Post unconventionally attractive girls you're attracted to

Post unconventionally attractive girls you're attracted to

Attached: 1557816980060.jpg (520x693, 107K)

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Pic unrelated

>Post unconventionally attractive girls you're attracted to
>posts pic of pretty, skinny, young woman in revealing top
Yea Forums-tard logic

Attached: 8B266C46-7940-4E3E-B5EF-AFF6DF57E7B1.jpg (557x666, 329K)

Attached: nell.jpg (640x320, 30K)

Her shoulders and overall body proportions are fucking weird

So talented

Have you seen her perform?

Attached: MV5BMTI4NTcwNzY3MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODkyNTU0._V1_.jpg (260x400, 30K)

Early in her career when I worked concert security. I requested a song and she played it. No one knew who she was, she was opening for another group

Attached: 179A8CE2-291E-4397-8A36-74F48F500078.jpg (480x480, 50K)