ITT: High Snacks

>ITT: High Snacks

Post the best snacks to have while high

Pic related.

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Apples and mustard?

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Peanutbutter, my dude. Also what the fuck kind of brown creamy mustard are you eating what the fuck?


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oh yeah I always whip one of those up after a J!

...fuckin idiot

Wait i know something you might like

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Lunchables all day. And tostitos pizza rolls

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>throws a fucking fishhead in that mess for the fuck of it

kill yourself. only a cretin of the lowest order would use peanut butter and not caramel

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Nigga who the fuck just has caramel laying around? EVERYONE has apples and peanutbutter.

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Any part of McDonalds breakfast, and add their cheap syrup.

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a man of class with true tastes. if you buy apples you buy caramel. it's like buying cereal then complaining you don't have milk. you buy them at the same time. because they go hand in hand like your dick

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Literally every grocery store has caramel dip in the produce section with the apples. But yeah i agree peanut butter is better

Chicken and honey. Actually mixed it them both up by accident while high. Greatest discovery

I bet you think Projared's skinny dick is a pretty good snack

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sounds about right. KFC has honey that goes with their biscuits. Chicken has to work too, I'd assume.

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Idk about cravings when you're high but here is some gamer juice when you're low on electrolites when you gamin too hard

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beer. eating is for women and betas

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