Global warming is a lie

Global warming is a lie.
Human pollution levels are too low to matter.
The oceans are doing just fine.

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nice rebuttal

OK but like, Bill Nye says it's real, soooooo..........

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Thanks. yours is pretty cute too

America is the only country with many doubters, but it just proves we know more than everyone else.

I believe you op, it’s just a natural cycle of warming/cooling and the doomsayers just cry it’s our fault for $$ (carbon tax etc..)

Oh fuck, you’re right! How could I have been so blind?! Truly this user is the one who understands the environment better than people who study it for a living! Burden of proof be damned!

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Even though in the past the numbers were pretty different, I'm not worried. Fuck it I could use beach front property. Plus coastal assholes tend to be pussies anyway.

t. brainlet in denial

do you believe all liberal propaganda intended to fund green industries owned by democrats?

i believe in evidence

nothing has changed

you can see time lapse videos from nasa of the ice caps, they have definitely changed

>Scientists: overwhelmingly believe climate change exists and represents a profound global threat
>Boomer conservatives: try to deny reality despite all evidence
Come on, which one are you going to believe op? Do you really want to be a boomer????

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agreed, just more jewish bullshit so they can hoard all the resources
>using a globe
fucking lol. if your this woke how the fuck can you buy into the JEWglobilists??

a smart man, democrat or republican, would invest in what they see as the potential profitable future of energy

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Sure thing guy.
Think of the ice caps man. They can't handle all these fluctuations!

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I, for one, believe plastic naturally manifests itself in the mariana trench, but has only recently been observed.

Also, fuck whales that aren't smart enough to keep plastic out of their baleens.

You're in the wrong thread kid, is thataway

none of that is true.

fuck off schlomo

It’ll be good weed growing weather year round.

increased carbon dioxide levels and darkened ice from soot (absorbs heat instead of reflecting) means they are less able to cope with fluctuations

There was a time when the ice caps weren’t around, is it so unbelievable that it can happen again?

I'm actually a jewish scientist fucking with you all. We will soon dominate you trogs.

Yeah man. It's unlike anything we've ever seen before.
Sarcasm bro.

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people like op should get rounded up and gassed. if gas isnt available, bullets are fine.

This. We are still coming out of the little ice age. And you exactly right. One major volcano eruption damages the ozone layer more than the history of all civilizations. So yes there is global warming but not because all of the liberal cucks want you to believe.

So you want to gas the jews?

We need to get india and china to kill each other in massive numbers, then this will improve drastically.

Someone needs to invent a sarcasm font.

so because a natural bad thing was worse than the bad thing we are currently doing, we should keep doing it?

India, china and the middle east make up 72% of all pollution. Everyone likes to blame america. It's both sad and hilarious.

Yes because the earth is a lot more resilient than we think and mankind’s little carbon footprint isn’t big enough to make a difference, the planet will survive.

the previous fluctuations happened over thousands to millions of years, the planet may survive, but most higher life forms won't.
nobody is blaming america exclusively, its just the US seems to have more deniers than most other countires (or at least more vocal deniers)

And that’s the part I find the most comical, these “save the world” people don’t give 2 shits about wildlife or the planet, they’re just out to save their own asses.

Maybe earth wants to spend its retirement human free.

oh hello

debunks with citations

europeans and also americans typically blame mostly america and won't believe you if you mention other countries

Citations by Bill nye?

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none that i've found.

on britfag tv its mostly china thats painted as the villain, recently pakistan because people are actually dying in the streets from toxic air

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I believe goal warming is happening. Certainly lakes dying up gotta mean something. How much is it related to man-made CO2? Idk. Do uncontrollable solar cycles have anything to do with it? I bet. Funny how California is the most "forward" green state and has the most polluted air thanks to mother nature not giving a fuck what we humans want.

But it seems no matter how staunch someone believes global warming exists, despite transportation being the leading cause of green gas emmisions, no one's trying to give up their car or stop ordering groceries off amazon


but seriously op, you made the claim, you gotta prove it. we aren't obligated to believe you just because you made a statement

India shits in streets? Pakistan has designated shitting air

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Ho boi here come the shills. Sage in all fields.

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Science doesn't care what you believe.

I always think of the UK as it's own thing. Mostly have spoken to swiss, french, german and others who seem to love any excuse to shit on america. India is massive too. China is 'invading' africa as well and quickly industrializing.

China pours more concrete in 3 years than america has in the last 100.

The move towards electric vehicles is a step in the right direction, but the mining for the minerals needed to make batteries is a whole other problem

The UK is in a unique position where almost nobody likes us, so we say what we like about others generally.

All the proof you need to know global warming is bullshit and climate change does occur.

China is on track to be the next economic powerhouse of the globe.

You guys make great TV so I vote we keep you around after it all goes to shit.

That's what happens when you have the largest slave work force combined with the least amount of individuality, lack of human rights, and the largest spy network the world has ever seen.

serious question for the deniers: how old are you?
I've noticed a lot of younger people are on the denial side, maybe a rebellion against being preached to by climate change evangelists at school?

This is exactly the kind of thing that is said before a huge fucking disaster happens

And the skill to develop Africa without getting murdered by all the crazy niggers.

Based. I use R410A as air duster.

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That remains to be seen. A lot of the guys seem to be breeding a master race of blasians with 6 inch cocks.

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ever inhaled?

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Yeah, it has sweetish taste/smell to it.
And boy, R410A is cheaper than air dusters. EPA license was worth it.

We went from caves to having the capability to destroy ourselves in a few hundred thousand years, I get the impression that mans reign isn’t going to last much longer.

ah shit i loved that video,don't see many reference it... i used to fantasize about retarded blowjobs from her

amazingly she recovered

R22 stuff works good too, but I can't waste it, thanks to (((them))) banning it.

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Wow you are dumb as fuck. Like he knows anything. Like you yep we landed on the moon in the 60’s. And buildings fall down demolition style when they have planes crash into them. Whoa imagine being this stupid and naive my fucking sides are coming apart.

well, good talk Yea Forums, made a nice change from cocks and andy sixx

i bet she's an absolute freak in bed - those crazy eyes

and to think it started with a troll post

It is more like this actually.
Time traveler

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Just coming in to throw around numbers

2019 Population of India + China: 2.725 billion
2019 Population of US: 0.3272 billion

(million metric tons, old but best data I found)
2015 CO2 emissions (India + China): 11,106.75
2015 CO2 emissions (US): 4997.50

But most importantly:
Ratio of C+I population to US: 832.82%
Ratio of C+I pollution to US: 222.25%

So while china and india are polluting twice as much as us, they're doing it with over 8x as many people. Taking that into account for per-capita:

(metric tons)
C+I CO2 pollution per capita: 4.076
US CO2 pollution per capita: 15.274

So while they pollute twice as much in total, the average person in the US pollutes over 3x as much as the average person in China/India.

The entire heliosphere is heating up.
Pollution is, by definition, a serious matter.
The Great Barrier Reef would like to have some words with you.

>cars and shit gets more efficient
>still temp grows
Kek. Imagine only amount of energy saved by CFLs compared to incandescent. Insane. But shit didn't help at all, so it is safe to assume something else is causing global warming.
Like redefinition of degree C, or better thermometers.

Cancer is real.
Bait threads are cancer.
OP is a faggot.

Because most are in poverty. Per capita arguments don't matter much - only total output. As the impoverished rise up, it will become much worse.

>no numbers, no time frame, no source


If you want more fun numbers bezos had an interesting idea about covering nevada in solar panels and providing enough electricity to power the world's energy demands. But I'd like to go farther.

Cover bumfuck sahara desert in africa with solar arrays, put it into a worldwide power grid, and centralize power consumption to that grid (so better electric vehicles than what we have now). There's certainly some potential for capital from that, though I'm a bit Nikola-inclined and would be happy to see it bring about free worldwide electricity. And hey, Africa would have something productive to do instead of tribal warfare. After that you can also power carbon sequestration from this same grid and start the warming reversal as much as we can.

How will you guard against african pillaging?

the africans would just steal them

>human pollution levels are too low to matter.

Nice bait.

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Yup! I thought about commenting that fact, but figured it'd be... obvious enough? As is though I don't have data in a fine enough resolution to differentiate the China seaboard with inland/poor China. There's plenty of more little tidbits you can draw from that data as well, per-capita variance is likely much larger in China.

I really don't understand how a large population of people could argue against notable scientists, whose main job is to discover/bring to light things the general public wasn't really aware of beforehand. I swear the outrage I see of people denying climate change must be like how everyone thought scientists were stupid because they proposed the earth revolved around the sun.

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Hire the africans to defend it, give them some jobs. Or kill them off, whatever is humanity's flavor of the month. That problem in particular is less hard to solve than actually coordinating the array across multiple countries / diplomacy

This OP brought to you by:
Opinions only largely held in one country, and only in the parts of it world renowned for absolute shit education.

do you believe all conservative propaganda intended to fund fossil fuel industries owned by republicans?


>97% consensus
>3% does not support
>Most of 3% contain data anomalies or poor procedure
>Some fraction of that is paid studies by lobby groups
>Half of America denies climate change because scientists are corrupt.

What I don't understand is, assuming they're right... Why fun 97% of the entire worlds body of research in an attempt to corrupt it despite the glaring issues of orchestrating such a large scale conspiracy when, clearly, a small fraction, one news station, and republicans seems to work just as well.

I don't know man if I had to run a world conspiracy, I'd take lessons from this and probably pay no scientists at all, give anomalous study data to a faux news media outlet, and have a couple politicians nay say.
Seems way more cost efficient.

I Kno rite?

according to USG its been hotter for basically all of human history .

columbus tricked the nigger natvies by predicting eclipses and scarring everyone into submission.

now Democrats are doing it to the retards.

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And the rest of the literal entire world except republicans and conservative Australians?
In other Countries we don't debate climate change. It's fact. We debate the action. Because that's where politics should come in. After the facts..

Nice of you to admit your delusion.

Try making sense. Fuck, your post was absolute nonsense.

It wasn't though...

To be fair even many to most conservative aussies accept climate change is actually happening, but whether it's a big enough deal vs their hip pocket is another matter.

Sure, it probably makes perfect sense if you have your particular mental disability.

last summer cooked some fucking sense into them

True. Im just going on their conservative platform.
In my country conservatives are up in arms about carbon tax, as well. That's a fair thing to debate about. But no one is questioning the science, because we aren't retarded here.

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We're still fucked because of how horrendously polluted it is, Chinks and Pajeets need to be glassed into oblivion or else we'll all be doomed to chemical castration due to all the plastic partial shit in the oceans globally.

politicians are richer now than ever before (except when they wuz kangs) so of course we are mistrustful of new taxes

Boomers and their shitty grass need to be crucified.

>Global warming is a lie.
>Human pollution levels are too low to matter.
>The oceans are doing just fine.
Well, obviously. This is why you don't allow the jew demon anywhere near human beings, civilized or savage. The beast cannot help itself.

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dat nigga was woke af

nobody is debating if the climate changes retard.

the fact is: for all of human history the planet has been hotter . it was hotter 3000 years ago

you babies are trying to seize power and invent new taxes by lying.

Oh for sure. Im on the science side of it. I don't know enough about the political and economical implications to say whether we need a tax or not it what that means or does.
Just tired of people ignoring the damn science. It's settled and done. I respect any position on what to do about it, it's all debatable to me and I don't have an opinion there. But guys, for fuck sakes.
The people that brought you this amazing nature defying civilisation and out hunks of metal in space flying 15k kmh that fan tell you where you are on your little computer screen while accounting in the math that they're time travelling due to speed are also trying to say we fucked up. Let's have a listen, yeah?

Humans are causing climate change. It's not even hard to understand why or how if you read like one science journal.
The what to do about it portion is debatable. Let's argue about the tax. Not an established fact agreed upon the entire world over.
No ones running an international scienfe conspiracy to charge YOU taxes. That would be ludicrously expensive and impossible to orchestrate.

Actual scientist reporting in.

You have been seriously misled, boy. Not once in your entire life have you read through a scientific journal. Guaranteed. Not only that, but you don't even understand how science works.

Science is not a matter of consensus. All of those "scientists" who "agreed" with the self-employed cartoonists assertion that human caused global warming is destroying the planet were, well, mostly not scientists. The rest were paid. You don't make a lot of money in most fields of science, and you have to get grants in order to work on stuff. So that means that weak people wind up adopting whatever's clever in the media because they know suckers like you who are completely scientifically ignorant and illiterate will eat it up.

You're a social creature. You want to please the group. You don't want to be isolated and cast out of the group for wrongthink. No no. That would be bad.

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KYS OP, this is clearly a boomer Neocon psy-op to make people who don't tow the line of the two party system. No I'm not interested in bombing more Sandniggers for multi trillion dollar corporations and Israeli and Saudi lobbyists.
Also I happen to like Florida not being sunk under the ocean. You are clearly a chink pajeet globalist consumerist sympathizer and deserve to be crucified.

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I am fully certain you are not a scientist by this post.

>Science isn't a matter of consensus
That was your biggest give away.

Consensus and meta analysis is everything. You cant orchestrate false data across such a large scale. It would be riddled with inconsistencies.

Truth is not a matter of consensus. If you're trying to play jew word games you've already failed.
Now I know with absolute certainty that you have no clue what you're talking about. Have you ever picked up a scientific journal? There is a very well orchestrated effort to control information, even in the scientific world. People like you who think that no one would conspire against another person, you're a danger to yourself and others. You genuinely have no clue how the world works, yet you want to be viewed as an absolute authority by parroting whatever you're told as matter-of-fact.

You do not understand how science works. Go back to watching Bill Nye and Black Science Man, or even Michio Kaku or whatever that dumb commie fagot's name is.
>You cant orchestrate false data across such a large scale. It would be riddled with inconsistencies

>posts data on greenland's temperature
>hurrdurr climate hoax exposed

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greenland isnt even real

>covered in ice

pick one

Not that user but it made sense to me.

Your science teachers must be so proud

This is why I come to /b

Whew! i feel better about that now. thanks user!

What if you’re wrong?

Thanks random poster on Yea Forums who is definitely more "based" and "red-pilled" than actual climatologists.

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