You can’t be pro-choice and judge a pregnant woman who smokes and drinks

You can’t be pro-choice and judge a pregnant woman who smokes and drinks

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Other urls found in this thread:

Smoking and drinking can fuck up your fetus and likely lead to a bad life for the child
Not having children who are likely to have bad lives is literally the pro-choice argument.

Or the parent could be more involved in their kids growth so they aren't fucked up by the time they graduate high school

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A woman has the right to do what she wants with her body

But the baby inside isn't her body.

Spreading her legs and letting degenerates cum inside her is apparently one of those rights

It is when she’s pregnant

It literally gets nutrients from the females body. How fucking retarded are you

Planned Parenthood or a burden on the state, either way my taxes are paying for it. Abortion is cheaper. Easy choice.

Yes, it is. Not sure what your point is.

Your mom should've swallowed

Okay so men are praised for fucking a lot of women but women are supposed to keep their legs shut? Who would the men be fucking?

This comic is proof positive that Republicans are fucking RETARDS in every sense of the word. No brains whatsoever.

I support abortions but not women getting a choice about them.

Why are men the only ones responsible when human reproduction is a 2 party system? Isn't that what consent is for? If a woman gives consent, how is she not responsible for the child?

>a woman can abort a fetus because she has the power to do what she wants with her body regardless of what it means to the fetus
>a woman can’t drink/smoke when pregnant because she doesn’t have the right to do what she wants with her body if it harms the fetus

Making abortion illegal doesn't stop women from getting abortions, they would just seek out methods that are unsafe

Literally no argument about making abortion illegal

So it's never the girls fault, the girl has no involvement when she gets pregnant. She's not responsible for who she fucks?

Yes it is. It's completely reliant on her. If she doesn't want to carry it, she doesn't have to.

I'm not talking about the comic.

Neither am i

I agree that a man shouldnt be responsible for paying for the child if they wanted the woman to get an abortion. But that means we should be fighting for men to be treated better in that respect- not for women to be treated worse

Maybe she should've thought about not getting pregnant before she got pregnant. Maybe she should've been more careful, hut nah, it's the guys fault. She lets the guy in, she lets him finish inside, but he's at fault?


Shut the fuck up and get back to social networking
>don’t forget to like and subscribe

Well fuck look at this also its a baby. Yeah they murder children. Once again i get rape and lives in danger. I want fight that. No one should have to worry about can i live and would the baby live. Nor have to have their rapist child. That rapist could be an uncle or grandfather its further abuse. But if they so stressed about this why not do IUDs for women for very lost cost?
Also women choose to lay there and fuck so you should at least have to carry it 9 months men get 18-19 years depending on the state.

No it's not. It has it's own beating heart. Does the woman have two hearts or one?

It has it's own unique DNA. It's not her. The science is settled. Deal. With. It.

See above. Also if she doesn't want to carry it and kills it, that's murder, plain and simple.

Or maybe people should practice safer sex. Noone should look at abortion as a get out of jail free card, abortion should be an option reserved for cases of rape.

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I misread the post. I thought it said the baby isn’t inside her body

I think people should be sterilized after their second abortion

A beating heart and unique dna is not a person. It has no memories or desires - no emotions that any actual human would recognize

If they're having a second abortion they should be labeled as cum dumpster, because they clearly don't learn from their mistakes. If they fuck trash, then they are trash.

Lol we can make beating hearts and generate unique dna in petri dishes

A lack of memories or desires does not constitute a lack of humanity

>A beating heart and unique dna is not a person.

Haha. yeah it kind of does, along with everything else a baby inside the womb has, like a brain, legs, arms etc.

>It has no memories or desires - no emotions that any actual human would recognize

Oh so now this is what makes a human? By what definition? And yeah they do. They have a brain and therefore are capable of having memories. They have a desire to live, and not feel pain. So yeah...

They can look at it that way if they want. It's their own body that the fetus is feeding off of, so it is their choice. mind your own

here's a better abortion comic

Attached: Chad baby killer.png (2518x1316, 319K) amount of nurture cures fetal alcohol syndrome douche

All these fucking people thinking people are aborting like 7 month old babies lol

No feti don't have memories or desires. And they won't after nerve functions have ceased either

>They have a brain and therefore are capable of having memories. They have a desire to live, and not feel pain. So yeah...
You're one of those people who cites a billboard next to a church as being just as valid as an actual peer-reviewed scientific paper.

Go back to eating the wall candy and let the adults handle this.

If it's her fault she got pregnant why does she get 100% of the abortion?

You know what a shotgun wedding is yeah? A guy being forced to marry a woman because he got her pregnant, being forced to accept responsibility for his actions.

We don't hold women to the same standard, they never grow out of "innocent little girl", and that's shown by all these 20+ girls who watch Disney constantly. There are so many options for enabling healthy sex so how are these girls still getting pregnant? Do they just not pay attention or what?

I'm the douche for pointing out that women can be trashy? Really?
If the girl smokes and drinks constantly it means she doesn't care about what happens to get body

How am I the douche here?

Science has already agreed that human life begins at fertilization, when the embryo forms. The question is when the fetus is considered a person

No amount of freedom for women stops babies from dying

The bible says the child is a person when it walks on land. Which is quite some time after it's born


The Bible also talks about an invisible being flooding a planet because people weren't obeying him

I don’t think the Bible is a good source document for determining societal morals

Science has already agreed that youre a fucking mongoloid.
Anyone that is pro-life should be vegan seeing as just about every single animal has more consciousness as a fetus. Being "alive" doesnt mean anything. a fucking plankton is considered to be alive. But for some reason uneducated inbred hicks get to control the lives of other people because "muh feelings get hurt if a cell dies."

And yet this whole argument is because of people believing in fairy tales.

Aww poor little snowflake is buttfurious.

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not an argument

No this is because women can’t grow the fuck up and want to be able to do anything they want without having any responsibility or suffer any consequences

>12 year old girl is kept in a sex dungeon and raped repeatedly by her family.
>gets pregnant.
>"you just want no consequences you whore."

Numbers 5:15 - 5:23 God gives consent, instructions for, and performs abortions.

no one has a right to her body. period end of story. this is like if the government made you give up a kidney to someone because they'll die with out it.

I like how you make falsehoods to prove why people shouldn't punish adult women for getting pregnant and not being responsible about who they fuck

Aborting a child can prevent it from having a miserable life.
The mother drinking and smoking during pregnancy will do the opposite and actively work towards it having a miserable life.

This is the fucking straight truth here. Women are reckless, stupid, and won't listen to reason

Nice straw man faggot

Wont sombody think of the grass. Just because it has no memory, feelings, goals, or awareness of its surrounding, it doesnt mean its right to cut it.

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree

Holy shit are you actually that secluded from the rest of society that you dont think rape babies are a thing?

Think of what you'd feel if your parents aborted you. Oh right, you wouldn't feel anything. I guess youd be the grass you now every week

Thanks. I made it myself.

Are you stupid nigga?

You can be pro-choice and judge someone who gets an abortion. Pro-choice isn't pro-abortion, it's the realization that it's not the government's decision.

>rape babies
Holy shit are you so secluded from society that you think every abortion is because of a rape?

A quick dna test would prove that wrong pretty fast.


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all sex is rape, so yes.

I don’t know man looking back at this abortion stuff now I think it’s more the guys fault, for not pulling out on time

Please say “sike”

>the government shall not force someone to surrender their property

>Unless the property in question is your body, then you WILL surrender it to the fetus

Found the Republicuck . Enjoy sucking on daddy Putins dick today? You like that hot commie load?

>no u
Use your big boy brain for this. If abortions are banned. Rape victims cant get abortions. Im sure youll get it if you think hard enough

>u mad
Not an argument

>anally eviscerated

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oh, no, im super cereal.

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> Big boy brain

Holy shit you're actually just stupid. You haven't been here long. I've said abortions should be legal in case of a proveable rape. But the fact is it's being banned because many people use it as birth control.

Why is it most of the people who are against abortion, are the people who you wouldn't fuck in the first place?

sure kid

>you should remember me on this anonymous board
Never mind i don't think you're gonna figure it out

Don't you mean "sex that she regrets because she's a whore and she hooked up with a guy who didn't preform well probably because they met while they were drunk is rape"

Oh right now you're letting you're bitch brain take over. Learn to read, you'll figure it out.

If I started sucking nutrients out of you, you’d want me gone too. You’d have every right to force me out, regardless of who you fucked or what you did to me to “deserve” it.

>nice strawman
Also not an argument.

How come when it's us, it's an abortion. and when it's a chicken, it's an omelette

>you're bitch brain
This person is allowed to vote


as soon as a penis enters a vagina, a rape has occurred.

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I love how you're comparing an infant to a leech. What a logically sound argument

if a man doesn't want to financially support his child, he shouldn't have to

What if I just "borrowed" your circulatory system for 9 months?

It... is literally leeching nutrients from the mom. She can expel it just as you could expel me.

Nice argument, really proved me wrong. Are you always this retarded?

its the same thing. just swap money for womb.


Why do you think human reproduction is any different from any other animal reproducing?

A cat pregnant with nine babies complains less

a parasite isnt the same species as its host. It's the literal definition. Stop acting like the human life cycle hasn't been what it's been since humanity started

If you think the result of two people consenting in human reproduction is equivalent to that of a leech, you're probably a leech.

Although there is plenty of legal precedent for forcing someone to pay money... there isn’t for forcing someone to pay with their body.....

>let's base all our societal expectations of people on 0.000000001% of cases

>why do you think X
I don't.
>complains less
well they can't really talk

Nobody said ‘parasite’ but you dude lol but nice prepared talking point.


>there isn’t for forcing someone to pay with their body
yes there is. it's called anti-abortion laws. You are forcing them to pay for sex, when they don't have to. they have a choice.

Leech is a verb and a noun. I’m using the verb, not referring to the animal.

What does an animal do if you hit it? They cry out in pain. They can talk just fine, you just can't comprehend anything that isn't words on a page.

But the baby will eventually be born. So she's fucking up her future child's health.

I judge everyone who smokes so I can and I will.

Also, my gf had an abortion last year. No regrets would do again. Triggered yet?

> I'm serious about the abortion though.

Ya that’s why anti abortion laws have no legal precedent... I’m on your side lol

could you rephrase please? english isn't my first language

But you're comparing an organism that was conceived by two people to an organism that sucks nutrients from your body against your will

>men damage their bodies earning money

literally the same thing

It didn’t make any sense and I’ve been speaking English for 28 years...

Communication is much more than spoken words

Ya what do you think an unwanted pregnancy is?? It’s an “organism that sucks nutrients from your body against your will”

Because you're a sociopath and you don't see that other organisms feel the same things that you do

I concur

They’re not forced to take a dangerous job or anything... although there is an argument to be made that debt is akin to slavery

>u-ur just retarted.
You haven't made any claims. You haven't said anything.You made an easily countered claim and then got upset. Youve added nothing to any discussion. Pack it up head back leddit and cry with the other incels


I don’t think it’s been proven that fetuses have feelings...

Maybe she should've thought about that before she let her pregnancy get to a point of where a fetus is feeding through a placenta. Plan b pill maybe? Be more responsible with your female body and stop blaming men for your actions?

>t.someone who can't pass basic biology

And here we see the ramblings of a paranoid schizophrenic.

A newborn is completely reliant on its parents. The bullet proof argument for infanticide? Hmmmmmmmmm

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Can you actually read? You aren't illiterate are you? I've been in this thread for any hour talking about all this shit and you choose not to pay attention

Holy shit do you not know how to follow simple logic?

What's worse, ignorance or apathy?

That’s the ideal, but you can’t take away someone’s bodily autonomy for doing something totally legal. There’s no precedent for that, no matter how much you think the situation is her fault.

Should the government force you at gun point to give your bodily functions to another?

I mean if you have a prepared answer for both of those options why would I respond to that lol

Pain is a feeling. Babies kick while in the womb. They're aware of the parents' voices when they come out.

They have feelings, people who try to shut humanity out like this are trying to relieve the guilt of being a trash tier human and continue on with bad behavior.

That "fish" don't feel pain thing is an example. Of course they feel pain, if they didn't feel it, they wouldn't try to escape when caught. It has lungs, a nervous system, and a brain.

I'm sorry you think most women are not capable of making adult decisions

I don't know, and I don't care.

Is both parties fault. What the fuck is this bodily autonomy that people keep talking about? It's like you're not responsible for what you do, are people braindead nowadays? I'm only 29 but I'm aware if the consequences of my choices.

autonomy is the part of you that can elect to have corrective surgical procedures performed if they choose to. surgeries like abortion.

The. Board. Is. Anonymous.
Read that again and again until you get it. You can't tell one poster from another. The entire chain might as well have been different people. Additionally there was no point in the chain that anyone said anything about reasonable exceptions for rape.Which was another huge round of butthurt for you. Take a moment to dry your tears and like I said. Use your big boy brain.

Calm down lad and just remember to take the pills the nice men gave you.


So if you don't know where my responses are, how can you acuse me of not doing things? You have some seriously warped logic.

>sees examples of extremely poor behavior traits
>considers them "options"
freudian slip?

The best part of being aborted is if I was I wouldn't care

And people think this is natural? Like that kid who was shooting jelly into his arm to get "bigger biceps" even though going to the gym would be the much easier route?

Holy shit it's like these people love being lazy

At least you got a chance to care, seems like you're wishing for death here.

natural? who gives a fuck about natural. I am typing on a computer. that shit ain't natural. neither is my car.

Yeah because the baby would die without it and it's your fault for the baby being in that situation.

If you disabled someone in a car crash you caused the government forces you to pay for their health.

Then again we have women who think they look good when they blow up to 450 lbs and just get lipo, like the last 20 years of their own decisions weren't their fault.

Go ahead and follow every reply to these posts. Give me the post in that chain where you said anything about rape before you mentioned it. It's clear you arent able to figure any of this out yourself so lets see if you can follow simple directions

But its like THE most effective birth control why not use it we already have too many people

There's a difference between life and a computer.

You can simulate an abortion with no consequence, but could you actually operate and not feel saddened?

If you don't feel saddened by ending a life, any life, you are incredibly desensitized.

bumping again

Because the eggs from chickens are not fertilized also because no one has the balls to share their abortion baby smoothie recipes

Plan b and safe sex are just as effective and much easier. Abortions are being used by people who just don't give a fuck and can't weigh things in their mind because they enjoy smoking and drinking their health away

Tattoos aren't natural. Capitalism isn't natural. Guns aren't natural.

Again, nature doesn't do shit for us. In fact, flaunting nature at every single turn is what got humans to the top in the first place.

>You can’t be pro-choice and judge a pregnant woman who smokes and drinks

I'm pro-choice and I don't give a fuck if a pregnant woman smokes and drinks. It's none of my business. You should try it sometime.

What the fuck are you so mad about? You keep responding to me because you're mad that I have good ideas that exist outside of your norm.

You must work a desk job

Human reproduction is a natural process. Holy shit go outside dude.

I wanna see you fight a tiger (without weapons) and then we'll see who wins.

in vitro exists too.

I can't... without doing something unnatural (like weapons)

All those things are natural for humans to do because so many people in human history have done them.

So how can you say humans don't benefit from a natural environment, when health is taken care of by eating naturally, and then say we are at the top of the food chain if we need to rely on mechanical advantages?

The tiger is going to use it's naturally given teeth to crush your skull

since when is harnessing a bunch of electricity through wires channeled precisely through a microprocessor, natural?

Is it natural when I splice up the DNA of shit?

I care about other people's business when it comes to things like theft, rape or murder, or other crimes that hurt people.

Maybe you're a pyschopath?

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non sequitur. go back and try again.

In fact, thanks to technology, we are going through involution. Humans are significantly weaker than weve ever been in history because we do fewer and fewer things by hand

Yeah, I actually can, and do. You learned something today, OP.

It's natural for humans to develope technology, obviously.

It would be unnatural if a gorilla suddenly built an engine and started using technology like that.

>If Humans aren't part of nature then natural doesn't matter.
>If humans are part of nature what they do is part of nature.
Either way your point is invalid

Learn to read.

Again, because you're probably slow.
Tiger has teeth, it'll rip your throat out.
How would you kill a tiger, before it kills you?
You're physically weaker than it because you rely on technology, you're cheating the food chain

I'd really like an answer on the DNA question. It decides whether its right for me to alter my DNA and the things around me, including my children.

you can judge someone for getting an abortion and still think it should be legal to do so. I judge people for voting republican but i still think it should be legal to do so.

It was a contrived dichotomy... now you’re acting as if that wasn’t the point in order to insult me... which is kind of a dick move

Toddlers that breastfeed literally gets it's nutrients from the woman's body too dipshit

You just asked a different question than you did in your last post.

Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's also morally right.

Smoking and drinking while pregnant are not illegal, just looked down upon, as is abortion, we are talking about legality, not your opinion on if the person doing it is a shit person.

>is it unnatural if I splice up the DNA of shit?
what part of that excludes myself and my child?

You left out the smoking and drinking part

>Or the parent could be more involved in their kids growth so they aren't fucked up by the time they graduate high school
If Republicans cared about that they'd support parental leave.

Apparently men are the only ones among the human species who are expected to take care of the one body they have

Why is purposely poisoning a growing child not illegal? Women don't care, although the child is literally grown inside them, they are for whatever reason, incredibly distanced from it.

I don't know what you're asking


I don't -like- abortion. I just think allowing it is better than forcing people to give birth to a child they don't want.

I prefer those mothers put their babies up for adoption though.

Yeah it's always someone else's fault isn't it? It's not like homeschooling is an option, or it's not like children literally have to learn how to be human from their parents.

Nah, easier to blame someone else because you can't be bothered to be a parent. Makes sense.

are you honestly this stupid? i can in fact present a valid argument against this post. if the lady in op's picture intends to keep the child then yes i can in fact judge her. its interesting you call republicans retards. calling names is the essence of stupidity as it invalidates any argument you have. in short. when you resort to name calling you lost as you have no better comeback and therefore nothing else to say.

You can't post bait threads and not be told to kill yourself faggot

The biological processes occurring inside the body of another person are nobody else's business.
Anyone who feels that their religious/political beliefs somehow give them the right to control the biological processes occurring inside the body of another person is not only a psychopath, but a faggot as well.

So...fuck off....faggot.....

Eh. Morally sane people would think forcing someone to not murder a baby is preferable.

>girls raped at twelve
>000000001% of cases

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Oh so you're one of trashy people who doesn't even know how sick they are

Reminder that planned parenthood is literally black population control.

No...I'm one of those people who minds their own fucking business. You should try it sometime...cocksucker.

Huh. Guess I never considered the biological development of another person's-wait... That's my argument lol

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it's not my job to care about other people's kids. if it was, I'd adopt a ton of them and foster for as many others as humanly possible.

Do people not see the inherent contradiction in being "pro-life" and anti-welfare? You're okay with forcing poor people to have children they can't afford to take care of without welfare, thus increasing the amount of people on welfare?

I'm almost certain that the number of 12-15 year old girls that are sexually assaulted are in the double digit percentages. And most often in those cases it is by a relative or close friend.

DaFuq are you smoking? What does men taking care of themselves have to do with anything? Or at the very least, have to do with that post.

If you think harming the baby in any way at any stage of pregnancy should be ILLEGAL (not just looked down upon), then you are talking making women property of the state the moment they are pregnant and there should criminal investigations into any miscarriages. You can't have it one way and not the other. If you think harm to a baby in the womb is illegal, no matter the harm, that is what you would be obligated to do.

Which is why I don't reproduce with people like you. You're not healthy and you don't want to be told you're not healthy because that would mess with your head.

Who's the cocksucker here? Me, who doesn't fuck subhumans, or you, someone who stays out of a personal life because they need to get off?

Women barely know a goddamn thing about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It's the subhuman women who are mad about the abortion laws being passed

But everyone who gets pregnant and doesn't want the kid is going to be a great parent; so force them all to keep the kids. Also provide no help.

Healthy children come from healthy parents. Subhumans come from people who smoke until their teeth turn dark yellow. If you don't care about your health, what the fuck are you doing with the one life you get?

you seem like a real catch. you're gonna be a great owner to some lady some day.

Why are they getting pregnant when there are ways to have sex and not risk pregnancy?

>what the fuck are you doing with the one life you get?
whatever the fuck I want?

Are you one of the subhumans I'm talking about? The ones who can't be bothered to go to the gym but still think they're gunna be attractive forever? You think watching binge watching shows is good for human health?

You're fucking retarded.

Ok my dudes, you guys have a good day. I hope everything works out for you in the world you live.

And if that includes making a child mentally Ill because you can't be bothered to stop smoking that doesn't make you a bad person, at all?

Get the fuck out you've got nothing to add and you know it

Found the subhuman

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Binge watching TV isn't unhealthy

This. Unwanted, unloved children grow up to be criminals or welfare losers.

Based fem

>Republicans are against comprehensive sex-ed being taught in school
>this, naturally, increases the amount of teen pregnancies
>teen pregnancies increase the amount of annual abortions (over 40% of women get abortions because they cannot afford it)
>Republicans want to ban abortion, which would result in babies flooding the already bottlenecked "market" of foster kids, resulting in even more children growing up without a family
>Republicans are also against the concept of welfare, meaning mothers who are forced to give birth due to abortion laws will have to raise their child(ren) in extreme poverty
>studies have proven poverty is linked to crime rates

Being conservative basically means believing in a series of contradicting policies that will make the things they dislike even worse/more popular

Already did, tried to talk about the legality, and someone they brought up 'subhumans'. What's the point of trying to speak with someone with views like that? Someone who values others so little because they are unlike themselves. That is a waste of my time and theirs. So I simply said to have a good day. I have to imagine people like that rarely do.

Remaining still for hours and hours at a time isnt unhealthy?

If you see bones peeping through you're skin, you're too skinny. If you think that being consistently overweight is healthy, you're part of the problem.

Yup. The easier access to abortion, more negros and other poor folk will be able to abort their useless off spring.

It's not someone else's fault, but if they wanna claim to care about the issue, they should try to help.

If my kid wanted to become a sports pro, and I wanted him to become that too, then I'd help him.

Regardless of if I did help him or not, he might succeed, or he might fail. But if I didn't help him, I can't really complain when he doesn't try hard either.

No, there are not.

I mean, if you're doing gay sex or only do anal the risk is virtually zero, but "abstinence" is often promoted as a protection strategy, and it's a really bad one.

If you aren't always concerned with your own health and growth, you've already committed yourself to death. Why should I care about you, when you don't care about you? This is what makes you subhuman

Honestly, I wouldn't have minded being aborted.

And there are worse parents out there.

My friend, you should not confuse your lifestyle and convictions with right and wrong. Let alone determine that what you, a nothing in the course of human existence, think has any determination for what others are or are not.

And when the mother is too poor to care for the child by herself, you're in favor of the government footing a huge chunk of the bill?

Are you helping the issue by blaming a group for your current schema of them being the enemy? Are you not just blaming the devil (republicans) for every bad thing that happens to you?

Use a condom to catch precum and don't cum inside. There, no pregancy

I know people of average build who binge TV. You can also excercise and eat before, during or after viewing sessions.

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That doesn't make sense grammatically

I'm not even American. Republicans don't affect my life much.

I'm opposed to their policies because they're unsuccessful, either unintentionally or because of hypocrisy.

Outliers of a very lazy group of peoe

WIC exists

There are retarded people in every party. AOC stands out as a queen of ignorance

Yeah, you can. You can believe whatever the hell you want.

I'd be the best abortionist around. I'd be hitting number you need exponents to calculate.

Come up with a machine to do it more efficiently, maybe two to three women at a time. I'd be like the mother fuking Eli Whitney of fetuses.

I'd hang up a sign in front of my shop which read:

Come see De. Deletus, he'll annihilate your fetus.

You can't be anti-choice if you've never adopted a child.

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That doesn't make sense

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I think the problem was more in lack of context.

I'd probably have preferred having been aborted while a fetus over having to be born into this life.

And while my parents were bad, they weren't the worst ones out there.

If test tube babies can survive and get a beating heart without a parent is it still a parasite or part of the mother and legally killable?

She certainly has her flaws.

I think her political opponents have decided she's the easiest target, so they exaggerate her actual policy views and then try to link others to the exaggerated views they spread.

But even disregarding that I'm sure she's done some stupid shit.

She has great general ideas, climate control, no racism, but her specific ideas are shit and she gets mad when they're called shit.

The green new deal would have costed around $93 trillion in 10 years.
She said that planet Earth was going to die in 12 years, but then said only idiots would think that (even though her party thought that)

Twitter didn't know the difference between her real account and a parody account

AOC only stands out as ignorant in the US where's she's seen a super communist. Outside of America she is not seen that way because her policies are mostly standard in other first world countries. High taxes on the super rich is only a communist policy in America because it is controlled by the super rich. It's like how someone who lives the desert and goes to Canada in the winter would have a different opinion on the weather than someone who lives in Alaska.

>Thinking test tube babies actually grow inside a test tube

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you have one life, and one life only. I'd advise you to do whatever the fuck you want.

are you an actual retard? a "test tube baby" still requires a womb to grow in. you can't a child without a mother.


Where the fuck are we going to get $93 trillion dollars to completely revamp travel in 10 years? "By making tech that hasnt been made yet"

It's like she lives in Star trek and thinks you can have food warped to your plate.

I don't like her because her ideas don't follow logic. She's a dreamer who gets mad when she's told her dreams need more focus.
" I don't even know what we are here doing"
She can't even use English correctly half the time

Keep in mind, noone voted "yes" when the Senate considered the green new deal. Not even her in party.

Your beating me to post this is rape.

Since most of republican tax policy is passed off as “when I’m a billionaire I’ll leave my parents trailer” I feel like we’re already doing this....

Well you see the other side of the religious coin is that you should practice abstinence so pushing birth control in other forms is just as bad as abortion to them.

this is gold

a lot of em are pregnant by nigra with big dick
the big african nigra dick rip da condum

Still don't have anything to say

Abstinence is the best birth control but telling whores this is like telling a dog not to sniff asses. Weak individuals who are ruled by their temporary desire for flesh.

okay black boi

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Why do you need to join the group think? Figure out how to make your life work in the way that you want it too and fuck the societal standard

Or you know we could just use science so I can continue to bone your mom without worrying about giving your children a younger uncle.

>He says as he spends hours on Yea Forums arguing with strangers

If they would kindly stop trying to legislate my actions into their group think we wouldn’t have a problem.

Pathetic individual. Do you think you're special because you've done something that billions of people have been doing for millenia?

Dude your moms a bit loose but I had no clue she’d literally been boned by billions of people. Damn man no wonder you lack social skills.

Yeah I had no plans tonight, but I've already done my daily required stuff and I had some free time before bed

You absolutely can be pro-choice and judge a woman who smokes and drinks. ere you half aborted?

Noone is trying to control you

Then why can’t I buy a kinder egg... the real kind not the American approved version. Stop telling me how to live my life.

you are a special kind of retard aren't you user?
>It's not like homeschooling is an option
If the mother has to work to support the little faggot exactly how is she also supposed to homeschool? You must think wages haven't been stagnant for 30 years or that the Republican party isnt the fucking greatest force for evil currently existent today.

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Why the fuck do you NEED a kinder egg?

spic and nigri should get free and even forced aborshun

For legitimate sporting and home defense purposes

Adoption is terrible and produces higher than average rates of criminals, mental illness, and lower income in the people that come from it (in the US system).
But yeah, ideally no abortions would be taking place.

The Jews are also the reason mommy doesn't love you.
The Jews are also the reason you have a little circumcised penis.
The Jews are also the reason for your virginity.
The Jews are also the reason you're a 5'2" manlet.
The Jews are also the reason you're a faggot.
The Jews are also the reason your wife, daughter, sister is getting fucked by Tyrone.
The Jews are also the reason for the sun coming up every morning.
The Jews are also the reason bears eat people.
The Jews are also the reason pizza exist.
The Jews are also the reason Kofi Kingston won the WWE championship.
The Jews are also the reason Joe Rogan is bald.
The Jews are also the reason Ice cream is cold.
The Jews are also the reason why people fuck.
The Jews are also the reason Michael Jordan cried.
The Jews are also the reason they made more than 150 pokemon.
The Jews are also the reason that one girl died when she fucked a horse.
The Jews are also the reason Chinese people eat dogs.
The Jews are also the reason OJ killed his wife.

You're applying specific examples to a general problem.
When the fuck have I ever mentioned anything about single mothers? Both parents are needed to raise the child correctly.

And you're calling me retarded? Wow dude

Calling a Republican a retard is a simple statement of fact. The Republican party and it's adherents are the main cause of most societal ill present in the country today. You all should literally be classified invasive and have a bounty placed on your heads.

A) get married
B) work from home
C) work night shift

Or maybe it's humans as a whole, and maybe everybody should work together to fix the problems instead if blaming the other party

To be fair... arguments aside.. statistically speaking if your on here.. your probably kinda retarded.

Exactly the kind of response I'd expect from a species that lacks significant intelligence.

Dems are more retarded

Wic pays for everything now?
since when?
last i checked it provided enough basic calories to keep the mother and child alive.
it doesnt pay for anything other than food...
more Republican retardation at work


Okay, we agree to work together and we will shoot for half the abortions we currently have. See... compromise.

>Dem damn Republicans wunt give me my welfare dey is evil

>Hurr durr me smart cuz me vote for other party

>Dey Republicans is retarded cuz dey wunt b givin me free stuffs

Your emotional detachment is a sign of the trauma you must have endured coming to terms with your mother boning billions of people over a millennia. Seek help, you are not alone..


then it'll be fine outside of her body. if it can survive then they can't abort it you dip shit

i'm sick to fucking death of you right wing anti woman assholes radicalizing the dumb fucks here on this board

Maybe that skank should have thought ahead before she opened those legs

Found another subhuman who loves his government handouts

That’s seriously insensitive to the poor skanks who have lost legs. Please remember the differently abled.

Why are 90% of the threads on Yea Forums bait or copypasta now? Does someone really think that's funny or is this bots? Is it someone's job to keep Yea Forums alive by posting garbage?

The weird part of me wants to fuck a legless girl just to say I used someone like a giant onahole

Actually yes
>Being pro choice you can decide to terminate the fetus
>Smoking and drinking only harms the fetus provided that the mother is willing to keep it

>A) get married
so now you want to force women to get married as well as carry the baby and raise it? 1488 must be your favorite number fascist
>B) work from home
Most work from home jobs that pay anything require a college degree i know since i work one that pays extremely well and i would still make more if i worked from an office.
>C) work night shift
sure after homeschooling the kid she didnt want but your forcing her to raise since the slut had sex and that is just dirty now you want her to put in a night shift never mind an over night sitter would cost almost as much as she makes leaving next to nothing to actually raise the little faggot.
goddamn you are so retarded you must be a hartley

>Ur mom hurr durr
Got any more brainlet?

>Only harms the fetus

Why is this acceptable?

You must be new... Yea Forums has always been about 90% garbage... Jesus I know that and I’ve been here all summer.

Who pissed off the snowflake?

You must be tired from shifting those goalpost so much.

Spoken like a true mindless retard who hasn't felt a single spec of age yet.

Once you get shit on by life you'll understand better.

Yes but I’m to busy boning your mom to continue. Feel free to let yourself out and theirs a 20 on the kitchen counter so you can get yourself some pizza champ.

You should write a book titled: How Virgins Cope.

He hasn't had to survive on his own yet.

do you even know what a social safety net is and why its a general force for stability? In general you do not want your vulnerable citizens living under bridges and going crazy since you can end up with a revolution French style.

>Seething samefag is mad because he's a loser so he blames outside forces

Making an informed decision on whether or not to have a child is not the same as conscientiously fucking it up with chemicals out of sheer disregard. Though both involve the harming of a fetus, to say they are the same thing is false equivalence. Try not to base your arguments on fallacies, retard.

>>boning intensifies

>We needs a social safety net people are living on the street
>Gibs me dat!
>Gibs everyone dat
>Government giving out cash to millions of people crashes the economy
>Now more people are on the street
Brilliant plan, if only countries have tried this out before and maybe we could see the success rate. Oh wait....

dont worry user if you pay enough even a whore will touch your dirty place.

Abortions are population control. Welfare baby control. Increasing these numbers would be detrimental for society.

More people > increases crimes rates > increases the chance for diseases to spread > increase tax dollars (all the welfare babies)

Plus, with all these fucking retards denying vaccinations for their children, we're asking for a fucking plague to wipe out humanity.

But by all means, go big or go home right?

Well since my moms been dead for 10+ years know I assume by 'boning' you mean you're shoving a femur bone in your ass like the faggot you are.

Except this isn't the samefag and you really just outed yourself

Your moms been doing it for free. Lol

You outed yourself as a homo.

The antivaxxer problem will luckily solve itself in brutal fashion with a few sad innocent casualties being caught up in it.

>Hurr durr only insult I know from 2nd grade
>Ur mom hurr durr bet dat duh first time u heard dat
>Hurr durr u mad? U big mad hurr durr

I'm here for it, at least I'm vaxxed.

Really? When did I do that? Are you some kind of homophobe? Why does someone being gay affect you?

This kid is the result from two subhuman parents

Nice pic of your mom

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you are so fucking stupid you drool user. kill yourself to better the gene pool.
all of them third world hellholes.
you do realize in particular the US spends less on its citizens and more on its military than every other country on the planet. What makes it truly top kek is we get no where near our moneys worth when it comes to military spending.

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Good God man

Military spending is a fucking shitshow.

We wonder why China is SOOO developed and ahead of the US? They don't put a fucking dime in their military.

I trolled you
>this post is irony

We should just start eating the babies as per Jonathan Swift.

>Hurr durr look at this country with a fraction of the population of America
>See dey are totally duh same thing

>Hurr durr I wuz unly pretendin 2 b retarded

Nice pic of yourself

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I thought we already established everyone here is retarded?

not at all retard.
you said single women should homeschool why exactly i dont know however since your retarded im sure it made sense when shit that gem out of your retarded ass. Parental leave has nothing to do with homeschooling after all....