This is fake, right? like wtf kind of console was there in the 1940s?

this is fake, right? like wtf kind of console was there in the 1940s?

Attached: 288wq94jr3711.jpg (829x767, 63K)

I’ll take “What is photoshop?” For 6 gorrillion dollars, Alex

Hmmm... idk, it looks preety legit

looks pretty real to me OP
Nazi germany was pretty technologically advanced
besides, why would anybody fake something like that, there is alot worse things you can blame Hitler for then portraying him as some gamer nerd

They had the swastika box

True that

>this is fake, right? like wtf kind of console was there in the 1940s?
If you look closely, I'd reckon it's Xbox 360

You're not serious, right? That's a 360 controller. Everyone knows that the SNES was the gaming console in the 1940's.

colecovision nwfag

xbix 360 was released in 2005... so its fake. k thx

Like I said

Attached: 4eiwqpcb3j301.jpg (800x600, 70K)

It's not a console. He's remotely controlling the gas valves in Chelmno.

lol no it wasnt, look at the picture, Hitler had a controller in his hand back in the 1940s

Implying its a controller lol
Revise your premise boi

Its not fake, its actually two seperate pieces of a popular toy in germany at the time
This photo was taken when kids from a school paid a visit to heil bitch hitler hence why he was playing with toys boi

What happened to Hitlers dog?

Attached: 1556411132229.png (216x364, 168K)

kek, and with that look of joy on his face

No of course its real, thats the "Spiele Station Ausführung 1" being tested by Hitler

Attached: 1558290726580.png (184x176, 55K)

They had colecovision and magnavox video games in the 40's, so it's one of those.

Its a cup of tea shopped out.

Hitler here. Just trying to clear my name, I don’t fucking play video games.

Attached: 944851E7-CA0B-4819-89B4-6A2361DAB5E1.jpg (992x662, 39K)

it's real dude

>implying you hadn't just passed the controller to someone or put it down at that point

You didn’t think he was going to release castle wolfenstein without beta testing it first did you?

Nope it's real.
Das Fuhrer was a filthy fucking peasant.

Dude stop lying. Why did you remove controller from his hands? Your photoshop skills suck btw

The Russians raped and murdered it.

Attached: 6CB97DD2-72F8-4A71-8D07-72D9B8C2EF45.jpg (844x1017, 193K)

I have a doctorate in Hitler pictures from 420NoScope University. Can confirm this pic is real. This was taken during one of his MeinKraft sessions with Albert Speer. This is how they planned the building of the concentration camps. They'd host a server where other Nazi leaders would join and they'd build the camps together in the game then build them in real life.

The holocaust was just a stupidly high killstreak bonus in MW2. When Jews say never forget, they're actually respecting the greatest MW2 player ever.

We killed the wrong enemy.

I wonder if they used discord.

Round 60 of nazi zombies, solo.


We all know you aligned with Japan so you could live out your life as a neet in your bunker stop lying.

Lost hard! MeinKraft! Fuckin kek

Nintendo GameSquare (predecessor to the GameCube). Remember that he allied with the Japanese.

Hitler died of old age in Argentina

He still would have died long before console gaming was invented

Sega Masterrace. They only made the one you see as a prototype because the factory got bombed.

He was on meth so sonic would’ve seemed like slo-mo.

Dude, have you never played Wolfenstein?

That pic does seem off tho. If I remember correctly, Hitler (aka kikegasser88) was a Sony fanboy. I suppose he could be at a friend's house.