Just take at look what i've accomplished while all you fucking losers sit on your ass stuffing your face with crap night after night giggling over your little stupid posts. This right here took hard work and effort. This kind of change doesn't happen over night. Women can't take their eyes off me when I walk down the street now.
Just take at look what i've accomplished while all you fucking losers sit on your ass stuffing your face with crap...
r u gay
What did you say to my wife's son?
maybe it's your massive head they're staring at?
fail thread
Still look like a big faggot to me.
A big faggot, fit, but still a big faggot.
LOL that's the most I've laughed on Yea Forums in years.
Love the photoshopped head. Is that really the body that goes with it or is that swapped?
It's his body, just the head was shooped bigger.
Pretty sure it's not shooped, it's been around for s while now. Guy just has a big ass head
it has to be fake. his head couldnt grow like that
He posted on /fit and Reddit, he openly said he used steroids, basically his head got bigger while his body lost the fat and got way smaller
The guy went from 5'6 to 4'6
Grade A bullshit. A butter face while his body lost weight?
Body looks pretty good, but something is going on with your head. Maybe see a doctor?
Butter face? A butter head!
Like o said he used steroids
Steroids make your head bigger, everyone knows that
I wouldn't call taking steroids an accomplishment, but okay
“mom says it’s my turn on the Xbox”
Next time make the head smaller when photoshopping.
>inb4 manlet jokes coming with the force of a thousand suns
Nice head soyboybetacuck
Pretty sure you're retarded.
Same size
Epic troll breh XD
this guy turned on the big head cheat found in goldeneye: 007 on the n64
DK mode
bigger face than a normal human it's normal that women love you
Bro you cant keep letting your inflated ego get to your head.