Why don't you have a wife and kids, a career, and an above HS education?

Why don't you have a wife and kids, a career, and an above HS education?

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Except I do. Oh and I have a dog and cat too. Now what will you do?

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I have all of those and more.

Father died when I was 17, back in 98. Apparently he was the only one that wanted me in the family because by 18 I was kicked out of my house, and went homeless and living in a car for 10 years. I'm 39 now, just turned, and I just found out 2 weeks before last thanksgiving that I was adopted.

So try and Imagine this, Father dies, family disowns you, while you still have no clue you aren't even part of the family. 20 years later you finally find out you're not even blood to people you love the most.

The whole 10 homeless era...I had jobs, but never made enough to get my own place, I'm a big and tall guy, so my caloric intake was always high, most of my money went to gas, food, and laundry. I smoke weed now but NEVER did any sort of drugs back then and rarely drank.

I had depression and worthlessness, much of it I'm still trying to get over.

When it comes to a wife, I have all sorts of issues when it comes to females. I'll date a girl for a couple weeks and it promptly turns to shit.

Kids? I don't want kids. I don't want to continue this fucked up cycle. Plus the planet is headed towards overpopulation. Plus I wouldn't want to live through the next 50 years with the course that humanity has taken so why make a kid do so?

A career? I'm working on that... probably never happen, but at least I show up to work and put forth effort.

Education? I'm one of those guys who payed attention in school, I watched the history channel and have always been intrigued by science and the like. I'm probably smarter than 90 percent of the people I meet, but I am in Florida, lots of idiots here.

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>Why don't you have a wife and kids

Because I don't want to be my father. There is nothing desireable there.

Because life is meaningless and none of this matters

So much mental illness here

>Because life is meaningless and none of this matters

Why not have a wife, kids and a career then? Doesn't matter either way, right?

You just value your comfort zone more than having these things.

Nothing wrong with that in my view, but stop this wannabe edgelord nihilistic bullshit. If nothing really mattered you would just much like being tortured as you would like to win the lottery. Not the case, amiright?

Either way it doesn't matter. Stop pretending it does. I know this might add to your white anxiety

Why would you brag about having an octoroon wife and a dirty little nigglet?

Drugs, sold drugs, got raided, felon etc

So, why don't you do it then? Do it. Get a wife, kids and a proper job. It doesn't matter, so why are you opposed to the idea?

Imagine being so brainwashed by society that u think u have to do everything u can to be "normal"

Imagine being so dense that you don't get the point at all.

There are plenty of things that matter to you. Shitposting on Yea Forums probably, playing games probably, watching porn probably. Not having to work a shit job maybe on the list as well. Eating your favorite food.

There are plenty of things that matter to you.

>Nothing matters
>hurr durr

Well, if you don't like the wife, kids and a job example, let me give you another one.

Why don't you sell everything you have, donate the money to charity and become a buddhist monk? Why not? Probably because you value other things more.

He's just an edgy pseudo nihilistic kid, don't mind him

Got a wife and above a highschool education, fuck having kids tho. Who the fuck would want that headache.

Got a Wife... No kids yet, hopefully we're not too old.

>Seriously... why do they ONLY focus on how NOT to have kids in Sex-ed. Think about it.

>I got a vocation degree and a year of "college" I still have never paid because the school was a f'n scam.

I run my own business and have done so for the past nine years. Although it admittedly has no future and my service will be rendered useless in a decade or so.

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>Plus the planet is headed towards overpopulation

Of fucking third world cockroaches. This Civilization NEEDS more fair skinned people. Or else it's doomed to collapse.

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I haven't been mature enough in the long term relationships i've had to get to that stage, although i would have liked to have kids with at least one of those girls, it wasnt meant to be

>Why don't you have a wife
I do.

>and kids
Pretty sure I'm shooting blanks.

>a career
I run my own business and make more each month than I ever did whilst employed.

>and an above HS education?
Left school when I was 14 because I thought it was shit. Never pursued further education. Don't regret it.

>I run my own business and make more each month than I ever did whilst employed.

Cool, what do you do? It's not easy to grow each and every month.

that's not a wife! that's a horse!

Niche bookselling. Who knew people still read books? I'm making good money at the moment but am slightly concerned about the long term prospects of the business. Oh well, mortgage will be paid off in around six years, maybe sooner, and then who cares.

I've got all of those except kids. Because I made the right choices in life

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because i want to lay in my bed smoke weed and play vydia for the rest of my hopefully not so long life




company director

>above HS education
CS degree

Thx bro. I love slapping them hard when we fuck

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