Can u explain me how to do greentext and the "Yea Forums grammar" i mean, i heard a lot of shit about Yea Forums...

Can u explain me how to do greentext and the "Yea Forums grammar" i mean, i heard a lot of shit about Yea Forums, you know the mainstream media saying "Yea Forums is a neonazi pedofile forum with no rules" when this is just some random people doing random shit. Thats why i wanted to start here, im bored of Instagram, i want to know people that are not chads or stacies so please show me the path of Yea Forums

Oh, can u please send pepe pics, so i can used them in future posts?
Thx :)

Attached: 1558640576995s.jpg (125x116, 2K)

This is a place for families, go away.

2/10 you tried

Attached: sadzom.png (400x343, 219K)

Attached: db4.jpg (495x362, 17K)

Attached: 9456_Pepe_Cringe.png (377x512, 186K)

>chads or stacies
didn't r/incels get deleted

Bait, but ok.
>op is a kike loving nigger faggot

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Attached: oEikz.png (1024x1152, 346K)