Brutal wwyd?

Brutal wwyd?

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Fuck her and impregnate her.
She and I would make pretty children

My gf in bikini

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B R U T A L !

Fucking hot, moar

Well I mean she would probably not wanna fuck me, aka I would have to rape her.
If she is on birthcontrol I would need to rape her alot until she got preggers.
And then I would force her to keep the baby and the babt would only look nice because of her dna. My dna would not help make the babt look good.

I would take her to the gay bathhouse


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buy her some pimple cream for her forehead

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Fuck her in the forest then use her as a punching bag and leave her crying on the ground

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love those leg warmers / socks

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thanks man

Probably cut her head off and bury it in the sand.

Definitely tie her to the tracks and then drive home.

that's not very fucking nice

How would you abuse this worthless whore?

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i would enjoy the drink and the water. it looks real nice there

Tell her to fix that gap in her teeth

Where is her head?

Let her know that she will never pay off her student loans

Let her know she is going to over pay for those apples

I wouldn’t. She looks sad already

gonna need to see her face to comment

WWYD now? ;)

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Make fun of her gunt or fupa

Inform her that we don't take kindly on brown people and ask her to ooga-booga over to Africa where she'd be in good company.

I would tie her up on that beach and let all the nasty ass old men have their way with her while I film and then send a picture of her getting covered in cum to her dad.

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Buy her a nice tattoo removal gift certificate so she can look like a decent human being.

How long does it take to read a small font YOU CUNT, join us, nasty bloody nigger, I WILL RAPE U AND UR PEE PEE IF U WONT, NIGGER, NIGGER STAND NIGGER!


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God damn faggots spamming discord.