You boner to this straight shota webm, you lose.
Source is in the filename.
You boner to this straight shota webm, you lose.
Source is in the filename.
This is a win in my book
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This is really well animated.
I should love this, but I fucking hate that kid's design. He's so repulsive. I can never look past it. I wish there was a similarly high quality /ss/ animation without this bowl headed goblin in it.
Honestly his design is compensated for by his sheer technique. He counters his lack of strength and experience via sheer energy and boldness.
Judging by his performance, that shota is going to be immersed in a lot of MILF pussy.
>He's so repulsive.
It's so you can self-insert.
Nice animation on them titties
He's smart to go for the boobs first.
This is by far one of the greatest things I have ever seen and I will never ever leave my house ever again.
Isn't this the one where the kid gets cucked in the end?
If there is anymore to this, I don't have it. But if anyone does, feel free to post.
You had one job Japan.
squeezed a chuckle from me