my face

It feels like a show for small children which is exactly what it is.

What is it like to be someone like that? Do these people even feel anything?

Ah yes the normalfags weebs also love their epic haha police and fbi joke when it come to loli.

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>pepe posting alt-rights
choose one

>haha dude i love jojo's bizarre adventure muda muda muda ZA WARUDOOO XD

Read manga.

2003 has better music and a more tragic ending so I like it better. Brotherhood's ending has nearly everyone getting a happy ending and feels too generic shounen ending. Also, the larger cast in brotherhood removes some of the focus from Ed and Al which I think weakens the entire show.

post more my dude

It’s genuinely good. Likeable characters, cool action, great music, and just an all around great time.


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2003 is bettter directed, brotherhood is the better story

Read the manga, most normalfags will tell you to watch the brotherhood anime, do not listen to them

triggered lol

The most correct of opinions. Brotherhood is still a fun watch though

What are we losing actually? Do you think Japan give a shit if 3DPD westerm whores post anime image on twitter?

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Brotherhood is consistently good but nothing that'll blow your mind desU. The old fma is a trainwreck but has some really good animation moments.

loli is going to be made illegal in the lead up to the 2020 olympics and there is nothing you can do about it

More cunny you fucking weeaboo

Have sex.

Keep seething resetera.

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I agree. I watch both pretty regularly

FMA isn't weeb, it's a pretty entry tier anime actually.

have sex

If you don't read the manga as others suggested, then probably best to watch both versions of the show since they do things differently.
It's entertaining if nothing else

resetera is full of pedos/loli addicts tho they fap to loli images

they just hide it by virtue signalling

>have sex

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shouldn't this thread have been moved to /trash/

what do you fucking think Yea Forums is dumbass

trap containment board

How long does it take to read a small font YOU CUNT, join us, nasty bloody nigger, I WILL RAPE U AND UR PEE PEE IF U WONT, NIGGER, NIGGER STAND NIGGER!


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