Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who vote against their own economic interests

Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who vote against their own economic interests

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dems voted in Ocasio Cortez. checkmate mate.

Go back to le_donald, kike.

My 401k has doubled since Trump was elected. He is exactly my best interests... stay broke liberal chump

As much as I hate to admit it, it’s true as fuck. Take my retarded mom:
-3 abortions
-smokes weed every day
-wage slave
-pretends to be religious while not having attended church in over 4 decades

Literally the living embodiment of pol. I love her to death but god damn is she stupid, I hope wearing her trump sweater and jewelry to the polls to fit in with the other rednecks at the polling booth was worth it.

Americans in general are a bunch of shit bags whats your point

>he is exactly my best interests

yeah,im sure the billionare idiot is certainly having your best interests in mind.he's a piece of liberal shit who took advantage of how stupid the republican party is

trump's against abortion tho

you may have dubs, but that ain't truth

Hahahahahah and the Democrats were smart with Hillary GTFOH little kid. It's a school night. When you grow up and go to work you will understand adult things

>trump's against abortion

what a shame,considering his mother should of had an abortion

Billionaire.. most powerful man in the world.. bangs a super model every night... lol he is a real loser... what is it you do again?

Fuck off cuck

>most powerful man in the world

oh right,i forgot.americans think america is the only country in the world

and he's a loser regardless if you hillbillys think so or not

>super model

lol,you think that euro trash whore is a super model

Butt balsted to 2019 fuck son grow up you fag

Reddit was a mistake

We are the only country in the world. All the other countries co.bined couldn't hope to defeat us, we are the last remaining super power. All you other fucks live in cucked out 3rd world shitholes

Tell me something I don't know.

Because taxes going towards gibs for niggers and spics is in their interest, right.....

>cucked out 3rd world shitholes

you mean,america? have fun with your trump guy,hillbilly

your right,taxes should go to southern hillbilly trailer parks so they can get more meth and opiods instead

Uh huh, because that's what I said. You all tucked in for bed junior?

Stay mad, faggot.

for anyone who wants to read more on this subject (it's actually a written-about phenomenon: why do poor whites vote against their interests?) outside of the context of Trump I recommend "What's the Matter With Kansas?" by Thomas Frank, written in (I think) 2004. We read it as part of the curriculum for a government degree at UVA. Good book.

Your definitions for not being a loser are cringey.

billy eyelash a shit