Worst. President. Ever

Worst. President. Ever.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The country has never been better

It's all been in spite of the efforts of "Private Bonespurs".

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Worst. Troll. Ever.

How so?

Intense boomer action

By far.

Meh, he'll be forgotten as this generation's Nixon. Unless you get someone that's not a corporatist/neolib/neocon, it'll just be more of the same regardless in 2020.

He haz nize car, I wantz one.

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If by boomer you mean someone who has job and is financially independent then youre right.
Move out of your moms house and get a job you fucking leech. The democrats arent going to help you get free shit any time soon Trump will win again in 2020.

Much acomblishmets

Triggered boomer faggot detected. If your life is so good why do you hang out with young people on b, faggot?

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Im most likely younger than you snowflake. Get a job.

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y u mad, bro?

Booming economy.
Record unemployment.

Fucks sake, user, figure it out. Feeling don’t equal success, you fucking pleb.


The fact that you think the country has never been better because you have a job is why people think you're a moron, you do realize that much, right?

>Booming economy.
thanks Obama

Attached: https _blogs-images.forbes.com_chuckjones_files_2018_10_TRUMP-OBAMA-BUSH-EMPLOYMENT-CHART-2005-TO-20 (960x688, 128K)

>2006-2008 economy going up. What fucking universe that is nothing like ours is this supposed to represent?

Sad thing is that there wasn't a better alternative

The bankers didn't crash the world until the end of 2007, though oil prices plummeted just before the Nov election in anticipation of the demand downturn that was coming.

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I miss Obama.

jews did 9/11 and the economy crash

If anyone's a whiny little bitch, it's OP.

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Nah that would be you. Record unemployment means nothing if the wage they make is below a living wage. Explain how working 3 jobs just to keep a house is viable?


I mean, other than being the most accomplish president in the last 50+ years, fulfilling more campaign promises than any other politician, making the economy fucking boom, lowering taxes for all "classes", bring North Korea to the peace tal table, etc, etc, etc...

...other than that, he's the worst.

>Mueller Report says there was no collusion

Democrats would just do the same thing with his tax returns, dude.
Any little detail in his tax returns they would spin a whole rhetorical story to bash Trump to lower his poll numbers.

We are literally living in 1984.
Every single major "News" outlet except for Fox is Left Wing...
CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, NPR, Washington Post, Huffington Post, Slate, PBS, CBS...
Do you think that's Ok? That's is literally 1984/Brave New World shit.

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Fuck you doin buying a house when you have no education and work for minimum wage (since you said 3 jobs i assume thats the wage). Maybe they should have done something with their lives before financially fucking themselves with a house.

Every wage is a living wage you fucking snowflake cuck... if you have no skills you need a couple jobs. If you want more money gain more fucking skills. You are supposed to suffer at low skill shit jobs because it is supposed to make you want to get a better life you dumb fuck

Jesus Christ idiots, can't you keep yourselves quarantined to /pol/ or Plebbit where you belong?

The titles literally reflect the highlighted text. What fucking point are you making?

Are you being retarded on purpose

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>But a lot of people can't handle it. They see horror stories
Do you need me to draw you a map?

Uh you dont buy a house if entry level minimum wage jobs are the only thing youre capable of doing.

Get an apartment with roommates until you can earn more.

Fucking millennials having the audacity to call boomers entitled when they demand their own home and car in a nice neighborhood and school district from a job bussing tables.

>That's is literally 1984/Brave New World shit.

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>Are you being retarded on purpose

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The point is they honed in on the single line of dialog that could possibly be perceived as negative when out of context.

Trying to read between the lines of his poorly phrased rambling, but it seems like he is trying to suggest that soldiers come back from war having seen horrible stuff in person, and while they think they can go back into society without help, they get triggered by movies or the news that doesnt affect people that havent experienced it.

He should have said the last part first, then it actually makes sense... but he speaks in such vague poorly phrased language it can be interpreted that he thinks soldiers arent strong because they cant handle shit.

What if they don't have the means to do so? $400 is not much some, but this can financially cripple households via medical expenses. Great use of cuck btw, means nothing coming from your argument.

The context is in the articles. You're not supposed to only get your information from the title.

The dude is a horrible orator. Hes says retarded shit all the time, but this isnt one of them.

You can't /thread your own post user

Yeah no shit, but people do anyway.

You honestly believe outlets with 0 agenda would phrase those headlines that way?

Yes, their agenda is revenue. They point out the controversial and explain it inside. How do you think the title "Trump says words" would sell? Shit needs to be interesting, but not sensationalized. Which is what the titles are.

You are human garbage

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I would argue all except the abc news headline are very sensationalized

>appears to suggest
I'd argue they're all congruent with integrity except for the chucklefuck from CNN. He made a leap in logic in the title. It's not wrong, it's just his job.

*not his job

fuck you op, you are a faggot

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All televised news today is sensationalized. There's tremendous competition and endless advertising money to be made off of lazy sheep who get their news from a television. This is true for all major broadcasters. FOX has an army of brainless sheep and so does MSNBC.

This faggot gets owned by Pelosi left and right, very stable genius my balls.

Dipshit, where's the 'collusion' that your bitch Mueller was supposed to find? Pro-tip, Trump was setup to try and keep the hounds away from Hillary and Obama. Get fucked.

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Now, now. We did have a Carter.

The special prosecutor isn't supposed to exonerate - he didn't charge which is his job. Mueller played politics and punted to Barr who exonerated.

Collusion isn’t a legal term, if you had actually read the report, Muller clearly states that. Conspiracy is the legal term he uses. He said there was insufficient evidence to establish a conspiracy between the campaign and Russia. He did not say there was no evidence. He then went on to outline multiple instances where the Russian government and the trump campaign, or people in trumps orbit, tried to communicate. He explicitly says some members were receptive and others were not. You might want to read up on Erik Prince and his escapade in Seychelles.

Carter is in his 90s and vastly more mentally stable that trump.

>mentally stable

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I can't stand these whiney "progressives" that are offended by everything but Trump is incapable of telling the truth.
I'm voting for Sanders. If they cheat him out of his place again I'm not voting.
Biden has exactly the same views as Trump. Why bother.

> BEST. President. Ever.

fixed for truth

if you were honest your post would read

>It's all been in spite of the efforts of "the democratic party" and their Chinese masters.

Biden sucks but he's 10000 times better than Donald Trump who appears to be an insane criminal and not even a cool one like the Joker

no this is

no we live in a brave new world and i doubt you know the difference

go back to twitch faggot

Keep cryin bitch

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muriKKKans are fucking stupid.

Sure yuri.

Yes, that’s what I said. Thanks for reiterating it.

Trump employment includes all the illegals on his golf courses and Nunes's dairy farm.

>record underemployment
STEM majors working the shake machine

That was a French political cartoon.

suck my dick you little kid
you gave yourself away faggot

gnagnagna bouhouhou
bitch please

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>Any little detail in his tax returns
Trump could have released them at anytime, as he promised to do so.

The fact he would make bullshits exuses and contradict himself, and is now going out of his way to hide them, including influencing the Treasury Secretary and Chief of Staff to openly and publicly breaking the law to do so, leads more to what has been the conclusion of many journalists over the decades that
A) He's not nearly as wealthy as he claims to be, and many of his enterprises are racking up massive debt similar to his Casino venture in Atlantic City
B) His flow of money comes primarily from foreign sources
3) Cooks his books to all levels of tax and insurance fraud

Wtf u usin hashtags for? Gtfo faggot

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And yet it could've been worse.

someone ban this phaggot

27 m, been on Yea Forums Yea Forums for 4 years. Unironically voted for Trump, 2nd amendment or death

Tax returns are coming from New York. Judge ruled Deutschebank and Citi had to turn over dumpy's records. Pelosi is going to slow roast his lard ass for the next 18 months. Sux 2b the Dumpster.

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You haven't stopped whining about that man up to this point I guess you won't tire of it in another 5 years.
Maybe you should kill yourself

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We are really going to get him this time for the hundredth time

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Da, iz true.

>too dumb to realize its just one big turd with the dumpster

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I've never seen a skinny democrat

>reality check

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>I live in a red state shithole
Pay my tax money back welfare bitch.

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heard this before
you the guy said he wouldn't win?

such bitterness

weak and predictable

sure kid

my state was democrat in the 2016 election

sure kid

this retarded

sure kid

sure kid

bot in the house.

sure kid

Sure yuri

sure kid

this retarded

you are

I hate the new putinbots. At least the old ones spammed gravure idols.

posts photoshop

loving those bitter tears

Not an argument.

this retarded

ITT mostly nazi sympathizers who cant get over the fact that facists lost, tough get over it.

All other comments seem as though there are some boomers who like to see teen tranie dicks at the ripe old age of 50? WTF? In my Yea Forums?

Well that does make sense with all the blue backing faggots in Yea Forums these days maybe teen trannie dicks is ok

this retarded

you did

It's what he truly feared from Mueller's investigation, but he was too stupid to realize that wasn't necessarily within the scope of it.
The major obstacle is disentangling the labyrinthine smoke and mirrors of Trump's paper trails, and it's perfectly possible we could fail to get a incisive discovery before the 2020 election.
>Trump delights in the sort of elaborate shell games and impenetrably complex deals that frustrate the most conscientious efforts to assess a person's true worth. "It's always good to do things nice and complicated," he once told an interviewer, "so that nobody can figure it out."

>That difficulty is compounded by Trump's astonishing ability to prevaricate. . . .

>[W]hen Trump says he owns 10% of the Plaza Hotel, understand that what he actually means is that he has the right to 10% of the profit if it's ever sold. When he says he's building a "90-story building" next to the U.N., he means a 72-story building that has extra-high ceilings.

>And, finally, defendants point to a January 19, 2000 article in The Wall Street Journal that noted Trump's boasts of his success but then stated:

>But a look at the major sources of his wealth, including the Trump Place apartment development on New York City's west side, the 70-story Trump World Tower project and the midtown General Motors Building, shows that several of his billions are based on profits that are far in the future and far from guaranteed.


There really was no collusion and no obstruction you fucking catamite.


You guys are simply terrible at this.

this retarded

Short memory. Barry the Kenyan Mudslime socialist pole smoker is easily the worst. Shit, he wasn't even legally president.

cry more kid

sure kid

this retarded

sure kid

this retarded

this retarded

this retarded

this retarded

this retarded

How can you continue to be this stupid? trump himself admitted Obama was born in the US.

>being this retarded

this retarded

thats their problem

lol says who? even barr said the mueller report does NOT exonerate trump. don't be naive, you will lose everything to those who are smarter and greedier than you are.

weak and predictable

this retarded

weak and predictable

Yup. Its the rest of the story, and its coming out!
Folks will find out he funds his life with rubles loandered from Deuche Bank. Dum really broke and working every scam he can to make a dollar.

its a fucking hat
you beat up a fucking hat
lmao at this beta retard

this retarded

this retarded
like collusion
never proven

weak and predictable

You sound angry.

weak and predictable


so trumps right now?

How’s the weather in St. Petersburg?

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this retarded

sure kid


you sound retarded kid

Even a senile, insane, corrupt, incompetent, degenerate clock is right twice a day.

Durham is coming...

so telling everyone the russians are here makes you feel important?
you must be a newfag kid because compared to 5 years ago this site is dead.

Yup, that’s some butthurt coming out in your words.

so what?

weak and predictable

Important? Telling the truth makes me feel important? That’s what you are trying to express as a cutdown? lul.

so you are going to start with the badgering strawmaning?

Show me certificate. Hawaii FINALLY came up with a copy of a register, not certificate. Cant shoop those, huh? I can hand you my original in 5 minutes. Oh yeah, Hawaii wont allow you to search records. Trump HAD to say that crap so shit for brains like you wouldnt foam and strain at the choker chain you are on.

what ever retard

Great argument. Well reasoned, powerfully presented, shit for brains.

See there it is again, seething butthurt.

they do remind me of a yappy little dog pulling on the leash

so it doesn't matter what my reply is?

It's not suspicious to you that someone who widely and incessantly brags about being a billionaire has never had that claim independently verified?

Does your wrangler know you are on the Internet? Wheres the adult supervision you require?

Bye now.

Your replies mean nothing to me. Your butthurt is amusing though.

Trump probably doesn’t even know what 1984 is.

you seem to be overly obssessed with the man.
I sent a screen cap of your post to the secret service.
you can never be too sure these days

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

this is Yea Forums sir, not /pol/

surely it was an honest mistake

here you go, kindly fuck off back to your cancer containment zone please

As I've said, Great argument. Well reasoned, powerfully presented, shit for brains.

You upset that this thread takes the place of a trap, bbc, cuck or boi pussi thread you could be browsing?

ok? i don't know how being skeptical of a man who has never proven himself to be trustworthy makes me retarded but i guess if that's the only counter point you have there's not really much chance in having a legitimate conversation with you about it.

>so mad

statue was french gift too

>this is Yea Forums sir, not /pol/

Are you a mod? Do you have any authority here?

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you're crying kid
not trying to have a conversation

global rule 3

part of me actually wants to see him reelected.
He will be undressed by these investigations and accumulate another mountain of fuckups, and as a whole the fraudulent and vacuous nature of this era of conservatism will be cemented permanently in the history books.
It was already embarrassing for the GOP that a silver spoon know nothing narcissist douchebag like Trump dominated their own establishment candidates, but now they've destroyed any contingency plan in throwing their whole support behind him.
Now both are slaves to the retarded cult voting base they've groomed for years.
There is no grander plan.
They can only stack the courts with bible thumpers and cater to every stupid, cruel impulse of the MAGA hats.

Great argument. Well reasoned, powerfully presented, shit for brains.

you seem to have issues
thank god I'm not like you

you were supposed to greentext your reply

Still mad about them elections, shillary?

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don't mention her.
it'll trigger them

like ur mom was supposed to spit after swallowing my cum when she gave me a blowjob last night

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well there goes dinner

>TrUmP SaId ThE BuRGerS wErE StAcKeD a MiLe HiGh
>liar liar pants on fire

Lol the left fucking never ceases to amaze me.

>/pol/ faggot logic

no sir, you are mistaken, bbc, trap, cuck, race bait threads, donald trump, AOC, what do you think about white pride etc. etc.

are all threads created by flaming autistic faggots that come here from the /pol/ board, m00t made new so that you faggots could stop shit posting Yea Forums

but that turned into stormfronters turning it into the fuck jews and blacks zone, so he further seperated /new/ into /pol/ and /news/ so that you faggots could be contained and /pol/ and keep your race baiting and politics over there in your cancer containment zone

somewhere along the lines you fucking idiots thought Yea Forums was /pol/ and started trying to change it into /pol/ 2.0 with porn

fuck you, no, go back to /pol/ where you belong

once upon a time Yea Forums was for OC and lulz and you faggots fuck it all up with your cancer because one giant board is not good enough for you

if you want to post /pol/ shit, go to /pol/ then faggot, if you are going to post on Yea Forums, post something lulz worthy or OC not your cancerous donny T threads or your which race is better or your we takin your wiminz threads you utter faggot

stay in /pol/ where you belong, take your cancer with you too

Still angry?

I can’t believe you typed a few paragraphs of triggered response. I didn’t read it, I don’t care about your raging faggotry.

He's kind of a mixed bag with the lowest charisma of any president in recent years, but instead of people constantly bitching about it and remaining powerless over our multicultural dilemma he brought to the forefront, how about you look over other shit he's trying to do and get your ass to voting. I agree with more strict immigration policy and I agree with de-funding NATO, his environmentalist policies are ass backwards and he brings corruption to obvious levels but it is solely because this generation has no fucking clue what they want because stupid shit like social justice, gender theory and stupid meaningless information constantly accessible in our internet age. Just fucking get of your asses and make a change if you want to change anything at all.

Oh so now every lie he told was just an exaggeration for effect. How convenient.

Imagine being this dense.

you read it and you're also a faggot for responding

fuck your rules bitch

Boomers are all over 65 champ! There is a generation X in the middle of both your faggot generation and the faggot boomers

Or even more likely. His returns are spotless and he just wanted you liberals to rant and rave and froth at the mouth and then when you see them it is absolutely nothing... just like the Mueller report... the funny thing is you fuckers are so goddamn retarded and deranged you dont even see him playing the same trick on you over and over

Its not even close .. see Jimmy carter. The economy was fucked.Unemployment and inflation were out of control.depleted military,american hostages in iran . no energy,rolling blackouts every night .People had to line up for hours Just to get gas. High levels of pollution and nuclear meltdowns etc ..etc ..etc

No one reads your bullshit or cares what you think. It’s why you will be forever alone.

good luck baguette

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>anyone with a different opinion than mine is crying

you're an idiot

So it's worth Mnuchin possibly going to jail?
Trolling da libs?

you read that last one too faggot