Ok i was drunk and i bought this shit

ok i was drunk and i bought this shit

dubs decide what i do with it

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Keep it and care for it
You are it's protector now


eat it

Rats are bros
You can teach them tricks like dogs

Care for it.

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Leave it everything in your will then kill yourself

how tf can i do that


Love them!!

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make it go through mazes with cheese

Like dogs

it is now your baby. care for it and love it...you also have to make the cheesy parent noises when friends are around, just because you questioned

fuck me

You better deliver, OP.

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i will take care of this shit, will update every month

so rats can be cool and love you ?

Treats, clicking your tongue and rewarding them
You can teach them to come, stand up, fetch, play with toys or random shit, they like to play with your hand kinda like cats where they roll on their back once they trust you
They can even be litter trained fairly easily to keep their surroundings cleaner


my rats were sitting on my shoulders all the time like pirates parrots
they are best companions

cool ill try that

how long would it take ?

Elon Musk has need of your rat bro. Send it to space!

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Love it for a few years until it dies a natural death.

Fuck off faggot

Microwave for 10 minutes

Turn it loose; nature's both beautiful and cruel as fuck.
Let little guy roll them bones

i wish it was dubs

That's not how it works. First come, first served.
Someone already rolled dubs to make you take care of it.

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dont worry faggot

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Poop on top of it

You got a pretty cool pet for a couple years.
Plenty of youtube tutorials on how to train them. Met a hot as fuck grill at a fair who had a rat circus. Her rats performed circus acts.
I had 2 pet rats over the span of 5 years at different times. One I could take out with me to places. Had a coat pocket he would strait up chill in.

how long does it take ?

The rat will need to take a few weeks to warm up to your house and you first
You don’t really need to train them to sit on your shoulder if they’re used to being carried around, a lot of rats just figure it out on their own if you put them there and usually like it more than being carried