Imagine thinking steven crowder is even remotely funny on any level

>imagine thinking steven crowder is even remotely funny on any level
Why does this man have nearly 4 million subscribes on YouTube?

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Its ok he will be de-platformed soon.

same reason why the young turks has 4m subs

He's not funny but he's pretty smart.

I don't find anyone funny anymore.

> he's pretty smart.
Like every YouTube anti-sjw he makes a living dunking on the stupidest people imaginable, not to mention the fact that all of his "prove me wrong" are edited to include the worst examples of people. as soon as these people leave their own format and argue in a neutral format they get dismantled, see: Ben Shapiro vs Andrew Neil

People don't think he's funny.
They think he's right.


I have no clue who the fuck he is.
Why do you care so much about him?

Hell yea. Love me some Steven crowder.

Fuck you OP

>pretty smart

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Steven Crowder has not once ever made an argument that couldn't be countered/debunked with a 5 minute Google search. He's a classic "if I talk really fast and sound confident people will think I'm educated and informed" when in reality he falls into the most common fallacies which are confirmation bias and cherrypicking.

>I google searched 'how these facts are wrong' and chose the ones that said they're wrong
>Everyone ELSE has a confirmation bias.

Any opinion based on a '5 minute Google search' is uninformed. A 5 minute Google search will prove to me the Earth is round, no one has ever been to the moon, and if I want him to, Tom Sweeney could prove to me that the gays can never make it to the sun because it's millions of light years away.

That having been said... He strives to be a late night personality. He's not meant to be saving America or anything, he's just trying to be entertaining and make a paycheck. Things that, to his audience, he does well. Grow up, and leave your basement every now and again.

>no one has ever been to the moon
Okay, link me the article that disproves it.

because people are piles of putrid anal shit OP, that's why
now go to your room and do 100 anal push ups on that new 12 inch wall dildo i go you for christmas

Then make videos debunking him with sources linked. He generally lists his sources. If its so easy you can do it so easily then *do* it.

Boom, nothing can pass through the van allens belt, we must solve this problem, it blocks us and the moon. 5 minute googlefu.

That's a load of horseshit btw, and not what that person meant, but that's my point.

>only argument is you didnt define that right

pseudo intellectual with a right leaning twist

in no way does that prove what you said it proves

>but that's my point.
you clearly don't have a point, retard.

>all of his "prove me wrong" are edited to include the worst examples of people
That's literally false, he says they're unedited and it's clear from the crowds that they don't get that many people brave enough to step forward. Unless you think he's lying, in which case there's no proof either way so here in the United States of America we go with innocent until proven guilty.

Besides, the people on the Change My Mind segments are generally very civil, understanding and not terribly confrontational. It's the riled up hyperpolitical cowards in the audience that are the rowdy assholes, people with really strong opinions and no facts or bravado to back them up. The people who sit down to talk are automatically civil people. Now that I think about it, I don't think you've ever watched a Change My Mind episode in it's entirety.

debunk this

This user is better informed than most.

>he says they're unedited
lol of course he fucking does

>it's clear from the crowds that they don't get that many people brave enough to step forward
that's probably because the non-retarded ones are smart enough not to debate someone impromptu who is almost certainly going to edit the footage later anyway and make you look foolish on his youtube channel

>Unless you think he's lying, in which case there's no proof either way so here in the United States of America we go with innocent until proven guilty.
you're not very smart are you? innocent until proven guilty applies to defendants in courts, he's not in a court, i'm not accusing him of a crime and no one is saying he should be put on trial.

We should tell McDonald's we shit in their deepfryer.

I agree he's not really that funny.
In fact his loud screechy mannerisms are often downright cringey and irritating.

However, he's highly intelligent, argues incredibly well, and supports his points with evidence.
He and his team are absolute warriors for the conservative cause.

I support the fuck out of him and you should do.

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Reminder that Ben Shapiro can only "debate" by yelling insane, incorrect nonsense at unprepared college students

tell us then kike niger

Objectively false

tell you what


What I said it proves is that in a 5 minute google search you can find evidence that anyone is wrong about anything.

>People went to the moon.
>Here's a video of a nasa engineer saying it's impossible for people to go to the moon with current technology.
>I've found evidence that refutes your point with a '5 minute google search'.

Because we both know that doesn't prove shit, doesn't mean that to tons of people, with a confirmation bias, it COMPLETELY PROVES IT!!!!

If you have clear concise opinions, supported by evidence and fact, that aren't, "TALL MAN BAD LET ME GOOGLE THE WAYS" then by all means, tear him down with facts and sources. Otherwise... You're only proving your confirmation bias and cherry picking.

what's stopping the "non-retards" from filming with their own phone whose footage couldn't be edited by crowder?

Considering the point of the change my mind segments is not, and has never been, to 'debate' an issue I have to assume you're correct. There's no way you can watch change my mind, and then assume that that's a DEBATE. It's meant for people to rationalize their positions to one another, and see if they even really know what they believe or why.

because i imagine none of them have youtube channels and the video, if uploaded, would get like 7 views?

>all these butt-hurt SJW far-lefts in here

What's stopping them is the 4 people who haven't (Including the girl who was live streaming while she cried at the table) have all been psychotics grand-standing and screaming victim.


Steven Crowder?

Oh you mean the guy that voiced Brain in "Arthur"?

Because left-wingers decided being even more insufferable is a great political strategy. It's amazing: you don't have to be terrible to make it in political commentary/humor. You just have to not be at the bottom which is now predominately inhabited by left-wingers.

>that's probably because the non-retarded ones are smart enough not to debate someone impromptu
That's exactly it, they don't have facts at hand and Steven generally does. He has a reputation at these events and not a lot of people believe they have enough information or conviction to sit down and debate him. That's the whole point. The fact that so few people actually sit down to debate him bears that out.

I believe I've watch all the Change My Mind episodes and perhaps two or three people total were made out to look like fools, and most of them were from the rape one where the overly emotional brodude sputtered for a few minutes and the extremely angry man-hating rape victim feminist cried and went to get the police to try to escort Steven away, but the police wouldn't because he had a permit so she cried harder and yelled on the sidelines over the next 2 people Steven talked to.

The huge majority of people who sit down on Change My Mind are civil, calm, and have a good number of facts to back up their position. Generally they walk away with a handshake.

There has been no shortage of outrage from Change My Mind episodes, don't you think somebody would have posted something showing how Steven lied or manipulated video or edited someone to look stupid or say something they didn't? Surely SOMEONE if he did it all the time?

But there are none. In fact, for the bit where he went to confront that transgender person at their job, the tranny lied about what happened to try and shame and deplatform Steven Crowder and it was Steven's video that proved the tranny's lie wrong.

So I'm gonna go with you're 12 and fuck your interpretation. But that's just me.

you can easily make a clickbait title with a video like that to get views

yeah "change my mind" would imply that crowder cares about facts enough to actually be willing to change his opinion based on provided information instead of believing what he wants to believe regardless of what gets presented. so the segment should actually be called "here i why you're wrong".

Not the guy you're arguing with - but Crowder sets up the "prove me wrong" videos to ONLY attract stupid people, as the phrases he chooses to be "proven wrong" are worded in ways where it's inherently impossible. You can argue back and forth for days using semantics and changing definitions and reach no conclusion - Crowder is good at "debating" like this in the college/high school sense of the word.

Dude, unless you're into dry reads in philosophy down at the local library, that's pretty much how every political pundit operates.

No one wants indepth analysis or much substance for that matter. They want to cheerlead for their team and that's best done by a half-wit dunking on quarter-wits.

this guy tore crowder a new asshole and crowder had no problem uploading it on his channel anyway

>It's meant for people to rationalize their positions to one another

That's a debate, asshat.

>it's real

Go grab five videos with timecodes of a Change My Mind video where the people who sit down are stupid. There have to have been fifty people who sat down, if "ONLY" stupid people are on it, you should be able to get all 5 from just 1 episode.

which is exactly why any "debater" who edits their own footage and debates in their own format should never be taken seriously. if you watched all the "Ben Shapiro DESTROYS x" videos that are edited you'd think he was a genius, until you watched him debate someone live on their own format and all of a sudden they are made to look like a child.

lol the comments

>where the people who sit down are stupid
That's every single one I've seen. The rape culture one is the first to pop into my head. If you don't think those people are stupid, I have some news for you regarding your intelligence.

I lost my faith in debates watching Kent Hovind spin circles around expert biologists. Frankly humanity is fucked. Bring on Skynet.

Yes the rape culture one was horriffic, there were two really bad ones in that video. But that's still not five.

Speaking of intelligence, you forgot to provide 5 links. So let's count the two from the rape culture video, go find 3 more idiots who you believe Steven intentionally targeted on video to make his opposition look stupid.

The whole point of the series is to showcase how stupid and ignorant American youth have become. College campuses in the US are generally speaking very liberal so it's easy to find people to debate with.

The point that he is showing is that all these kids are debating based on nothing but emotion and anecdotal "facts" and "experiences" which then in turn explains the stupid positions people take on topics. Not a single one of the people that sit down at his table have substantial facts to back up literally anything they say. There may be the occasional good point made by a debater, but it is either quickly countered or brushed off as irrelevant as many of these "debates" tend to go off in a tangent from the original topic.

Tl;Dr the youth in this country are underdeveloped libtards, without the ability to think on their own, and only take spoon fed information as gospel. MAGA cucklords.

Steven Crowder is hilarious op is a fag

To be fair, "rape culture" is feminist ideological hogwash.

Anyone who takes that up is either a devil's advocate, an ideologue, or a sap.

No. It's to virtue signal to conservatives that liberal colleges breed dumb students. They're not dumb, they're around 18 years old before the very threshold of real world experience. That's not the corruptive influence of "the liberals." That's where you were before you got a chance to wise up with experience over the years.

It's stupid.

Not that user but by assuming your words youre saying 18 year olds are impressionable yes?

I've been watching his videos for awhile, since he did the "which guns should we ban" video. I think the Change My Mind series really blew up his channel though.
It's a good platform to show how people have a passionate opinion about something they know nothing about. It's almost like people believe anything you tell them, without looking into it or thinking for themselves.

dab on the libtards

So, you admit that most people with left leaning views are the stupidest people imaginable? Your words.
Ben Shapiro has 1 bad interview, and really just the conclusion of it, and that negates every other debate he's succeeded at?

>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who take Steven Crowder seriously and watch his videos unironically

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>dunking on the stupidest people imaginable
they're also the loudest and the most destructive.
sorry you think they should be spared, but reasonable people disagree.

so that cenk uyger debate was just my imagination?

Because he produces a funny show consistently.

because he is funny

>meathead cuckservative e-celeb
>hurrr get married hurrrr clean your room hurrr worship god hurrrr lift weights hurrr get a 9-5 job hurrrr
Is this really what passes for intelligence nowadays? Jesus, you people are simple minded.

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lol did cenk make this thread? Fucking seething rn, let Crowder do his thing man

has nothing to do with being funny. you clearly dont listen to anything he puts out


How cucked do conservatives have to be to get out-memed by a literal commie?

Why all millenials have that expression of wrinkling their foreheads?