Ask a anti white anti western proud Turk something

Ask a anti white anti western proud Turk something

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How long have you lived in Berlin?

Thanks for confirming not white, you cockroach.

Turks are white

Browny whites

How is the Döner business faring?

obviously not, cockroach.

fuck no faggot
no, their skin is clear but they're amongst the worst sandbags there are

When are you finally pissing off to central asia again so that the Greek and Armenians can have their homes back?
Oh wait. You genocided those people away.

So about the genocide...

Ask Newbomb Turk something

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hey faggot, what about that genocide?

its like shit saying soap is bad
turks should all literally be put in a vat of radioactive waste

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yeah, you're welcome

How does it feel still getting shat on by everyone else while firmly holding on to the idea that it's everybody elses fault?

Also: This

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this is actually a very decent description of that turd-fucker state of mind

Why else would they be like this?
Super defensive and agressive about every little thing that could collapse their house of cards.

Hungary might be the country with the highest ADHD rate but these guys got the autism part of the cake.

simple: tiny dicks
men with a micropenis or the impression to own one do not act and react differently

I bet youre living in Germany on welfare

we have established OP lives in Berlin, like the three generations preceding him
from this we can extrapolate, without any risk of error, that OP has never had a job, is on welfare and awaits his 9th kid at barely 18 years old

Sorry, didnt read it all. I would like to ad that his mom still doesnt speak a single word German.

Aber Peter! That's Racism!

>Mostly white
>Turkey is mostly europeanized than Arabic or middle eastern.

Look Mehmet we get it you hate the liberal hedonistic path the western world took as a matter of fact there are millions of us here who thinks the same.

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Wilfried, dies ist Realismus, nicht Rassismus, get your scheisse gerade!

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White guy here.

What's your problem bruh?

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Follow-Up, why won't you let people explore Noah's Ark hiding in your Mountain Ranges?

dear child, fuck off back to your mom's womb

for fuck's sake, who let the jesusfags in?

Maybe thats not so weit auseinander

Why the hate Turk? I'm an open minded, friendly white guy. Why do you have white people?

>get your scheisse gerade!

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It's over on Mount Ararat. Not Jesusfaging, this is old testament.

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because white people hate us, just like they hate all non-whites. this is self-defense

That's ziemlich weit auseinander user, especially in the case of Türkschland

Daily reminder the Emperor is from Anatolia

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i'm not the turk, the "what"s your problem" tirade just always comes across so faggy when not IRL

a book being old doesn't mean its contents are in any way related to reality user
you'll be known as biblefag from now on

As a life long white guy, I don't hate Turks. I hate assholes. Assholes happen to come in all shapes and sizes. White, black, brown.

For what reason have white people "hated" you? Your nationality? Your religion? Sexual preference? Let's work through this.

>trump puts sanctions on turkey
>lira drops in value by 20%
fucking lmao, what a joke of a "country"

mostly angry german fucks calling me the usual shit, AFD voters and the lot
there is a lot of hate towards other races in germany, and it's growing and growing, so it's only legitimate and neccessary for me to hate you scum back

From the region now known as Anatolia.

Emps isn't a filthy turkroach.

Understandable depending on your belief system.

Then why do they keep armed guard at the base of the mountain?

don't hate your fellow humans, heretic

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Germany. You're upset that Germans, responsible for the most notable genocide in the history of man, are racist?

I'm an Amerifag, user. I'm not German. You can't put all of us in the same bubble because of our skin color. That's racist.

a secret embassy from Alpha Centauri

amerishits are even worse, look at fucking /pol/ and your shitstain of a rightwing party, germans are just a lot closer to home

People are scared because crime Rates going trough the roof all over Europe.

cry moar Kartoffel

Look, /pol/ doesn't represent anything or anyone other than generic soy-riden cunts that live in their mothers basement.

I am center with some right tendencies. I wouldn't call rightwing a shit stain, as a whole. Most don't give a flying fuck about much. I think there's a lot of us in the middle 60%-80%. It's just that the outlier 40%-20% on both sides are louder than the rest of us so it pisses each side off.

>responsible for the most notable genocide in the history of man
kek kys

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not even remotely, you shitskin faggot. go fuck that goat you call girlfriend and then neck yourself

sorry, neither a stupid racist fuck, nor an AFDtard
most of my turkish friends will agree that a vast majority of turks in Germany come from the provinces and are basically turkish rednecks
same is true in France with may algerians - do you even know how these people were recruted to come and work in Europe? It basically read like this:
Can you Read? Can you write? If yes, you'll have to stay here!
We wouldn't have those problems otherwise, that and the fact that many countries blatantly failed the integration of the immigrants

i didn't mean the right wing in general, i meant the republican party, full of anti-white hate and loving support of the genocidal "state" of Israel

do you like goats or little girls more?

They keep armed guards around most "holy sites" user, be it only to avoid degradation by idiots

>blatantly failed the integration of the immigrants
because they are racist, only wanted them for cheap labor and when they got that, they still hated them

make that beta-centauri user


I think the Israel love fest stems from two things.
1) It's just what has always been done.
2) Biblical belief.

I think republican politicians are in the same boat with democratic politicians. They don't care about anyone else but themselves. They all hang out together, they play golf together regularly, vacation together, etc. The public shit throwing is all for show to keep them in power. It's remarkably obvious.

true, recruiters were very racist, 50's and 60's europe was pretty ignorant and therefore pretty racist, throwing all of us into the same pot as racists is basically...racist

reading comprehension u nigger. he said hes ANTI white

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But I thought Mount Ararat wasn't a holy site? I thought it was mentioned earlier that it's some sort of Embassy?

At least, that's what an user earlier told me...

Whenever you see a turk with curly hair, you see its got obviously nigger dna in it

if it's just because they believe in biblical shit, they should like the arab world and islam, too
Mohammad worked within the Framework of abrahamic/ibrahimic scripture, just like christians

On what grounds?
Maybe you just hate Jews. I thought I hated brown people for a long time until I realized every problem I have with them is caused by Jews.

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see that's the problem - you belong to a generation that grew up with their face smashed by shit content every millisecond
Ararat has a history that goes back way further than the old testament, read up user

>muh jews

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mostly coffee grounds user

why is the only english most turks know, "open bobs"?

Agreed, actually. I'm a Christian and even I can acknowledge that. All of our religions in this world are basically cousins of one another and they all have been watered down through the generations. Like you said, all of us date back to Abraham.

I actually don't mind other faiths, at all. The Quran is actually very beautifully written. The problem is when Mohammad turned militant and wanted death to all "Infidels"

Fair enough. I had Turkish coffee once, can't say I blame you for looking down on drip-brew.
Israel is at fault for every single problem in the Middle East, and Jews are responsible for a good chunk of the problems in the world. Not all, but many.

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I am aware of that. You missed my obvious sarcasm.

my point being it stems from more than just the biblical beliefs of Israel, and there is some (((Other reason))) the republicans suck israel's circumsized penis so much


my bad. he should still neck his shitskin self either way

What kills a Cockroach the fastest so I can help rid the world of your kind?

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i did indeed user

>turkish coffee
literally shitskin espresso

>what did he mean by this?

Convert to Islam


Pick one shitskin

So that's where I could probably learn as a Western Christian. Mount Ararat, with my limited knowledge, had one significant mention.

1) That's where the Ark landed.

But, that's also using the Christian Bible which we know has been HIGHLY edited by the Roman Catholic Church.

Educate me user. I'm an open book here.

yes he should

the holohoax didn't happen you muppet

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Another turk here AMA

Yes i live in berlin and sell kebab

according to the Qur'an the ark actually landed at mount dschudi (which is really irrelevant to anything but still interesting)

Why are you gay?

Einmal Döner komplett ohne tzaziki aber mit scharf bidde

Should have been btfo'd after ww1

Any name changing / confusion due to translations and time? Or are we talking a completely different set of mountains?

I'm not finding much using the google box.

You realize your people wouldn’t be shit without the Greeks right?

I'd rather burn down a hundred of your churches, faggot.

oh alright, you're just dumb

i only remembered the german transliteration, it's called Cudi Dağı in turk
yes, it is a different mountain

>you're not educated enough to even count to six gorillion, goy

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Your religion is a fucking disease and you will die of it.


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Fucking goats is nothing to be proud of...
