If you don't live in a blue area, chances are you are <80 IQ

If you don't live in a blue area, chances are you are

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you're right. i'm stuck in the red. they are paying me to be here.

That's a 2012 map. At least get an updated version. Bitch.

>you are 80 iq
Grammar champion folks, you saw it here first.

Broad generalizations are what got Trump elected in the first place. My IQ is 137, and I live in the deep red. Clinton and her ilk assumed she couldn’t lose and by doing so, listening to her echo chamber and ignoring reality, she lost the election.

Life goes on user, and a new election is right around the corner. If the democrats want to win, they need to listen to people who are in the middle and even their opposition, not just those who will vote for them regardless.

Live in a red area, with a ~120 IQ. I'm like a genius among my local peers.

gr8 b8

How will it feel later when you realize you were on the wrong side of history?

If you don't live in the red area, chances are that you are a self-righteous, arrogant, faggot that has to go on Yea Forums, of all places, to try an appease your massive ego.
People in the red are good and honest.
People in the blue are liars and hypersensitive babies with broken families.

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good and honest = racist inbred bigots


Have fun living in Naziland

history rejected Obama ism


You had to put RED AND BLUE not orange and yellow or something that would alienate itself away from being associated with politics. Now all the retards who suck the left and right side of things like a cock ate going to come out of the woodwork.

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You sound mad Jethro. Gonna shoot me with one of your girlfriend's / sister's guns?

Cool keep crying fag

Go watch some fucking "EBIC Yea Forums GREEN TEXT STORIES" on youtube, faggot.

Good bait

>70, actually.

especially based on this thread

Memphis as fuk.

Facebook IQ tests aren't real.

I live in Memphis, which is blue on your map. I’m a doctor. The average patient I see has an IQ or 50 or less max

You do know that online tests give you 20 questions for 10 points each, right? I'll give you a second to think that through.

those in the blue areas either still live with their parents or work at Starbucks

I'm in red, but I feel pretty smart compared to the blue junkies, bums, diseased, triggered protesters, faggots, illegals, and gender confused that surround me.

>I'm in the blue. This can't be right.
Southern WV, we haven't been blue since the late 90s

If you do vote blue, chances are you take horse cock up your ass

I thought blacks voted dem.

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"He made a typo, that means I win"

Rednecks would know a lot about that.

If you vote blue, you’re a pretentious soyboy faggot tumblr piece of shit.

If you vote red, you’re an insecure, secretly bisexual homo that thinks being red increases your T levels.