Reddit is down for maintenance and I'm freaking out because I can't check the upvotes on my puns or whimsical comment...

Reddit is down for maintenance and I'm freaking out because I can't check the upvotes on my puns or whimsical comment chains. Can we please pretend this is Reddit, just for a little a bit? Pleeeeease?

Attached: Reddit-Logo-NOTEXT-2.png (1193x1654, 44K)


hecking doggo rare pupper

Edit: Thank you for the updoots woww my inbox rlly blew up

Edit 2: Thankyou for the gold kind stranger

Thats about it

Thats about



Hello. I lack any and all reading comprehension. I'm going to pretend to meant something retarded instead of what you said.

Wow. Op thinks this is reddit. What a retard. Let's all laugh now.


[removed] did nothing wrong



gamerboi172:[insert normie joke here]
XxxpunkxxxX:I don’t get

SlayerBob:hahaha you didn’t get the joke faggot r/wooooosh

i dont know how they do it in reddit but have my upvote

RIP my inbox!

edit: thank you for the Golden Shower! I will be reading all your replies when I get back home from work!

normiescum98429: blah brah did secks things blah
pcfaggot1488: lol u guzzle cum
CumGuzzlerFreak: yes I do
FaggotyMcFagButtocks: lol /r/beetlejuicing

its up again...

Attached: 1408629013026.jpg (450x320, 45K)

It was never down


this website is a reddit branch nowadays, so you'll feel home here, just like you do over there.

everyone will give you attention, and nobody will disagree with you on anything, dissenters are no longer welcome on Yea Forums, so enjoy your stay.

You have to go back.

Attached: f63.jpg (396x382, 41K)


Why u do dis

lol I'm so fucking gay and retarded. Reddit, woohoo!

I enjoy the taste of my own poo poo

Edit: Also I am gay

Edit 2: Why does my butt hurt?

>Reddit is down for maintenance and I'm freaking out because I can't check the upvotes on my puns or whimsical comment chains. Can we please pretend this is Reddit, just for a little a bit? Pleeeeease?
And I thought MY life was sad. Wow.


Haha you totally missed the joke r/wosh normie fucking hell haha so cringe bro