Women helping rescue effort in tornado ravaged Missouri. Good job girls

Women helping rescue effort in tornado ravaged Missouri. Good job girls.

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Are you autistic? The image doesn't necessarily represent the rescue team..

Found the woman

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??? how much of an incel are you? that statement and pic are completely unrelated

I mean this is literally what women do in every disaster style situation where lives are on the line.

nigger please. They can't help? They're standing there doing nothing but gasping like dopey cunts. Kill yourself and then go back to 9gag you retarded faggot.

Found the kid who's angry at women because he cant get laid

They should be in the kitchen

>being this triggered

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careful with that edge, eugene.

married for 30 years, 3 kids. yes, I hate most women. They're essentially useless and they're not funny.

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how the hell that happened

I'd agree with saying that some do but not all. BUT, I do hate how a lot of women try to turn themselves into victims during emergencies that may not even be affecting them

>how the hell that happened


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does that mean you hate your wife? also how that even happen? not judging, genuinely interested

why are women even allowed to vote?

the whole set up was stupid to begin with

Ah yes... I'm sure landing face first on concrete was 100% the intention there.

I don't really hate my wife. I did for a long time (from like year 3 to year 20). But we've been together so long, it's like we're in this shit together til the end. It's difficult to explain. That's why probably 75% of couples get divorced. I am not giving up. I plan to outlive her and get the last laugh. And then die.

Bruise or fracture? I mean that watermelon literally exploded on her face

Because cucked men allowed it

She was decapitated on live television. RIP. Gone too soon. She will be missed.

I think she just got bruised up, this was actually from the TV show the Amazing Race I'm too lazy to look it up but feel free

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thats some pretty admirable commitment, if a bit morbid. thx for sharing, user

edgy motherfucker

Yeah, my kids are grown and out of college now. I could bail if I wanted to. I've done my time. But I'd have to give her half my shit. More importantly, we've become each others best friends. So there's that. I'd miss her. But man oh man I'd love to fuck some hot college girl. Never cheated. No regrets. But I would just love to go nuts on a hottie for about an hour. Just once.

women can help by praying quietly in the corner or generally just backing the fuck out of the men's way and shutting their mouths for 5 goddamn minutes while men save the day yet again.

When I grow up I want to be you---you--:-o In Another life! 43 years young. Never kissed forever alone neckbeard Virgin, at your service.